Here are the latest news and accomplishments from the scientology outpost in Pretoria South Africa. Their number one priority is to protect their BUILDING! And then protect their staff. And then protect their public. That tells you everything there is to know about the state of scientology... The most important thing is not the people, it's the bricks and mortar. MEST. This single promotional item sums up scientology with that one statement. But they go on with a list of graduates -- I highlighted 3 recurring names. Didn't pay much attention to any other recurring … [Read more...]
Breaking News: Tampa Org is Now Open!
Tampa sent an email out last evening announcing they are "Open to the Public." They have implemented a few "minor guidelines" -- including following their own booklet on how to stay safe and wearing facemasks and gloves (gloves? even though the evidence shows COVID-19 is not transmitted via hard surfaces). It is going to be interesting to watch how much attrition scientology will suffer from this lockdown. I suspect there is a good percentage of their public who experienced the unusual peace and calm of not being constantly harassed by regges and don't ever want that headache to come … [Read more...]
Valley Org – Nobody Home?
Somehow the only pronouncements that come out of Valley Org come from these two -- and they are the "OT Committee"... Surely, it is the job of the STAFF to board up the org? Are there actually no staff left? The staff of the org have nothing to do right now. Whey aren't they boarding the place up? Virtually every ideal org that has had staff "ringers" For the ribbon yanking day -- either temporarily sent from other orgs to make it appear they had at least a minimum number complement supervisors, or "wog recruits" who were promised a "livable wage" in the weeks leading up to the … [Read more...]
“No Reging”
This is a bit old. I had overlooked it and then noticed "No Reging"[sic]. This is a very interesting development. John Alex Wood is still alive and kicking? Who knew? But more importantly, I think this is an indicator the pandemic is going to have a significant long-term effect on scientology. Not only because people are not coming in and paying for services right now and are instead hiding out at home doing a $20 Extension Course, sending in a chapter every few weeks. But because this break is changing the mindset of the sheeple. It's like someone who has had a headache every d … [Read more...]
Hawaii Five-Oh Oh — A Thursday Funny
The "Task Force" to "Save the Islands!" Seriously? Save them from what? They cannot even save themselves. Hawaii has been a small and failing org for decades. And that is being kind. They actually barely exist. That's why all the other orgs have to come to their rescue. I wonder if they realize (probably nobody in Hawaii org is OT III) that this is one of the two most important locations on earth in the Xenu story (along with "Las Palmas" which is a mistake as that is the name of a city, not a volcano or even volcanic island...). According to Hubbard's theories, there … [Read more...]
Tampa “Ideal” Org and Ron’s Fiction
These are the last two Tampa "ideal" "St Hill Size" "newsletters" that are sorely lacking in news. You can compare this one immediately below to the previous one that follows. They’ve only got some extension course "successes" to report, but they're promoting a different video about how viruses spread... It's pretty harmless, giving rudimentary information about bacteria and viruses, though it's oddly "scientologese" with constant reference to "the body.” What it doesn't do is explain what scientologist actually believe about illness -- that it all comes from connection to Suppressive Per … [Read more...]
Auckland Speaks For All Scientologists…
This pretty much sums up the scientology mindset on the subject of the pandemic. Not pushing Decon7 or any of the other PR lines about what they are doing to contribute with their photo ops, they talk some real scientology turkey here. Explaining that people are "restimulated.” Forget the virus, this is their reactive minds, the ones they will eventually realize they are "mocking up" that is causing them to die. The only solution to this, the real problem, is to train more auditors and join staff. This is literally the answer to EVERYTHING on planet earth. I wonder if it ever o … [Read more...]
There’s “Good News” in LA and Another 10,000?
Well, it's always good to know that there IS good news. You can just imagine it: "Thanks to your support of the IAS [$10 million collected in the last month] we have provided disinfectant to 3 teams [and one video crew to film them before they were asked to leave] who have been bringing order in the chaos in Burkina Faso [not a peep from Pasadena or N. Hollywood]" This is how we "can be at cause over our 4th Dynamic"... They are so delusional. And more good news, apparently LA Org has decided they can get 10,000 onto extension courses. Flag has been trying to get 10,000 onto or … [Read more...]
ANZO is Booming — Just Not Australia or New Zealand (or Oceania)
OK, this is an interesting piece that gives the relative activity in the "continent." Scientology calls this "ANZO" which stands for Australia, New Zealand and Oceania. In Australia there are "ideal" orgs at the AO, and in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth. In New Zealand there is an "ideal" org in Auckland. There is nothing in "Oceania". There are two other orgs in the "continental area": Taiwan and Japan. That is it for the entirety of Asia and the Indian SubContinent. Note how many Taiwanese and Japanese flags and names are on this list compared to Australia and New Zealand. There are … [Read more...]
The Latest Ideal Org Pitch
Recently we saw the message from the EDs of Salt Lake City "ideal" org. Today we have another slice of disaster capitalism from a couple of OT VIII commissioned salesman in San Francisco. This is of course unrealistic in the current circumstances but what good scientologist ever let a bit of planetary bullbait stop them from asking for money. A few questions spring to mind as I read this. It's an odd combination of what "should be" (taken from the LRH ED that describes an "Ideal Org") and what they claim IS. No "ideal org" is actually doing point 1. Not even slightly … [Read more...]