Yeah, Mental Health is Suppressive And this special OSA Int Speaker is nobody... The Special OSA Int Speaker... Looks like Jesse has actually been sent there on mission to try to get this craphole ready for Miscavige to yank his ribbon. Not really special. A flunky who could be spared from OSA Int and they parlayed that into some status to try to attract suckers. They're "clearing" some city, apparently not Santa Barbara any more. Those words are now forbidden. Soar to your eternity? Seems like its sort of inevitable, so what's the point … [Read more...]
Clearwater and How Scientology Buys Influence
A few nights ago, the Clearwater Chamber of Commerce held their annual gala. You might be surprised to learn that scientology is one of its sponsors. But you might not be surprised to learn that the outgoing Chair of the Chamber, Katie Cole is a prominent local attorney who represents scientology. In fact, she is the protege of Ed Armstrong, a local legend in the real estate/zoning law practice who has represented scientology's interests since I first hired him in the early 90's (I guess it was?). This is scientology "safepointing" 101. Find a well connected … [Read more...]
Desperation in Clearwater
Flag is seriously desperate to get anyone into the building for the regges to grab hold of. Flag holding "seminars" by PUBLIC to brief them on "OT" is so weird L. Ron Hubbard would be apoplectic if he had not shuffled off his mortal coil so many years ago. Flag has the highest trained auditors and C/Ses on earth. THE experts on the subject of going OT. But rather than them doing seminars on "the keys to OT" they have two local whales delivering this. Why? Hubbard freaked out when he found public scientologists "on the backs of orgs" taking “advantage” of “his staff” and “stealing his p … [Read more...]
Musings from the Back Porch of Eternity: Scientology, Gods, and Emily Post
Musings from the Back Porch of Eternity Scientology, Gods, and Emily Post Everything’s Cool, Just Hang in There If some god whisked me away from Earth, granted me eternal life and ridiculous powers, I would still come back and visit my friends. Or I’d at least drop 'em a note. Tell 'em I was okay. “Good roads, good weather,” right? If you believe in L. Ron Hubbard’s blueprint of the universe, that he dropped his worn out body so he could tend to Target Two and clear more planets, and if you believe he was cause over matter, energy, space, and time—or at least pretty powerful—then wouldn’t … [Read more...]
The Cult Shopping Network
Tonight is the big night! The long awaited, but not anticipated second "season" of the Cult Shopping Network. You can see the trailer here - though I can save you some time as it says absolutely NOTHING. From all indications, the new season WILL defy expectations. Of scientologists hoping for something new, different or effective. As for everyone else -- not so much. The CSN has been a magnificent flop. The REAL audience for this entire scam is internal. They are holding "watching parties" in every org and on L. Ron Hubbard Way. Yet, the public the CSN is NOT aimed at is existing s … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Everything is INCREDIBLE and ON FIRE We are fundraising for our construction documents... Woohooo. And the AO Africa is opening (maybe -- been promising that white elephant for a decade now). And that is important because? This is Durban Ideal Org! Not really. It's a hospital where they provide blood transfusions for those who have been sucked dry by the regges... Great news 5 people finished something! With the Howarth's leading the way. One Clear. Likely the only one this year... Join staff now We have the greatest rugby team on the … [Read more...]
L. Ron Hubbard Hagiography
Though there has been an "official L. Ron Hubbard biographer" since I first hired him in 1991, there is still no L. Ron Hubbard biography. "LRH biographer" or more often now "The Biographer", Dan Sherman spends his days penning prolix fluffery for David Miscavige to read from a teleprompter at his "international events" and Ideal Org ribbon yankings. Over the span of 25 years, the silver mullet and his team of biographical "researchers", headed by Andy Lenarcic, have gathered an enormous amount of information, photographs and artifacts about the life of L. Ron Hubbard. They have … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
This week seems to have a lot of "Why I donated" items. Maybe stats are down on the ideal org/IAS front? In that regard, I repeat the notice I first posted yesterday: NOTICE I am interested in hearing from anyone who has given money to scientology and suffered financial hardship/crises as a result, and especially if you then tried to get to get your money back and were unable to do so. Please write to me at [email protected] with the following information: How much money in total you gave Which orgs you gave it to The consequences for you and/or … [Read more...]
Groups, Collaboration, and the Bank
I know there are some withdrawal symptoms accompanying the end of the Sunday Serial. To help, here is another of Terra's signature essays. Groups, Collaboration, and the Bank In Keeping Scientology Working, L. Ron Hubbard wrote, “The common denominator of a group is the reactive mind. Thetans without banks have different responses. They only have their banks in common. They only agree on bank principles. Person to person the bank is identical.” I don’t think so. The common denominator of a group is not the reactive mind. Such a notion is not only a gross … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
So much wrong here... A Non-Sea Org member giving a seminar at AOLA on how to become cause over life -- some way OTHER than doing the OT levels? I thought these non-staff seminar people were supposed to be reaching out to NEW public? More "seminars" from AOLA? What IS an "entirely new level of survival"? Nobody really knows, but you will get it if you give more money no doubt. Groovy baby Deal dancing? Truth in advertising award I guess they don't see the irony... One Time Only Event Everyone wishes that were true, … [Read more...]