Another report from someone who ventured into a scientology org -- this time in Washington, D.C. I am not sure how long ago the person had this experience, but it was before they moved into the new "ideal org" building, when the org was operating out of the old Frasier Mansion (which is now the "National Affairs Office"). Of course, the great (?) thing about scientology is that nothing ever changes. It could have been yesterday or a decade ago or in the 1980's and the same things would have happened. You can read the full article here. As a note for those unfamiliar with the term like … [Read more...]
“Let Them” Theory
I had not seen this before, but it is very sage advice from Mel Robbins who is described on Wikipedia as: an American podcast host, author, motivational speaker, and former lawyer. She is known for her TEDx talk, "How to Stop Screwing Yourself Over"; and her books, The 5 Second Rule and The High 5 Habit, as well as host of The Mel Robbins Podcast. I find it to be incredibly valuable advice. Are you familiar with the “Let Them” theory? I’ll tell you the more I grow the more I am okay with accepting the “Let Them” in my own life and relationships. Even family can mistreat and disrespect you. … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
A momentous milestone on our whole track! OMG, the hype. They announce the events, and claim the dates and times are "below" -- but they aren't. Not going to get much turnout if nobody knows when and where they are supposed to be. They're excited at Flag! They even have a backpack... This is a scientology org? They seem to promote anything other than scientology these days... The latest ideal org They're promoting tacos! We are Clearing Poland! They've sold 879 book and by their calculation (which is not … [Read more...]
David Miscavige — NOT L. Ron Hubbard’s Chosen Successor
Tony Ortega (via Alex Barnes-Ross) commented on an article on STAAD/STAND website celebrating the birthday of Miscavige yesterday. In it, the unnamed sycophant writing the piece (probably someone in OSA or RTC) made the following statement: When the Founder of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard, was ready to pass the torch to a successor, he needed someone who would (1) be up to the task of leading the fastest-growing religion in the world and (2) have the strength, courage and perspicacity to follow through on ensuring the religious technology is available for future generations. David Miscavige … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
It's "Epic" Like everything that ever happens in scientology. Watch videos of some ribbon cuttings, which will be shown at the next event and they will then tell you to come watch a video of the event too... This is what is known as making best use of very limited resources. Power Couples! They even have online registEration. Why did Drew and Maria Robb leave the SO? More fake religiosity They do it with Christian holidays, and take the opportunity to cash in on Jewish ones too. $50??? Wash, rinse, repeat... This … [Read more...]
David Miscavige Commits a Suppressive Act (Again)
No wonder Miscavige doesnt want the OEC Volumes available. People would be able to read what Hubbard said about a lot of things that Miscavige has engaged in. Fundraising instead of selling and delivering auditing and training. Placing great emphasis on the MEST of orgs. Locating orgs where there is no body traffic. Canceling the SHSBC (and the OEC Volumes). But perhaps no policy more explicit and more draconian in its penalties than one titled Org Reduction and Eradication. When announcing the new Paris org, he came right out and said it with no shame: "To start, this new … [Read more...]
A “Master Class” on Help & Dissemination
So many question, so few answer: The Brits need Italians to teach them how help and disseminate? They don't have any english speaking people? Pier Paderni has been around since the 70's, he must be getting really old by now. And if these Italians are so good at this, why are the orgs in Italy all empty (with the possible exception of Milano)? And why aren't people simply directed to read what Hubbard said about how to disseminate? The claim is that it is ALL contained in his technology, and according to Keeping Scientology Working, it simply requires studying, understanding and a … [Read more...]
Happy Holidays
It’s been quite a year for our family. We are grateful to all our family and friends for your support and love. Sending you our best wishes for joy and happiness in the new year and beyond. Happy Holidays! The Rinders … [Read more...]
Scientology Continues to Fail in Australia’s Capital
The "ideal org" charade goes on and on and on. Surely someone needs to get some control over their promotional items. This one says everything that needs to be said about scientology "expansion." They have invested millions for a building and they have 7 staff . This is not even a Dianetics Counseling Group, let alone a Mission. Remember when they used to promote the upcoming ideal orgs with shots of dozens of staff waving on the steps -- Valley and Tampa and London etc. All those orgs are dead as doornails despite having much larger fields (I would guess the size of the Central f … [Read more...]
Some Scientology Stats from Inside the Bubble
Some information recently leaked from inside the bubble about what the clubbed seals are telling themselves to feel good. They are now adding up the CUMULATIVE statistics of all "ideal orgs" in the US "since they became ideal." I am not going to go through the exercise of trying to add up how many weeks of cumulative statistics this is -- just Buffalo, NY and SFO between them are 20 years x 52 weeks x 3 orgs = 312o weeks. There are, according to the website 33 "ideal orgs" in the US, the last of which (Ventura) opened in Feb 2020. So, all of them have been opened between … [Read more...]