How is it possible that 4 MONTHS after the release of GAG II and its super, incredibly fast training line-up, the IDEAL ORG in Orange County the MOST ADVANCED auditor trainee on the GAG II line-up is on PRO TR's? Maybe GAG II isn't all it's cracked up to be? Surely D/Source for Lost Tech didn't misrepresent his wondrous breakthroughs? Or maybe Orange County only has ONE person on auditor training? Or maybe Orange County only started their first person on GAG II auditor training a month ago? Whatever the reason -- this is more proof that GAG II is not solving anything and the … [Read more...]
The Running Program
Remember, this rundown consists of running around a pole. Nothing more. I wonder what miraculous results would come if D/Source For Lost Tech "discovered" a new rundown that "came from the whole track" -- and it consists of sitting quietly on the floor until you have a realization (sort of like meditation). I can hear the clubbed seals babbling on about the genius of COB and how this was better than any OT level and their entire universe has suddenly aligned and they now have limitless power and theta. Here is a recent over-the-top testimonial from a KoolAid drinker par … [Read more...]
The Crazy Stakes
A little light hearted entertainment in the deadly serious business of making money in scientology. You may recall some of the earlier entrants in the Scientology Crazy Stakes -- we have seen some wonderful pieces from David Wilson (who specialized in historical fact vs. fiction parallels) and Mike Smith (who specialized in getting his dates and facts so screwed up nobody had a clue what he was talking about). These two have gone strangely silent, opening the door for some new contenders to step into cage. Today we have a challenger we have not heard from before and something from one of our … [Read more...]
The Bridge To Nowhere
I am constantly reminded of the absurdity of the current state of affairs in the RCS. Somehow, Dear Leader has managed to persuade those who blindly follow him to roll themselves back down the Bridge and start all over again. AND pay for the privilege of doing so. Does it never strike any of these people as a little odd that they have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to progress to "Truth Revealed" (some of them have probably done OT VII and OT VIII more than once) and they really DID achieve what they proclaimed in their success stories on those levels (totally exterior, full … [Read more...]
Pat’s Latest Parodi
Just for the sheer enjoyment that comes with rejection of outpoints. Mel Brooks could make his funniest movie ever with the material that gushes forth from the bubble. It could be a sequel to Spaceballs -- Screwballs maybe? Date: Sun, 2 Mar 2014 From: pat parodi <[email protected]>Subject: Sunday Note and Quote Hello to you! If you live in So Cal you are probably bailing out from the amazing amount of rain we have experienced in the past several days. It was enough rain to push back the grand opening of AOLA and ASHO. It appears that we are in the process of "drying out" and ev … [Read more...]
More Stats From The Bubble
This is another unintentionally revealing look at the true state of affairs with GAG II. It makes a graveyard seem like a bustling hive of activity. First -- 90 Student Hat Completions (supposedly a GUARANTEED two week course) means that this is the size of the existing active AOSHUK field. Everyone had to redo this course (you can bet that the 90 did not include any NEW comps as they admit they didnt do 90 in the 7 previous years). Funny how this is what they hype -- at an AOSH they are proud of their Student Hat Completions and that this is 30X. They have 30Xed something that didnt even n … [Read more...]
The GAT II Student Hat Is Truth Revealed OT Level
The Miscavige Hype disease is extremely contagious inside the bubble. The GAG II is not only the most monumental breakthrough in the history of history, the GAG II Student Hat is "Truth Revealed" and "like an OT level." I swear that Miscavige could feed clubbed seals dogshit and tell them it was foie gras he had discovered in a long-lost storage room and how it is "exactly what LRH intended all Scientologists should eat for maximum speed of progress up the Bridge" and they would start writing success stories: "I thought I had tasted real foie gras before, but until I tried this 100% on … [Read more...]
Bludgeoned With A Blunt Object
If you are a Field Auditor and GAG II has not completely destroyed your willingness/desire or ability to continue your profession, this surely will. You are expected to come up with $10,000 in the next 2 weeks to purchase the "required number" of Warehouse VIII's -- otherwise you will be declared a CI squirrel. How very typical of the arrogant "let them eat cake" attitude of Captain Miscavige. I can see the orders that have been issued now "You tell IHELP they had better get all the field auditors to buy my Warehouse VIIIs and if there are any field auditors who are so DB they are going to … [Read more...]
Please see the recent post on the African Blog about the hoops Field Auditors are now being made to jump through for GAG II. Now comes this from I (don't really) HELP UK. More expected hype about tremendous change and drinking glasses of milk. And then, ruh-roh, plans change because there is ANOTHER "vital tool" for field auditors. GAG II is "old news" already? Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2014 From: I HELP UK <[email protected]>Subject: I HELP/SMI CONVENTION - NEXT WEEK IN SAINT HILL - UPDATE - RSVP Dear All, We are about to create a tremendous change in the entire field of Sci … [Read more...]
More Fundamentalist Threats
To continue to document the dwindling spiral, I will keep publishing the threatening and quite insane emails that demonstrate the insanity within the bubble. Here is the newest one. These people truly are insane: all beings will be blind and in pain forever, soon. This is apocalyptic cult talk without doubt. From: Your Enemy [email protected] Here's the entire issue boiled down to its basic. If LRH were here, what would he think of you? Of COB? Who would he side with? You think he would side with you. The person who ran away and went to the SP press, who's dragging Scn th … [Read more...]