We just concluded our second episode with Mike Brown, detailing the abuses rampant in scientology, and especially with Sea Org members. We showed some documents during the course of the episode and I am including them here. Rosemary Chicwak Letter to Miscavige & Cruise Graham Berry Demand Letter This is the list of elderly SO members Rosemary is aware of: PAC Base Elderly Sea Org Members Glendale House “Oakridge Inn 2” (1225 Oakridge Dr. Glendale CA. 91205) This facility is a residential “Board and Car … [Read more...]
More Scientology Crime Cover-Ups
I don't normally use my blog to simply promote other stories by scientology whistleblowers, but this morning is an exception. First, last night, Mat Pesch put up a new YouTube video with the latest news from one of his inside sources at the FLB. He has a lot of information about specific individuals, but ends with a bombshell about Miscavige's direct involvement in the "Chase Wave" and how he sent one of his personal staff who was directly involved out of the country. It is quite remarkable the level of detail Mat is getting... Then this morning, Tony … [Read more...]
The New Library Campaign
Scientology is infamous for its "library campaigns" where they pressure people into giving money to buy L. Ron Hubbard books to ship to libraries. This is a program I initiated when I was L. Ron Hubbard Personal Public Relations Officer International (LRH PPRO Int). It started out as a relatively benign activity, but has morphed into something that has resulted in millions in revenue for the sale of the books, and tens of thousands or more Hubbard books thrown in the dumpster by libraries who do not want unsolicited books. There are numerous stories from librarians who have said they didn't … [Read more...]
Spring Break Vacation
Today, we are heading off on a 7 day cruise with the Headleys and Smith-Levins. The blog will go into "vacation mode" -- there will be some new posts, and I will also republish important articles from earlier -- though not the same ones I did when we took our cruise to Alaska last year. I will still moderate comments as I can -- probably not as fast as normal. I encourage you to read the republished articles again, even if you have read them before, as they contain important information. In some cases I have updated them. And one of them has an accompanying new video on my YouTube … [Read more...]
San Francisco Ideal Org Failing – What a Shock!
A recent promotional item from San Francisco tells the real story of this, one of the first "ideal orgs." They are oddly proud of the fact that "just since reopening these services in September" they have completed "40 students and preclears on their next Bridge steps." They are celebrating this as an "outstanding year of Bridge progress." That is 40 completions in 5 MONTHS. 20 WEEKS. That translates into 2 courses or auditing steps a week. TWO. This is not even the level of production expected of a part-time mission. Let alone an org. Let alone an “ideal” org that should have been … [Read more...]
Mad Mappin Hits the Interwebs
Scientology's version of Monty Pythons Upper Class Twit is at it again (I always love it any time I can slip in a Monty Python reference) -- if you don't know this skit, I have included it at the end of this post. I have written about Mad Mappin before (the most recent here: Mad Mappin At It Again). Now he has called on a local member of the British parliament to do something about the "genocide" of the COVID vaccines. (Wonder if he has sent something to David Miscavige demanding an explanation as to why all Sea Org and staff were required to get the "Covid injections"?). Putting an … [Read more...]
Another Empty Ideal Org
An interesting piece in the Minnesota Daily Another inside view of an "ideal" org -- empty like all the rest. A few highlights. The almost obligatory mention of Shelly and now the fact Dave is in hiding: Shelly hasn’t been seen publicly since 2007, and any comment on her whereabouts from the church seems vague to say the least. David, on the other hand, has disappeared more recently in wake of a civil child trafficking suit. The results of his OCA were, surprise, surprise "unacceptable": My OCA results considered me to be in a largely unacceptable state, only activity being deemed n … [Read more...]
Ghost Ship: SMV Freewinds
One of our readers was on a cruise that stopped in Aruba. They took some shots of the ghost ship. There isn't any sign of life, the lights are on but there's nobody home. At some point Captain Napier made an appearance: Not sure what he is doing -- he looks a little frustrated (no big surprise, imagine being the "captain" of a ship permanently tied up to a dock with no passengers)... It turns out his appearance was for a video shoot! What a surprise…. They gathered some kids and had them muster up in formation to be addressed by Capt. Mike (the camera crew is behind the s … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Of course, this week we have a lot of late Xmas or (as someone cleverly put it recently -- R6Mas) announcements and urging people to show up to the orgs for New Years celebrations reg events. Generic Please Come CC has a DJ and Dancing Angels? More implants from the R6 bank according to L. Ron Hubbard Melbourne for Brisbane Because Brisbane can't do it for themselves... You are not mortal BUT, we will sell you your "eternity" P This lady is going to tell you how to get up the Bridge Make a LOT of money, … [Read more...]
Happy Holidays
To everyone who visits this site: Happy Holidays. May this time be filled with family, friends and joy. … [Read more...]