The significance of the sword? Who knows. Though clearly this event is not important, it's only a "special management speaker" to be named later and something "you won't want to miss." No "mandatory attendance" Now they're "Clearing" Chicago Wonder what happened to opening the "ideal" org? 10 people is all they've got? How lame It's the current version of "Do it for Ron" -- shaming people into completing services as a "birthday gift" -- "you don't want to give a gift to Another "monumental" COB Briefing They don't even … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Her dad convinced her.... The monumental COB briefing... About Africa? In Australia? You think he knows what this even means? Wow -- a basic course completion! That's worth promoting... Dream Team? A Free Seminar in Chicago! This is new news? Like it needs an exclamation point... Looking REALLY excited Just wait to see her expression when she gets her first pay check. Another one brimming with enthusiasm! Why not join the "ideal org" in Nashville? At least its … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
It's the name of the game... And that is all it is. They have not seen expansion in ANZO other than in Taiwan in 50 years. Australia and New Zealand are permanently dormant. Wonder how long it took to round these people up? This is probably 10 weeks worth of graduates... How does this qualify them for staff? They've paid to run around a pole.... No LRH Birthday Event again? It's on "L. Ron Hubbard Way"? Not much of a Success Story She finished Grade 0 and she "feels more willing to communicate"? The stated product … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Alfraudie is back! Seems like his scandals with the WLC are old enough that he can be associated with again. And Stacy Francis too... Where did they find her? Heavy rains washed away the topsoil and she appeared? This is a "beautiful briefing" All about how they need your money Another one ripped from a different org... Just a BBQ? No regging? Hahahaha Bodhi Elfman in the house... In freefall apparently? Apparently they just think of words that sound cool: "No Limits" is meaningless unless they are … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
I guess they only had one "silver contributor" Things seem to going at a snail's pace. Haven't heard of this status before, must be small fry... Don't forget, they also have to do Canberra and Adelaide. They have LOOOONG way to go. Yeehaw We got one! Jean Dale Glass hyping things again She is in Los Angeles. They have 5 miserably failing already ideal orgs within the greater LA area, plus LA Org. Why is she worried about Austin? Because everyone in WUS is now worried about Austin because they have been told it's supposed to be … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
OT Phenomena How "OT" is it to visit a friend in a foreign city and forget to bring his address and phone number?? Curing amnesia on the "Whole Track"? Hahaha The OT levels don't cure amnesia after breakfast. No big surprise If you are flying in from all corners of the world in order to take advantage of the low prices they offer at AO Africa (compared to the other AO's, the prices are not "low"), you probably don't want to be paying airfares for repeat trips. It's a long way to Africa and a lot of money... It's the final race to the finish … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies on Saturday
Mini Mike visits Flag Just dropped in to try to say hi to Mr. Mickiewicz. Rogue's Gallery Only missing Grant Cardone to complete this pantheon of hucksters. This is the "Advanced Org"? Why are they promoting free introductory VM services? Meet the staff? Just an excuse to put the best looking woman on their promotion. Surely the ED or Technical Secretary or even a reg would be more appropriate than the receptionist? This is very weird.... Two scientology celebrities talking about "total freedom" starting with … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Mr. Mickiewicz Going to be calling the COB "Mr. Mickiewicz" from now on.... Infinite Expansion? If he knows how to create infinite expansion, how come there are no orgs in Slovakia or Lithuania? Contrary Facts Her friend is an OT VII who can't make it go right to pay for OT VIII without selling her gaudy scientology jewelry? So much for those OT's at cause over all life. The "National Church" This is it -- the "National Church" up there on the "first floor" as it is called in Australia (below it is the "ground floor"). No sign. No … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Join us lighting the Menorah Why? It's a holiday party And the part they are not saying: they will be pressuring you to join staff and if you won't do that, hand over cash. It's the scientology way -- "Celebrate Christmas with us, it's a time of giving. You give to us." This is a lot of stuff... How come ONLY the orgs that are "next to go ideal" seem to put on these endless events? And why does graduation always feature something other than graduates (spoiler: they don't have any)... The "Christmas Open House" is going to feature "LRH stories" … [Read more...]