It's an Extravaganza And it's being done by Quentin Strub no less. He was the CO WISE EUS back in the 1980's and has risen no further. What an extravaganza of leadership and success he is. Freetown perhaps? Seems they have trouble with spelling and grammar everywhere... Free Admission But if you show your military ID you get free tickets for each child? A "professional" Life Improvement Counselor You have to wonder how you make a profession out of delivering free seminars? A major purpose of getting children … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
"Christmas" seminars... On how to make money. Only $50... I doubt Kermit would appreciate this But it is so typical of scientology who threaten and sue people for using their trademarks at the drop of a hat "Certified" Happiness Education Specialist Translation: Learn how to make a commission pushing WTH booklets The largest private relief force on earth Swings into action again. All 2 or 3 of them... And they have to ask to get 2 or 3? The largest in a decade... May have to swing by and take some shots. Sure it … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
An "Extravagaza" On Wednesday night. Should be a big draw. Maybe they can get the Palestinian community to show up in support... Damning with Faint Praise This worth a promo piece? They will feed you... If you just agree to sit through this stuff. It's like one of those Time Share offers or "your cemetery plot awaits, come for a free dinner at Rudy Tuesday's to find out how to secure it." What ideal org alliance? I thought California was done? And does this poster make ANY sense? You could be Olivia Newton-John? Why? How would that … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Anything to get them in... Magic. Music. Dance lesson. Painting. Desperation to try to get "bodies in the shop." Featured Attraction? Now it's a "jam session" at a new time Why I joined staff? It made sense. Gosh -- did they tell you about the hours and the pay? And the futility of it all? Just guess the answer to this riddle... They would use the same tagline for "Talk Therapy or Torture" -- anything a psych does is torture. Ron tells us so. Absolutely no fundraising We are done with … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
JAW at it again? "Superfan" John Alex Wood elicited a "Fuck scientology" from Eric Idle. Perhaps the Pythons will have something to say about this? Well, not sure about best... But certainly poorest. How sad... His life was a mess. So he moved his family to Columbus to join staff. No doubt with promises of a place to say and good pay. Expect he will reach out to the Aftermath Foundation in about 6 weeks... Wow, what an honor This is actually a thing? Erm, what about "Done Sir"? That was last month. All … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Still quoting this from 1965... Obviously, every child born before 1965 made their 16th birthday unless some illness or accident intervened. The world did NOT end in 1981... But this is still absolute truth. There is no way to disseminate scientology successfully Unless the person is a child or has no access to Google. End of story. The real question is... How long will you be able to hack it? Class VIII auditor? There's no such thing any more in this "Golden Age of Tech." And she has done KTL and LOC -- I bet her briefing doesn't … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Free Ice Cream Apparently George is George is a whale who supports this mission. He is like the Good Humor Man... Really not looking good... Bobby Wiggins is sadly not much of an advertisement for "OT VII Super Power Completion" This their plaque? They can't even get the first name right? Such a terrible lie And they put it out every year around this time. Seriously? Now that's an offer you can't refuse... Worst photoshop ever Looks like a cardboard cutout pasted onto the … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Freedom for all California... One more empty building and California will be free at last! Not a chance ANYONE actually buys this. But the rah-rah seems to impress. No we don't Not a one has EVER come back Nothing quite like "Big Blue" It's ugly, dirty and empty. The celebration may be memorable, but not for the right reasons. They're trying to sound fancy... If you have ever been to the "PAC Canteen" you will understand the crazy of them serving "lobster tail" Scientology Thanksgiving Not only are they NOT providing … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Assault your eyes I guess they think it will get a better result if they use the brightest colors, the biggest mixture of typestyles and largest number of words and images... Give his dentist an award Boy, he looks awfully happy for someone who jut handed over cash to another failed project. Hey Dennis, despite the millions you sunk into Sacramento "ideal" org, how's it looking? This is the "glee of insanity." This job IS life... I doubt that is true. Where do you live? Who buys your food? There are SP's everywhere You can't … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
A total PR front They are as interested in understanding other faiths as they are in giving money away for charity. It's all for show. They HOPE... An artist. A VIP. Or an Opinion Leader shows up. Unlikely, but hope springs eternal in the bubble of scientology. It begs the question... Why didn't he do this in Zimbabwe. They bought TWO ideal org buildings in that country? The answer is they have two buildings and no orgs... It's simple... The magic is that once you get started you can't get off it and you have to pay … [Read more...]