Here is a new piece of insanity from the increasingly desperate regges at Flag boasting about "speed of auditing"... Among the numerous claims is that it NOW takes one year and six months to two and a half years to complete Solo NOTs. This begs the question that I am sure is blocked from the minds of the sheeple. What have those people who have been on "OT VII" for five, ten or more years, going in session 6 times per day, been doing? What is it that is SO MUCH FASTER now? Are they locating BTs and Clusters faster? Blowing them faster? The people that were doing hundreds of 10 m … [Read more...]
ASHO’s New Role
For some time I have been commenting on ASHO being an org without a role. With the cancellation of the Briefing Course they have resorted to pushing "debugs" and "Basics." But now they have a new title "The Clearing Org of the Americas" This says an enormous amount about the abject failure of the "ideal" org program. Class V (local) scientology orgs are supposed to be the ones that do the "clearing." But the vast majority of them (all?) cannot do so. Literally, they do not have the staff trained to be able to deliver the necessary actions to certify someone as "clear." And this is … [Read more...]
Flag The Quickiest Place In The World
Crazy Edy is at it again. This woman was once posted as the Quality Executive International! And now is shouting "speed of auditing results" from the rooftops (and offering coupons for smoothies to encourage you go to Flag to be wallet raped by the battalion of regges). Hi, Right now there is no better time to go to Flag and get onto New OT VII! It is fast and we have unique offers to make it more affordable. Here is how long some recent public took to Stay All The Way to New OT VII: 1. Idan Gov Ari from Isreal did Solo II, OT Elig, OT I, OT II, OT III, OT IV, OT V, OT VI A, OT V … [Read more...]
The Ideal Ideal Org Is Pathetic
Another slip of the promo piece has revealed far more than they would want. Interestingly, Tony Ortega posted about this same promo piece this morning and with the help of Chris Shelton, approached it from a very different perspective than my take (I wrote this last week but haven't had any time to post it, but now seems most opportune). This sets some sort of record for incompetence -- a scientology promotional item that is so revealing it makes it onto BOTH Tony Ortega and Mike Rinder's blogs... Now, that's a bargain. "Only" $27,500 to get to Clear where they start to really … [Read more...]
UK “Expansion”
A recent hypemail from "Ron's Home" caught my attention. Of course, Ron's Home is where they no longer deliver the St Hill Special Briefing Course and St Hill Fdn no longer exists. Hey, there are all sorts of indicators of "milestones" and "straight up and vertical" in scientology. Just as long as you proclaim the contraction is actually expansion, the sheeple buy it. War is peace. But what really made me this stand out to me was the LRH quote. This is the quote that "10,000 on or through Solo NOTs" is based on. Somehow the sheeple have come to accept that if there were that number … [Read more...]
OT IX: Orders Of Magnitude Of Pie In The Sky
Someone recently sent me this letter. It is straight from the horse's "mouth." It should have been clear to everyone when the first "condition" on the release of "OT IX and X" was "enough OT VIII's" plus "all orgs SH Size" that this was never going to happen. Of course, it then became all orgs "ideal" so Dear Leader could make the "OT's" responsible for giving him money rather than him having to do something to expand orgs. But then, there is this. The individual prereqs: Class V Graduate Auditor PLUS False Purpose RD Auditor, Senior Sec Checker Course, PTS/SP Auditor Course, … [Read more...]
The SHSBC Is Dead
ASHO Day and Foundation have been "combined" into one org. AOSHUK and SH Fdn have also been "combined" into one org. Never in a million years would any scientologist have expected that TWO Orgs specifically created by L. Ron Hubbard would be closed in the "golden era of scientology." Unthinkable. But like many of the other blasphemies that have been wrought in recent years, it was hidden in plain sight with loud pronouncements of "greatest expansion ever." And then there is this: Saint Hills NO LONGER DELIVER THE BRIEFING COURSE. And this has NOT been broadly announced as not … [Read more...]
Flag: Cathedral Of The Circular Bridge
Flag, which may no longer be referred to as the "Mecca" of technical perfection and "friendliest place on earth" must, according to the Pope's decree, be referred to as the "Cathedral of Scientology." More fitting for a pope to have a cathedral I guess, and the implications of Mecca are apparently not politically correct in today's world. Though I would suspect Muslims are happier not to be associated with scientology than vice versa. Now matter what it is called -- Mecca, Cathedral, SP Building or Empty Morgue, the fact remains that the "top of the Bridge" of scientology has become a … [Read more...]
Freewinds — The Top Of The Bridge Is The Bottom
Get a load of this, apparently said with absolutely NO irony.... Dear George, I'm writing to you because I want all New OT VIIIs to be through the Student Hat and Advanced Solo Auditor Course before June 6th, 2015. That's why I want you to arrive on the Freewinds right now. If you're not done with the Student Hat, we can get you through it in checksheet time or less. And in just three weeks more, we can have you through the Advance Solo Auditor Course as well, supervised by your New OT VIII Supervisors. Let me hear back from you on your plans to arrive … [Read more...]
The Auditor Mag
The latest Auditor mag was sent to me. It is quite a tour de force of oddities and omissions. Here are a few pages of note. Proof positive that there is no longer a Briefing Course. This is the HOME of the Briefing course. And not a single mention of it, let alone a completion.... Also apparent, the ONLY people on auditor training at AOSHUK are outer org staff. The big boom of GAG II rocketing public up the training side of the Bridge is completely omitted (because it doesn't exist -- they cannot even rocket them through the Student Hat Rehash). The Advanced org … [Read more...]