Maybe the release of GAG II is going to solve the spelling/typo problems that seem to be endemic within the RCS. The old saying about not even being able to spell your own name right seems to be true, at least in the Ideal, SH Size org that is at the very dawn of a new civilization. Speaking of GAG II, the big announcement has now been made, and just in time to save the planet: GAG II is Friday 15 November through Sunday 17 November (gotta have some quality time to do this one right and hard sell all those meters and materials....) The IAS Event is Friday 29 November and the Patron's Ball … [Read more...]
Too Little Too Late
The disasters just keep on rolling. These three emails came in this morning. Larry, Moe and Curly Joe couldn't make this more slapstick.... First, after years in the "planning" SMI is sending out an URGENT email that must be answered TODAY to give information about delivering "GAG II." Wonder what happens to the Missions that DONT have trained C/Ses, Co-Audit Sups and Auditors (ie practically every "Mission" listed on With GAG II "imminent" this is like asking at the altar whether your bride is a virgin. It's a bit late for that sort of "Oh, I forgot to check...." The … [Read more...]
AOSHUK Clearing the UK
This email is a bit dated now, but I have had so much other news to report it just didn't make it into the mix. But I looked at it this morning and it is enlightening in its own way BECAUSE it is now 3 weeks on. I am sure that 7 OT V starts in a week is the best they have done in a LONG time. But honestly, this is really pathetic. With an Ideal Org and SH size org in London and 6 other orgs in the UK, if this is the volume of "Bridge flow" that is occurring, it is sad that these people are SO excited about how they are taking the planet by storm because they had 7 starts in a week. And of … [Read more...]
Ty Dillard Enters the Krazy Rumors Race
Not wanting to be left behind by Mike Smith and David Wilson, Ty Dillard is rolling out the latest rumor. Though for what reason is very unclear. Trying to keep public from going to Flag to do their "OT Objectives Co-Audit"??? Seems a bit strange when they have been HAMMERING "OT's" to get to Flag to re-do their Objectives. But, good news, GAG II is "likely" going to be released "within a few weeks." And for you OT's who "have wanted to do it" [that is redo your Objectives] this will make it easier. Funny how if you are willing to pay, you can do almost anything you want. I wonder if an … [Read more...]
GAG II Hype “Is Not Hype”
Haven't heard from Jeanie Sonnenfeld for a while. But when she makes an appearance, it's like a flaming comet across the night sky. A short-lived "look at me" moment that provides little illumination but a lot of "Wow, did you see that?" The ED of Greater Cincinnati Ideal "Day" Org (is there actually a "Foundation" or is this just a convenient title so she can not be full time due to her physical condition?) lets fly with some totally over the top hype about GAG II -- but makes sure everyone knows she is telling the absolute truth by stating "This is not hype." Correction to your first … [Read more...]