Even though it's still raining, the clubbed seals are positively orgasmic over the warmed-over dross served up by Dear Leader in the first installment of His three part Magnum Opus. Honestly, I am not sure how many more of these I can wade through in the interests of science. But here we go. At least it is somewhat entertaining in a morbid sort of way. In keeping with the admonition of NO DATA, Hans Eisenman and Co. gushed forth with more nonsensical meanderings, tortured math and sucking-upingness. I wonder if all these people are working on amends projects and dutifully saving their FB … [Read more...]
It’s Happening!!!!!!! For REAL!!!!!! (again)
I am taking the liberty of republishing this article from the South African blog here because it is SO perfect, I wish I had written it. There is some really useful information being put forth on this blog. Keep it on your daily reading list. With the Golden Age of Tech Phase II event happening live at Flag today and the replay showing in orgs around the world next Friday the hype is at a fever pitch: Consider these statements sent in official promo: “We will make you a perfect auditor. Period.” “The dawning of a new age for all Scientologists is here. The skills and knowledge vi … [Read more...]
The Hype Ratchets Up
A small selection of a few of the emails received by one person YESTERDAY and some key pull quotes. It's just like they do on movie posters, except these are all about a movie nobody has SEEN. Imagine you heard someone saying this sort of stuff about a movie that they had not yet see, you would think the people saying them were barking mad. And with that, here are some of the RCS's finest parroting the Shermanspeak emanating from the Mecca: ...what will be the greatest event in Scientology history... ...whatever it is you think you know about Golden Age of Tech Phase II, in terms of … [Read more...]
It’s NOT About The Money…. Really.
More tidbits from inside the bubble. This is an interesting preview of GAG II and gives an indication about how He plans to spin it. 1. We collected "everything LRH ever said or wrote" -- for about the fourth time. Same line that was used when the "LRH originals project" was done so it could all be put on titanium plates. Then it was stated for the first set of Tech Vols. Again for the second set of tech vols. For the "new" OEC. For the Basics. For GAT. For the "Golden Age of Knowledge." etc etc etc This is pretty much expected -- after all, He has positioned Himself as D/Source For … [Read more...]
Random Thoughts from Inside and Outside The Bubble
Register Now. Or Be Shot. Or Something.... The schizoid ballet being danced by Big Brother over attendance at the Single Most Important Event In The History Of The Universe(tm) is rather amusing to watch. While many Special Persons have reported being contacted to attend (clearly ALL stops are off on the call-in for this -- people who have heard nothing for years are suddenly being told to come on down), the other side of the coin is the paranoia that an "unacceptable person" may get in. Many reports that people trying to attend have been told to "report to your local HCO" when applying f … [Read more...]
Counter In-tent-ion
The Tampa Bay Times is reporting the latest tent problems today, as church spokespuppets Mansell and Heller try to shift the blame to "out-of-town workers" who "don't know the rules." And City Manager Bill Horne says the church is complaining that they don't like the way they are being portrayed.... Oh, let the persecution bleats begin. All the nasty SPs are mischaracterizing their wonderful efforts to spruce up downtown with a huge flappy tent with a big sign on it. How could anyone possibly think they were doing anything other than what is best for the city? Here is the headline and … [Read more...]
The Sheeple Are Hyperventilating With Hype
Here is a random selection of recent hype from a variety of sheeple. What is interesting to note about these people and their comments is how well they duplicate what they are fed. They have been trained to hear and see things from "authority" and then regurgitate it as if it was their own thought. There is not much comment required, but I, as is my wont, have included a few: From: MarcB Registrar <[email protected]>Date: Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 11:12 AMSubject: Whoooooo Hoooooo!! Here We Go People!! : )To: MarcB Registrar <[email protected]> Ok... I jus … [Read more...]
The Squeeze Is On
See the story just published in the Tampa Bay Times about the plans the church just filed with the city concerning the upcoming events. Of course, in typical fashion they submit them two weeks before the scheduled events, demanding over-the-top special treatment. The usual time for applications such as these is 30 days. They are asking for Ft Harrison Ave to be closed entirely from Friday to Sunday evening. And all sorts of sidewalk closures. If the city doesnt bow to their demands there will be squeals of "discrimination" echoing through the empty halls of the SP building. Chopping down … [Read more...]
Hyperdrive Hype
OK, the hyperbole is STRAIGHT UP AND VERTICAL!!!!!! With Exclamation Points!!!!!! Here are 3 examples that have come in in the last few days. They are a follow up to the posting from this morning. Rest assured, this insane hype is just a warm up for the tsunami of shit that is cascading out from Flag and all orgs and missions and everywhere else now that the dates of the most monumental events in recorded history have been officially announced by one of Voldemort's minions. But for warm ups, these are pretty awesome.... Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 From: Making ANZO IDEAL … [Read more...]
Scientology Offers A Hairless Hand Job
Could not resist the title. Just a laugh on a Sunday morning to accompany Tony Ortega's now highly anticipated "Sunday Funnies". This latest casting call would indicate they have not yet shot the needed footage for the release of the New (old) Mark Sooper 8 e-meter. Cannot imagine what else they would need a (hairless) hand model for. And as usual, at the last minute there is a frantic request for a shot the following day in Hemet. Typical RCS "planning." From: "Marie Bystrom via Casting Networks" <[email protected]> Date: October 30, 2013 7:09:35 PM P … [Read more...]