Another report on the glorious wonderment of flag and its incredibly impressive statistics (unless you actually think about them rather than just read the exclamation points and assume it's "amazing"). The clubbed seals are applauding loudly. This dose of donkey droppings presented as plum pudding comes from Sabine Peschken, once the CO WISE International. She fell from grace many years ago, but I had not heard of her until she reappeared as a Flag money-grubber in Australia. Here is her gibberish, followed by some comments: THIS IS THE 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF THE FLAG BUILDING … [Read more...]
ASHO Is Booming. NOT
More "good news" for those who love Bad News. The air has gone out of the hype balloon that was the Pacifica Ideal Bridge. Remember, ASHO used to be two separate orgs, now combined into one... And they are now crowing about their incredible statistics: If "virtually every preclear completing the SRD and going into the HGC goes Clear within 2-4 weeks" how can they ONLY have made 17 Clears in 2 months??? That means that have a grand total of 8 people in the HGC (giving them the benefit of the doubt and taking the 4 weeks figure). And that is with 24 auditors. A 3 to 1 auditor to pc … [Read more...]
Why Isn’t Anyone Doing What We Tell Them?
This was just mailed to me. It is a little dated, but one thing you can be certain of -- things have not gotten better since this was issued. It might be difficult to read as this is a scan of what appears to be a photocopy of a fax of a "goldenrod." But I am laying out the important things here anyway, which are the figures on the first page which explain why this interrogatory is being issued. For those not familiar with an "interrogatory" it is something issued by the Ethics Department intended to help them get to the bottom of a bad situation by interrogating people about what they … [Read more...]
AOLA Completions — Not So Much
This is the completions page from the latest Advance Magazine. Though this is the IDEAL PACIFICA BRIDGE and David Miscavige made much of how people are "flooding up the bridge in record numbers", you can see for yourself what is really going on in this "ideal" AO. Of course, they never make clear what period these stats cover, but based on other mags, this is likely 3 months worth at least. And it exposes the reality of people "Flooding up the bridge to OT" for the world to see. AOLA had EIGHT Solo II completions. That is the exact measurement of how many people are "flooding up … [Read more...]
Flag “Good News” Is Getting Ugly
Been a bit busy and backlogged some of these reports. If you read the first Mintzmeat report, you will observe the Super Power/Running Program completions have settled down to between 10 and 20 per week, in a long term Emergency trend. And OT VII completions are almost always under 10 per week. The first two stats don't come close to justifying the massive SP building. This is lame as hell. Compared to the earlier posts, this is how the stats look (these figures are earliest weeks first, these latest reports added to the end). Super Power: 21 24 23 21 20 10 1 … [Read more...]
Flag’s Latest Good News
An appropriate question for Mr. Mintz. Flag is just limping along, with every stat he reports either downtrending or level long-term. No doubt he doesn't notice. He just thinks 8 Clears and 8 OT VII's a week is "good news" so keeps sending it out. And as long as it has a heading saying it's good news, everyone apparently buys it. Explains why so many people were sent from Flag to try to boost the ideal Pacifica Bridge. Compared to the earlier posts, this is how the stats look (these figures are earliest weeks first, these latest reports added to the … [Read more...]
Newsflash: Now You Can “Re-Do” Super Power
Amazing -- not even out for a year and already you can "re-do" Super Power. Put aside the conceit of promoting Matt Feshbach to give a seminar on how to handle your finances -- when as reported earlier he filed for bankruptcy a few years ago and had massive liens from the IRS. And ignore that in alignment with the new normal of GAG II, he no longer promotes himself as a Flag Trained Class VI -- he apparently has no classification at all. Just focus on the best news for regges everywhere -- straight from the mouth of Flag OT Committee Chairwoman, Mrs. Feshbach's IAS bosom buddy and … [Read more...]
Another One Bites The Dust
In the era of massive, straight up and vertical, 47X expansion in the wake of GAGII one could be forgiven for assuming that this would be most evident in the LA area -- "home to the largest population of scientologists on earth" according to the infallible pronouncements of Dear Leader. One might also assume that the boom is happening at the bottom of the Bridge with the massive international dissemination campaigns "sponsored by the IAS" and the enormous international dissemination center right there in LA, alongside the largest digital printing plant on earth at Bridge Publications and … [Read more...]
Massive Expansion — Of Lies
Here is an entire page from the latest International Scientology News reporting on the wonders of the "25th Anniversary" MV Cruise for the math challenged. Dear Leader seems to have outdone himself with his presentation of big lies and small stats to "support it" -- yet the "small stats" are REALLY small, but just hyped as being "big." It is really quite bizarre how they can break down stats into "completions per hour" and make the most pathetic appear to sound big and "booming." And it seems nobody EVER does the math to see what is really being said. Everyone … [Read more...]
GAG II Is Strangling Scientology
There is a steady stream of reports coming in of the new gestapo tactics being employed to try to enforce "standard tech" on the field with GAG II. It is fascinating to watch the organization eat itself. It's like a trapped rat, gnawing off its legs in a desperate attempt to avoid the inevitable, but in the process hastening the end as it bleeds out from its self-inflicted wounds. Apparently there are "Sea Org missionaires" on the warpath to shut down missions and field auditors that are not "GAT II trained" and/or don't own a Warehouse 8 meter. I have reports from several missions … [Read more...]