The Colorado Rockies parking lot that doubles as an "ideal" scientology org in Denver has just sent out an exclamation-laced update announcing the amazing news that they had 19 people on service IN A MONTH (July)! And you can bet most of them were on "Basics" courses, Student Hat and Purif. Remember, this "ideal" org, like all the others, is supposed to accommodate 200 students IN THE ACADEMY and has 40 auditing rooms and is supposed to be servicing 300 - 500 people in Division 6 each week. But more than 6 YEARS after being announced as "ideal", they have seen so few people (other … [Read more...]
St. Louis Follow Up
This information was provided by one of our readers who has familiarity with the situation in St. Louis and is a follow up to the earlier post The Real State of Scientology, St Louis Style. Church of Scientology Missouri owns a building at 6901 Delmar in University City. It is approximately 15,000 sq.ft. on three floors with parking for about 50 cars. They have a mortgage of about $900,000 on that building and have had the mortgage, as far as I know, during the entire decade of bankrupting members for the "Ideal Org" -- the new building they purchased in 2007. I … [Read more...]
What Are Ideal Orgs Really All About?
Here is ALL you need to know about the so-called "ideal orgs"... It has NOTHING to do with "expanding scientology" or "servicing the public" or anything other than MAKING MONEY. This guy is not a scientology official. He is not in church management. He is not even on staff in an org. His ONLY claim to fame is that he gives a lot of money to scientology. Why is the only qualification for the KEYNOTE speaker at this"convention" is how much money he has given and gotten others to give? Because that is the only thing that is important. … [Read more...]
The Real State of Scientology, St Louis Style
It's been a year since St Louis org sent out the last edition of their magazine (Clear View) that included recent course and auditing completions. St. Louis "services" many surrounding states, including the eastern half of Missouri. Western Kentucky, Southern Illinois, Iowa, Arkansas. St. Louis itself has a population of nearly 3 million. Here is what they have accomplished in the last year. Donna Williams by the way is a staff member at the org. And the girl at the bottom, Allie Lane, was raised in Scientology. She is the daughter of STL Org Executive Director Chad Lane. Needed to clea … [Read more...]
Auckland Ideal Org is Clearing New Zealand For Realz
On January 21, 2017, Auckland was graced by the presence of the Dear Leader himself, yanking his red ribbon in semi-public view (only his dedicated followers are allowed to catch a glimpse of the great man in person) as he swung open the doors to another of his "gifts to the community." 18 months later, they have apparently (and proudly) produced their 8th clear. That's 5 or so per YEAR. That is what passes for "ideal" as far as scientology is concerned. The population of the country is 4.8 million, growing about 200,000 per year. There is no other in the entire nation (even though … [Read more...]
Denver in Distress
You can bet this is not an isolated example, just happens to be something sent to me in the last few days. Apparently things are pretty grim in the Denver "ideal" field. Can you imagine someone who IS disaffected responding to this command to come in to be investigated? But policy says HCO can issue a "summons" -- and policy is NEVER wrong. So, they do the most asinine things and then a whole lot of explaining as to why it didn't work "too much suppression", "the SP's are going wild" etc etc What is most interesting about this is how contradictory it is to the hype they sell … [Read more...]
What Is The Ideal Org Program?
Any time there is a post about ideal org failures, there is a lot of speculation about "Why?" I have written various posts and comments about this from time to time, but realized I had never put it all in one place. There are two reasons for the ideal org program that go hand in hand. And it explains why, in spite of the clear failure of this program to bring about planetary clearing, or anything at all aligned with the "Aims of Scientology," it will continue to be pushed until the very end. 1. It is vital for Miscavige to hold onto his position 2. IRS … [Read more...]