One of the first "ideal orgs" was San Francisco. Dear Leader yanked its ribbon way back in November 2003. That is nearly 16 years ago now... They're still at it -- trying to get themselves to St Hill Size -- calling themselves an "elite" team. As if this makes them so. It was the same tune two years ago -- though they were a little more overt: Of course, they may STILL be the "next" org to make it to St Hill Size, because there hasn't been one in the intervening 2 years... But then, we remember this. From 2006 -- the SFO Org magazine "Gateway": And … [Read more...]
An “Ideal” and “St Hill Size” Org Struts Its Stuff
Presented personally by Mr. David Miscavige with both "Ideal Org'" AND "St Hill Size" status, Joburg org epitomizes the pinnacle of scientology organizations on earth (not counting the artificially inflated Tampa Org that is home to the many Flag rejects and people trying to avoid Flag registrars). And here we see what they are so proud of: 2 Clears in one week and one person “flying through his training” — apparently they didn’t have a single course completion to announce in the same week as the 2 Clears. This is the best. of the best. And compared to other scientology orgs, it is. Mos … [Read more...]
Battle Creek BS
The bs just keeps rolling when it comes to the "ideal orgs" campaign. The small, failing org that was originally in Ann Arbor, Michigan has never been more than a tiny mission. This “ideal org” story begins back in 2001, even BEFORE the official launch of the Ideal Org program. They were unable to pay their rent and had to move. A building was on the market in Battle Creek for cheap. This is a small town 50 miles west of Ann Arbor (which is on the outskirts of Detroit metropolitan area and is home to the huge University of Michigan) in the middle of nowhere. Battle Creek only has a pop … [Read more...]
Harlem Ideal Org Massive Fail
Harlem was opened as an "ideal" org on 31 July 2016. That is 3 years ago now. In that time, they have made 40 Clears. Forty. A little over one every 4 weeks. And according to them this is "BIG" news at the #coolestorgontheplanet. Well, hell, if they are doing so well and are so cool, the standards have dropped pretty low in the world of scientology. They're not going to be Clearing NY any time soon. In fact, they are going backwards on achieving that goal. Slightly modifying someone's adroit recent comment: this is like jumping over the sofa and declaring … [Read more...]
Kansas City Corn
It's a Disney dream from the deluded bubble-dwellers in Kansas. This is absolutely bonkers. Walt Disney spent time in Kansas City, so you should join org staff to make an ideal dream come true. What's next -- "the Kansas City Chiefs were good last year, but they need to be pushed over the top to make it all way. So join org staff." Or, "We are famous for our corn here in Kansas, so join the corniest team on earth?" Meanwhile, in Los Angeles the STAAD League are protesting outside Disney HQ because they are such "bigots"... Scientology has a hard time keeping their stories … [Read more...]
California Dreamin’
The big push is on for an "Ideal California" -- as if this is going to change anything... The fundraising promotional pieces are coming hard and fast. Below are just a few from the last week. What is so incredible is that these people think that the last ideal org in California is going to make any difference to anything or anyone. Think about it. The third "ideal org" ever is in San Francisco. There are "ideal" orgs in Sacramento and 3 others in the Bay Area (Stevens Creek, Los Gatos and "Silicon Valley" -- remember when they were going to take over the world because they were … [Read more...]
Reality in Scientology
It is a very warped world inside the scientology bubble. Occasionally we get a glimpse that is not just the "We ARE Clearing ____city, country, the planet" or "we are expanding faster than ever in history" or the wildly overused "monumental, epic, highest ever, greatest in history, golden age" etc etc Here we have some reality. The Senior C/S Kansas City is trying to get some more tech staff to join his 12 auditors (a number he seems strangely quite proud of...) He tries to sell the upsides of Kansas City -- move here and join staff because we have trees, hills, fountains and music -- … [Read more...]
Scientology Delusion Is Strong
There is so much wrong with this that it's hard to wrap your wits around. These Ideal Org Whales have become like the privileged aristocracy of years gone by who sat drinking champagne while the peasants were ground underfoot. They believed themselves superior in every way and acted as such. So too the scientology moneyed "aristocracy." These buffoons organized a junket to the St Regis Resort and Vanderbilt 5 star hotel in San Juan to bring their "help" to Puerto Rico... A little salsa dancing lesson. A breakfast cruise. A bunch of toasts. And dressing up like the old aristocracy. … [Read more...]
Scientology “Expansion” — The Reality
Scientology routinely claims "massive expansion" and "we are the fastest growing religion on earth" and other ludicrous claims. To “prove” it they always talk about "Opening new churches at an unprecedented rate" and show pictures of Miscavige yanking his ribbon in front of adoring crowds as balloons waft into the air in celebration... This large lie seems to work with the sheeple, and even some less than diligent media. After all, they have held grandiose ceremonies for 4 or 5 “new churches” each year. In fact these are not new “churches” they are simply new premises for old and failing sci … [Read more...]
Nancy Cartwright: Scientology Fundraiser
Nancy Cartwright has long been a prominent "fundraiser" for scientology ideal orgs. Not that she hasn't given plenty of money herself. She was the single reason Valley Org was able to buy and renovate that monstrosity on Burbank Blvd that sits empty as a weekend flea market on Wednesday (every day of the week). For a long time they didn't mention her name at all. Then she was known as "Our Royal Guv, Princess Warrior and official Valley Rockstar Goddess" and various other equally insane "titles." Eventually she just started appearing as Nancy Cartwright, fundraising pitch woman for Ideal … [Read more...]