An auditor rally... Actually ANYONE is invited, friends, family and anyone who "want" to be auditors. Just trying to get some people in the door to reg at Flag. Starting the Cocoon Squad in Austin now Come for the food... Stay for the regges -- they will be there. A shot of "theta" at Brighton Theta being defined as the "secret to money" $50 for brunch??? I'd hit the Island Way Grill just over the causeway-- their mimosas are real, their selection of food blows this away, it's cheaper and there are no … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Kiddie Corner Come for the "Atmosphere" But don’t forget your checkbook. A life-changing experience? Walking through an old house? The future is in your hands... Not ours. No graduates, just some songs CCHR swag... Get it now, why? Might be SFO’s big GI source this week. $100 for t-shirts and hats. It IS getting done Believe us. We have never said this before. Kids now being promoted at "graduation" Drugs... They got 6 people together to say they're bad and hold a s … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Three? Not just scientology -- the only path to Planetary Clearing? Maybe NOI? Buddhism? Columbus is back With a Dianetics potluck. They're really going to town celebrating the most important book in the history of mankind.... This is the "huge" Canada Ideal Org convention.. The one they held at the airport. They had a penguin/dolphin/killer whale thingie... A moose... A few people -- many appeared to be staff.. And of course, people on stilts wearing a hockey mask... Talk about … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Orders of Magnitude! OMG 50 in 6 weeks. With every level counting as 1 (so someone completing OT 1 and II counts as 2), this represents about 25 people (being charitable)... Or about 250 people moved up the Bridge to OT in a year. And most of them are not even South Africans, they come from all over to take advantage of the cheap prices. Africa will be OT... Never. Marketing Genius. Entrepreneur [sic] Giant... If these people are SO good, how come scientology is failing SO badly? Graduation? Has nothing to do with … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
They're hopping in Brisbane... All 10 of them. They're heading for Planetary Clearing in no time with this army. Dianetics hitting the streets in Chicago Wonder if they actually sold a book? Graduation? I thought that was for people completing auditing and courses? The Chanman cometh Take your life to the "next level"... Whatever that means. The 'home stretch" Yeah, they've been saying that for a year now. If you've read History of Man, you'll know what I mean... Oh dear. You mean you think that is … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
It's ALWAYS "around the corner" Or "coming up." Never happening NOW or "already happened." Why is it just the same 4 "beautiful people"? Isn't there anyone else in Vancouver? Good luck with that... They're about as valuable as last week's newspaper. Going back to the 50's Scientology has been stuck in the 50's, well, since the 50's. You need a Class IX to explain this? That's what the Comm Course supposedly teaches you? Power Up Your Life? They bring in someone from Twin Cities -- one of the deadest of the dead … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Programming Note: Amy and Mike Easter special is coming tonight on my YouTube channel at 7:30pm EDT. We will be talking about whether scientology is compatible with Christianity. Seems appropriate to cover this topic on the eve of Good Friday. Top Headliners for this... Bet there will be more regges there than artists. Bay Area Cowboys? Cowboys? Bay Area? Like Midnight Cowboy maybe? Missions are not supposed to make Clears... Hubbard went absolutely borneo when he heard this was happening back in the early 80's. That is what ORGS are … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Of course. we kick off this week with the hype about the magnificent, epic, earthshaking, LRH Birthday celebration. Finally, the final component... How stupid were we, thinking the ideal org "movement" was the "final component" for Planetary Clearing? There is in fact a final component to the final component... And next year the final, final component will be the new "on Source" KTL because nobody who actually studied the OEC/FEBC had done KTL and that is why they couldn't apply the tech and the stats didnt go up... And after that it will be the now "on Source" False Purpose … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Of course, Chicago is the main thing happening in the world of scientology right now, so a substantial percentage of the outpouring of promotional items relates to Chicago. The desperation to try to get a single org manned with enough people to fill it's unnecessary building is quite a sight to behold. The entire scientology organizational structure is focused on this and they cannot get it done -- what about "Clearing the Planet" if this is such a tough assignment.... I'm not including everything concerning Chicago because it's terribly repetitive, but I have included a … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
How Times Have Changed Arte Maren, one of the original GO mouthpieces is being promoted by Flag. Hubbard would shit if he knew this -- "FSMs" being promoted by Flag, when they're supposed to be the ones promoting Flag. And a GO traitor (Hubbard painted the GO with a VERY broad brush after they got caught -- they were heros before that of course) A seminar for celebrities and artists who aren't doing well... Jenna Elfman might be attending I heard. Bodhi is definitely in. Jim Meskimen is probably planning to go. "Must Attend" Never been said before … [Read more...]