Still pirating Not much gold to plunder in the streets of Battle Creek... That's some fine Photoshop work... And some good typing too. If you are going to write in english, perhaps get someone to check it first. Scots Humor It's always entertaining to watch the brave scots continue to cheer themselves on in their hopeless quest. Robbie Burns was so distressed he had to wear sunglasses. Only £100 to hear... ...another blowhard tell you how to make money so he can take it from you... But it will be a "soul-shaking evening" app … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Learn to escape the maze of life... This sounds ominous. R2-45 maybe? He's baaacck... After a holiday hiatus, the Chanman is back and ready to take your money. Back big time.... The secret history of this planet. Xenu? Clams on the seashore? The Piltdown Man? Just can't get enough of this guy... Courage... go out and sing with green facepaint on. And then have your photo used for a promotional piece. Yes, that is courage. Can you handle the truth? Nope, scientologists have their heads buried firmly in the … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Many apply few are chosen Right.... I guarantee there has not been a single person apply for staff in scientology in the last 10 years who has not been "chosen." Not one. Help your business explode in 2018 Sure thing Quentin. You are an expert on building businesses having been in the SO for 40 years. BTW, not sure that exploding businesses are a thing. What is really sick about the IAS... People actually believe the money they hand over "is being used to save lives, save the planet and forward the goals of scientology" - the ONLY … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
We Are Hiring Anyone for anything. If you are willing to sign a billion year contract we will take you as long as you are breathing. Read this... The first para is Shermanesque. You finish reading it and feel confused. It does not end. The second para is the big reveal that there are universities in Boston and the org there will of course influence Presidents. I wonder where these people live? Planet Cornball? More brilliant logic in play... Actually, imagine how much charge keeps building up. What does this have to do … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
"The Strategy for Clearing Florida" You can bet it consists of ONE thing. You giving them your money. They have no strategy. There isn't even an org in Jacksonville. Or Tallahassee. Or Naples. Or West Palm Beach. Or Daytona Beach. Or Pensacola. Or Gainesville. And there isn't even a Mission in any of these places. Their "strategy" consists of mental masturbation. And your money. We love people from all religions As long as they have spendable cash. And we will pretend we care about their holidays to get them to hand it over. Season's … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
"We are 10Xing" From NY Org... They have been o.5Xing for the last 13 years it seems. One of the "original" ideal orgs, it has been a complete bust. But NOW they are going to "10X" -- right. It's because of all the people flooding in based on the positive media they keep generating. Prescient When I made the comment about Jeff Pomerantz last week I had not yet heard of their new "crusade." The world is shrinking Apparently the "world" consists of 3 cities. And how come Columbus isn't taking care of Cleveland and Pittsburgh. It's closer to … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
What it means to get ready for OT IX and X Absolutely nothing. There is no "meaning", there is nothing to mean about... California Completion Gala They've got 2 left. Not a new org in sight and nothing has changed with the opening of SFO, Steven's Creek, Los Gatos, Orange County, San Diego, LA Org, CCLA, Valley, Inglewood, Sacramento... 40 million people now being "served" by 10 ideal orgs getting nowhere, will then have 12 getting nowhere. What will be different? What's the point? It's a "game" and when this one ends they will invent another. They love "games" … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
An easy one to start... Why are you here? To give you money... which is the only purpose in the universe. He really gets around... This fundraising business must be paying off. Melbourne Australia on Tuesday, Pasadena on Thursday. Yowza. That's a strange "block" It's actually the scientology PR building And then they were one... Every item on this NOI "convention" is scientology. Pot luck Thanksgiving? Most churches provide Thanksgiving dinner. This "ideal" org can't even … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
What about the "Terrible pay" Why are they altering LRH's words??? OMG. The point of this is? Hey -- if there are all these people how come you don't get ANY of them into your current org? A little secret info for you: it is NOT because your building sucks. A live Solo auditing demo... They are going to pinch themselves? Captain's dinner... Obviously they held one in Lebanon Hall for this photo. Now they have downsized to the AOLA Atrium. Next stop the PAC Canteen... Meet … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
OT 7 Objectives completion How sad that he still has so much charge after spending hundreds of thousands to get to OT VII, and now he is finding the solution on an objective co-audit. Do Your Ideal Org Status We need some "bigness" here, big checks that is. This vernacular of "do your status" is really weird. Let me guess... All of the psychotic madmen who shoot dozens of people are insane. And thus they were seeing psychiatrists? And/or were on psych drugs... Of course, scientology refuses to deal with such people. But can you imagine if an OT 7 … [Read more...]