This is "sea org" command. Here, "Command" means assuming an unearned position of authority (bestowed strictly by signing a billion year contract) where you order people around as if they are all your personal slaves. "I am counting on you" and "I am expecting" etc etc. The email below from the "CO FSSO" is a perfect example of the entitlement such people feel. Of course, no one would want to miss these events. This is magnified when the Sea Org "command" is in the hands of an MAA/Ethics Officer. Often no more than children, they are suddenly handed control over others' lives. … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
This is what "honors" looks like? Wonder how failure looks? Related to Lord Xenu? An extra from Clockwork Orange? Doesn't shout "happiness" to me.... What's with the teddy bears? Now they have them "listening" to lectures? Motley Crew They are proud of 3 Clears? What happened to 10X expansion? Caek Apparently they had a cake but nobody showed up for their demo? Internet Strategist She should be helping scientology solve their internet problem... The only thing they have … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Aftermath: Continued
I am cheating -- this is not really a "post," I am simply directing you to read this new article in Entertainment Weekly. I am traveling which has hindered my blogging abilities. And also, I saw a dozen fake twitter accounts sent out tweets about me this morning, so I figured they must be going nuts about something. I checked the news and this story is at the top of the Scientology newsfeed on Google. I figured this was the cause of their latest bout of ad hominem bleating, so it deserved wider coverage. It's my middle finger of the morning to the evil empire. Read the article … [Read more...]
Reefer Madness
Koko's gone kookoo over the "legalization of marijuana" in California and is on some sort of crusade to get her little corner (Glendale) to somehow secede from the rest of the state when it comes to the notorious loco weed. Don't they know what Ron wrote about marijuana in Dianetics The Modern Science of Mental Health? He railed against alcohol being legal, while marijuana is less physically harmful and "better in the action of keeping a neurotic producing." Why aren't these women going after legalized alcohol? Why are they so upset about marijuana? They don't believe Ron? Here is … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
It's the Real Deal this time... Not going to cancel this one. Absolutely going to happen this time. Just $100 to take a tour of the "new building." Flag LOVES Tampa Because Tampa sends them MONEY. "Remote Reg GI" is money they collect for Flag. Nothing crass about this. H-E-L-P!!! As with EVERY "ideal" org, they can raise $25 million but they cannot get their damNed backlogged filing done! It's monumental Of course... Bubble is back from her enormously successful reg tour to S. Africa where she spoke to crowds of 10 or more people. It … [Read more...]
More Scientology Lies about Disconnection
This is right from the website under their "Frequently Asked Questions" answer on "What Is Disconnection?" There is no policy in Scientology that requires Church members to disconnect from anyone, let alone family and friends who simply have different beliefs. To the contrary, the moral code of Scientology mandates that Scientologists respect the religious beliefs of others. The Church encourages excellent family relationships, Scientologists or not, and family relations routinely improve with Scientology because the Scientologist learns how to increase communication and … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
After a 6 week (?) hiatus, Thursday Funnies are back. Obviously, during this time a LOT of material poured in. I honestly have not been able to get through it all. There was a ton of pretty amusing "holiday fare", but that is dated now. I have selected some of what I think is the best stuff from the last few weeks. Enjoy. Bad Hair Day She certainly didn't join because of their photo-shopping prowess. Yowza. Not really funny A theme for these "funnies" might be exploitation of children. This is an 8 or 9 year old Sea Org member and this is made "normal" by L. Ron … [Read more...]
Lois Reisdorf The Aftermath
REISDORF FAMILY AFTERMATH – Disconnection This is the story of the last 4-5 years of the subtle coercion and lengths the church will go to, to enforce disconnection of families and friends. I will say it felt like mental torture and being put in a situation of making a Sophie’s Choice between your children. I will also liken it to the term “gaslighting” which perfectly explains how I felt during this time period. (Gaslighting is a form of mental abuse in which information is twisted or spun, selectively omitted to favor the abuser, or false information is presented with the intent … [Read more...]
Why Now?
As I have mentioned in a number of posts recently, there has been a remarkable groundswell of response to Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath. It goes beyond the show trending on Twitter every week, many, many emails and messages on Facebook and handshakes in the supermarket from complete strangers. Most heartening is the number of people who are reaching out to tell their stories. Many have not been heard from before, and the stories are utterly devastating. Perhaps it is a measure of the level of devastation inflicted on people how long it takes for them to be able to talk about … [Read more...]