Here are the comments people sent in yesterday about the state of scientology orgs in their local area. If you have a minute and can contact your local org, I will add it to the update. So far, everywhere seems to be closed except Flag (not sure about the other Advanced Orgs). This is catastrophic for the scientology empire -- the longer staff and public are away from the control mechanisms exerted on them in the bubble, and the more bored they get, the more likely it is they are going to come across something on the internet or TV that is going to start them down the rabbit hole of … [Read more...]
Scientology and COVID-19
You may have seen this pitch and others on Tony's site and social media. Flaunting government guidelines recommending no gatherings of more than 10 people, scientology instead uses the pandemic as a reason to encourage people to COME IN TO THE ORG. It's batshit crazy. Take a read and I will then try to explain the madness from a scientology perspective. Admittedly, that one was before the stricter requirements for social distancing were in force in California, but then, after the Governor ordered that everyone stay in their homes, this one came in: A combination of … [Read more...]
Johannesburg “Ideal” Org — Truth Revealed first published 2 April 2013
See my announcement on Friday -- I am revisiting earlier posts during my vacation. Each day there will be a different one. This details the reality of an ideal org from an insider at the time. Things have only gone downhill since.... I have written a number of articles concerning the Miscavige “Ideal Orgs” scam. I have compared it to policy and shown it is squirrel. I have pointed out how it has destroyed the LRH Birthday Game and the idea of staff moving up to OT. But this write up puts everything into perspective. Strip away the hype and hoopla, the lies and false pro … [Read more...]
Even More on Ventura
Someone sent me a link to this Facebook group I grew up in Ventura California and a posting there about scientology coming to town. This group has 22,000 members. It was a pretty innocuous thing about the brightness of the sign on the building. As of now it has over 450 comments. Though I have not carefully read every comment, I can say with a high degree of certainty that there are virtually no positive comments about scientology. And yet, their PR line is that the demand for scientology is so great, and they are expanding so rapidly, that to meet the demand, they have … [Read more...]
More on Ventura
A tidal wave of Shermanspeak engulfed Ventura county as scientology's Dear Leader yanked his ribbon in front of his latest real estate investment in an industrial area next to a freeway. The screaming headline at is typical: SCIENTOLOGY IDEAL ORG RISES LIKE A LEGENDARY KING WAVE IN VENTURA’S SURF CITY And it goes downhill from there. This is a "Seaside" Grand Opening that marks a milestone for Scientology’s spectacular growth across the Golden State. Growth?? Where? Every org is struggling and there are less missions than ever... The smarmy surfing language continues: R … [Read more...]
California is All Ideal
The great ribbon yanking ceremony was held at the Ventura industrial facility yesterday, and they came from all over the United States to witness the wonder of Dear Leader spouting Shermanspeak. A special correspondent was there to get some shots -- though of course, scientology had done their best to keep the prying eyes of wogs and malcontents from getting anywhere close to the "festivities". Our correspondent reports they had blocked off the road where the Org is. Security was across the freeway and all along the road attempting to prevent those damned public from seeing what was … [Read more...]
More Tampa Org Fail & Ventura Pix
(Note: this came in a few weeks ago and I overlooked it). I have done a few recent posts about the state of the two best ideal orgs on earth -- the artificial "model Class V" org in Los Angeles that is manned by 200 Sea Org members (who will be there regardless if they are doing anything that generates even enough income to support their $50 a week "wages") and the other artificial "model Class V St Hill Size" org in Tampa that lives off the crumbs from Flag. The people who do not qualify for Flag services are sent there. The Flag public have their children join staff there to avoid them … [Read more...]
Closing Orgs in “The Greatest Era of Expansion in Scientology History”
There has been some discussion on the blog of late about Day and Foundation Orgs. It is an interesting topic in the face of scientology's bold statements about their "greatest expansion in history." I have commented that almost all of the Foundation Orgs have been closed by Miscavige as he rolls forward with his "ideal orgs" real estate investment scheme. Newcomers to the subject of scientology may not understand what this terminology means, so I thought I would be provide you with some "source" on the subject, taken out of OEC Volume 7 which contains a section about the "Foundation … [Read more...]
An “All Ideal Cali”
Somehow, they are focusing on the number of staff needed for this to be an "ideal org". There has always been a rush to try to get people to sign up for staff, and the opening of an ideal org is the only real excuse they have. They tell people that with their ideal org they will suddenly have a massive influx of public and everyone will earn a living wage. It never happens. The only people who can exist on staff are those who have some other form of surviving with no money -- they live with their parents or they have a spouse that works a normal job, or they got an inheritence or someone … [Read more...]
Just How Desperate is LA Org?
You likely saw the videos on Tony Ortega's site of the 2 guys ("Reckless Ben") who went into LA Org with hidden cameras. In that last video towards the end you witness the desperation of the regges to get $15 from them. It is really pretty pathetic. This is the "largest Class V org and 'model' ideal org" and they are spending time to try to convince this kid to get $15 right now with every sleazy tactic there is. I didn't think it could get more pathetically desperate than that until this recent Facebook posting was sent to me: First, I assume "Betsy" is an org staff member who is … [Read more...]