Wandering Wick Wore out his welcome in Melbourne. Now in his homeland creating big effects... Yawn. I guess he has been officially put out to pasture. He probably has a medical condition the SO doesn't want to pay for so they sent him back to NZ to take advantage of the free healthcare for citizens. What does it take? Just some crazy wigs and an LRH quote it seems. Oh, and your money. Graduation for Human Rights Day? Not enough graduates for a graduation. Not enough dones for an event about Human Rights. I know, let's put them … [Read more...]
Happy Thanksgiving
For all of you in the United States, have a wonderful Thanksgiving today with family and friends. We will be celebrating with Mary and David Kahn, Aaron and Heather-Smith Levin (and girls) and Mat Pesch and Amy Scobee. We have a lot to be thankful for. If you have your family in tact, cherish them. For those who have suffered the loss of disconnection, keep the faith that eventually they will see the light and you will be reunited. In the meantime, appreciate the family and friends you do have in your life. I will publish the Funnies on Saturday. Over at the Underground Bunker, … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
We see the start of the Christmas promotion this week. Scientology loves to partake in the psychiatrically implanted ritual surrounding the birth of "the man on the cross"... It's pretty weird. But anything to try to get people to come into their empty buildings. AO Africa hiring staff for Class V orgs? Huh? About as NON-scientology as you can get It's a bunch of dilettantes. Blast from the past... Wow, Bobby Wiggins is still trying to make a living from IAS commissions. It's very gentle and easy... You don't have to mention … [Read more...]
Off The Deep End
I watched the excellent 4 part documentary The Deep End about spiritual (cult) leader Teal Swan. I had never heard of her until I saw this doc. This trailer will give you some idea of who she is: The filmmakers, Jon Kasbe and Bits Sola have done a remarkable job of showing the world of Teal Swan. They were given astonishing access to Swan and her followers over three years. What unfolds is a fascinating study of control and domination by a cult leader reminiscent of so many others. Bits Sola was also a producer on The Vow (the mesmerizing HBO doc on Keith … [Read more...]
RPF Insider Part 3
The third in the series - see Part 1 and Part 2. This is the last in this short series and includes an exact schedule on the RPF and a letter to the US Secretary of State (I only included the letter not the attachments). … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
May 9th Reduced to a "special graduation" Back in the day it was a major event held at the Shrine Auditorium Ideal Scenes and Ideal Orgs It's pretty ideal in the world of scientology. At least in their minds. Well, isn't that theta He learned how to be "light and gentle" on the PTS/SP Course. Must be a different course than I ever saw. Still Going Still a "Class VIII" Still a rimless zero Trying a new angle for some PR points Pretty soon we will be reading that the VM's have "formed a partnership" … [Read more...]
Scientology TV Flatline
Not really "views." They probably mean clicks. Keep paying those clickfarms enough and they will get you a billion. This is part of the lies presented to the sheeple that there is "massive interest" in scientology and new people are "flooding up the Bridge." Don't try and make sense of the image they have used. Just read the text. The image is bizarre -- broken hearted planet? Planetary heart attack? Valentine's Day? Who knows? Here is some reality. ScientologyTV showing they have a total of 160 viewers! Most of those are probably staff and registrars hoping to find some raw … [Read more...]
A Message from Ukraine
This is a video from a scientologist in Ukraine. Eastern Ukraine. I watched the 20 minute video and it is heartbreaking to hear what is happening in her country. I don't doubt the tragedy she recounts, her bravery and sincerity in making this video, or that she is asking for help. This situation is devastating. But, this video also highlights several things about scientology and the mindset of a good scientologist. After describing the horrors that are occurring, she hits upon a familiar theme -- there is great urgency, the future of the planet it as … [Read more...]
Through the Bubble – Lili’s Adventures in Scientologyland Part 8
This is the eighth installment of the account of a journey into and out of scientology -- written by one of our long-term readers. I hope you enjoy her insights, humor and style. Lili also provided a glossary of terms. Through the Bubble - Lili’s Adventures in Scientologyland This is my quirky recollection of events. Others may remember things differently. Lingo is italicized on the first mention, capitalized after that. I’ve compressed complexities in the cult to simplify your reading pleasure. Part Eight I’ve Never Been so Happy to Not Have a Doorbell After I moved out of th … [Read more...]
Now THAT’S a Success Story!
One of the things scientology is very good at it is peer pressure/reinforcement. A key tool of this technique is the "Success Story" which is required from every person who completes a service in scientology. Here is a classic example that ticks all the boxes of over the top gushing hype -- following a couple of weeks of running around a pole all day. And this is the SECOND TIME she has done this "rundown." I JUST COMPLETED MY 2ND CAUSE RESURGENCE RUNDOWN MARCH 4, 2022! I have been exterior since my last day of my Cause Resurgence Rundown last Friday … [Read more...]