Only $25... find out how an episode on the CSN came about. Half price status... Always a good buy. And what was the "Victory"?? They still need to "ensure" they complete their construction target. So the victory was convincing people to show up for yet another fundraiser? Are you ready? They're still getting ready? Surely they are now overwhelmed with people flooding into the orgs (haha) Part Time $1000/week... Yeah, sure. If you buy this line you deserve everything you (don't) get. Not very convincing Something … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
AOLA 500 500 what? 500 people left in LA who will admit they are scientologists? Free food = fundraiser Sounds a-m-a-z-i-n-g And there should be thousands who have been watching right? You want to bet they don't find a SINGLE person who knows the CSN even exists? It's the old problem... People don't buy into the answers to all of life because the building isn't "upstat and inviting" enough. Exclusive briefing This briefing has been being done every week for years. How exclusive is it at this point? Especially when … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies on Saturday
As a result of a holiday, flying across country and mostly the deterioration of my gray matter, I mistakenly thought Thursday was only Wednesday and I missed the Thursday Funnies... But never fear -- here they are in all their glory (?) Perth on a roll Nobody graduating anything, but they have brought in a TV show contestant to try to attract some interest Wizard of OH With a special skit to "take our ideal org to a done." Huh? Strange ideas You know what you said has nothing to do with what building you are in? Doesn't even register on … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Ideal Org? They quote Hubbard talking about building the FUNCTIONS and use this to persuade people to give money for a building. Nuts. Old People Seminars He is probably too old to audit. Otherwise they would have him in the chair collecting $1500/hour. Become employable... So you can hand over what you earn. Looking very humanitarian... Wonder where these guys found the money? Why Pay? They do these "exclusive, one time only" briefings for free all the time? Everyone knows they are just fundraisers. Victory is at … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Armageddon is coming... Only the true believers will be saved. I guess it's lonely then... How is "Target 2" working out for you? Because Target 1 is a big lose. Check out the "Driver License Training" First up speaker. Tough Enough? Or stupid enough? Huh? Something stinks like rotten fish. An empty org... It's the "ideal" scene. WHAT? Come for afternoon tea Stay to be regged. We have to get someone to show up to this place in the boonies somehow... I thought those … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Next time around... Wow, that's some foresight. The Final Moment? Who wants to take bets how long after this final moment they have another fundraiser? It will probably be announced before this one is even held... Food, glorious food Gosh, they couldn't even drag old Michael Roberts along for this apparently. Dallas is so dead they don't want to spend the money to fly anyone there... Nothing says service... Like an empty HGC. Is that a funny light fixture or did they actually send this out with whiteout on it? Foothills … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Though Orlando apparently didn't make their target for opening last week (what a shock?) they are making up for it with an outpouring of promotional pieces that is impressive in it's volume, if not the content. It's a constant flow of travelers... So...? Well, for one thing, they will NEVER find you. If the travelers are so important (like they are going to go on course instead of DisneyWorld?) why aren't you located anywhere they could possibly see you? I'm giving him a cleared planet But he doesnt care, he's handling "Target 2". Plus, you're not giving … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Scientology code Havingness = making money For posterity's sake Just so there is a record of the foolishness somewhere Scientology code Keys to OT = making money Chan man bio He made it big as a roofer. This is much easier work. Quoting some Hubbardisms to bubble-dwellers and being paid for it. That about sums it up... It's about all they have. Delphian school prepares you... join the Sea Org. More dreams... You would think they would promote people who HAD gone OT? Don't have any of … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
An ideal "Continent" Really? 11 orgs to serve all of Asia, the Pacific and Australia/NZ.... That's "ideal"? And BTW -- the reg, Rikke, is the former RTC Rep FLB banished to Australia because of what she knew about Lisa McPherson. FUNraising? Seriously? That's what the regges think -- "Ooh, isn't this fun?" The people that actually have to give the money may have a different view. A special guest speaker... Why are they afraid to name them? Perhaps they think they might get more suckers if they DON'T announce who it … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
The Chan Man is back... And it's only $100 to hear him ramble. How could you resist? He will teach you the secret to make yourself rich: charge people $100 to tell them to charge people $100 to get rich... Whole Track Technology to Make More Money! Jeanie better watch out, she is getting awfully close to setting herself up as a rival to the COB. "COB of the Midwest"? Love this promotion. Clearly she thinks the weird stuff attracts people... Maybe she could dress up in those white helmets, jump suits and boots like AOLA used to do. That was weird for sure. But … [Read more...]