One of our readers sent this to me and I thought it very appropriate and something I could republish while on my Spring Break.... What the World Needs Now I guess I expected that having been prevented from mingling with other humans for most of 2020, people would greet the return of social activity with smiles, hugs, and good fellowship. But I was wrong. An October 2021 article on, entitled “Why Everyone is So Rude Right Now,” reported several incidents of assault on restaurant workers, a bus driver, and a flight attendant when clients were asked to wear a mask or control their la … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Hall of Fame? An an "extraordinary" briefing on GAK Extension courses. Nothing about actual graduates. Woohoo! Our files are current. Or they were last week. They're probably backlogged again already. The most sophisticated administrative system in the universe.... Get Virtually Briefed... By a registrar! Haha LRH Birthday Celebrated at graduation? Oh dear. What a downgrade. A Must See Event! Your money will magically disappear.... All Ideal USA Can you imagine how incredible it will be?\ The USA will be … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
2022 - It's Going To Be Monumental Like every other year. At the start its always going to be THE year. Coming up on 20 years they have been working on getting orgs ideal. 35 for St Hill Size. Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner Columbus is the third best org in the world? Columbus. OMG. Are they recruiting homeless people? It would not be the first org to have done that... Guadalajara is going ideal... One of the smallest and failingest orgs on earth is now going to go ideal. Sure.... What does this have to do with … [Read more...]
Happy Holidays
To everyone who comes here, and by doing so, supports ending the abuses of scientology -- have a very Merry Christmas. Whether you are a Christian or not, this is a time of good cheer and good wishes. Revel in them. Enjoy the friends and family you do have, even if some are not present due to cult influence. … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
If he is so successful... Maybe he could do a seminar for the staff of Columbus "ideal" org. Because they are failing miserably. So bad in fact that the majority of staff there are imported Sea Org members to try to give the appearance there is a going concern inside their new empty building. The impact we are making in Ohio This event should be done and dusted in 3 seconds or less... that would be an appropriate celebration for their "impact" Valley Unites Well, they will have the old ladies from the OT Committee there. That will be about the extent of … [Read more...]
Joy Villa Scientology Fame Whore Gets Her (Next) Man
Episode 54: The Sea Organization Deep Dive with Hana Whitfield
Hana Whitfield is such a pleasure to talk to. One of the nicest, kindest people I have had the pleasure of knowing, she is also one of the most interesting. She helped us on The Aftermath, appearing on the episode "The Life and Lies of L. Ron Hubbard" (S2 E 13). Hana joined the Sea Org before it was the Sea Org (it was originally named the Sea Project) in 1967, and went on to Captain various Sea Org ships and bases. We do a deep dive into the early years of the formation of the SO, her recollections of Hubbard, his "Mission Into Time" and much more. Hana was a highly trained scientologist … [Read more...]
Why Columbus?
This was the Re: Line of the Email. Why Columbus? Good question, and it is certainly not answered in this promotional item.... Everything except the "Buckeye Cafe" is what every "ideal org" supposedly has. Columbus claims they are a "Fully manned org" -- what they are not saying is that Columbus is "Fully manned" by Sea Org members who were sent there because there were no qualified staff in the place and they had to do a "Grand Opening." The Sea Org members were sent to "replace themselves" and they have not done so. There isn't any real public in the org so nobody to … [Read more...]
New York, New York
Apparently, New York is all action and accomplishments (at least according to their recent announcements). Of course, the huge, monumental, earth-shattering news is that they finally made a single Clear. This is cause for a SPECIAL graduation to be held. Because, hell, you don't make Clears every week. Once every 6 months or so is good and should have New York City fully Cleared in... well... never. Clears are sort of a necessary element to "Clearing Our City/State/Zone/Nation" and they are, as you can see, really making the big push. They are not just smashing … [Read more...]
The Conceit of Scientologists
Another STAND League fool offers his twisted take on how scientology is maligned in the press. STAND League should adopt a new motto for themselves, using the wisdom and words of the Bard himself: Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Jim Kalergis has been one of the big FSM's in the LA area for decades. His livelihood depends on people believing that scientology is good. This guy actually thinks scientologists re in a position to complain about how people don't trust them media? Wonder what a Gallup Poll would say about the public … [Read more...]