Another front group trying to gain acceptance, the “Tampa Bay Charity Coalition" -- somehow they leave out the word scientology from their title. Their Facebook page features one of their events in the Ft Harrison ballroom -- though it looks like they photoshopped the "Flag" logo on the backdrop so it's not readable. This "Film Festival" is a thinly disguised excuse to show their "human rights" infomercials. You can see there is massive interest in this event... You have to wonder what an "Official Selection" means? No doubt they “selected” the infomercials produc … [Read more...]
A Slavery Free World
Do you think Marisol Nichols has a clue about human trafficking? I don't. If she did she would be briefing them on the changes the IAS has enforced at Gold to reduce human trafficking there. After all, why not start at home? You don't need to go to Africa to find real human trafficking. To help Marisol identify human trafficking victims, here are some indicia that might be used: Holding someone's passport - especially when they come from a foreign country Restricting access to the outside world through physical means and by mental coercion Living and working in the same location -- e … [Read more...]
Human Rights?
In isolation this is certainly a worthwhile cause. In the context of it being another scientology front group, raising yet more money to restore human rights, it is horrible. If you read this it talks about villages in India being "enslaved" through "fabricated debt, intimidation, isolation and denied education." Anne, Donna and Vanessa, here's a clue: you don't need to look on the other side of the world. Anne, you especially HAVE been to the Gold Base in unincorporated Riverside County (not Hemet). If you care to LOOK, you will find: Fabricated debt -- your own … [Read more...]
Scientology: Human Rights Champions or Abusers?
Scientology takes great pains to present itself to the world as a champion of human rights. Their tag line is "Making Human Rights A Global Reality." Look at their website - the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is prominently featured. And their efforts to "ensure the human rights of everyone" are mentioned extensively. Same in Freedom magazine (when it is published -- seems to have dried up of late). Videos showing their wondrous human rights programs are routinely shown at Miscavige's Nuremberg Rally events. Here is the Freedom magazine home p … [Read more...]
An Open Invitation To Discrimination
Here is a new invitation being circulated among the "humanitarians" of the world. Wonder how this "Open Invitation" for "The Freedom of Expression" would work out if your expression was something not entirely fawning about David Miscavige? Or L. Ron Hubbard? Or scientology? Or what if you showed up bearing a cake iced with "Where's Shelly Miscavige?" They are literally inviting everyone/anyone: this invitation accompanied a note inviting a declared SP to attend this event. But then again, this is the email address of the originator: SCN_LFBDFN@ It doesn't fill one with … [Read more...]