This weekend, appropriate for the Halloween season, Captain Miscavige performed a ribbon yanking ceremony on his latest haunted house. In a nation with just a small handful of active scientologists, he presided over an intimate gathering to officially open this 79,000 sq ft monster. Every scientologist in the country can have their own room in this place. Even their official website photo only claims 1300 attendees and with wide angle lenses and every other trick they know they still cannot make it look even passingly impressive... And this is with 7 chartered planes worth of people … [Read more...]
Scientology’s Massive International Expansion… cough, cough
First things first, the blog... Nathan Rich provided a layman’s explanation of what happened to the blog over the weekend – I asked him to make it so even I could understand it: Here's how it works and what the evidence is. If you have a computer you can make it do stuff, like host a website -- but then you have people who need access to those websites. But you don't want them to have access to your system, because you're the owner, not them. There's different ways to handle this. The normal way smaller hosting services do it is by using “jails” -- they set up many sort of "sub-en … [Read more...]
An Org in Trouble
One of our South African Special Correspondents sent us the latest news from Durban Org. It's not looking good for scientology in Durban. Her comments follow, and then the item to which she refers. This is Durban org’s OTC Newsletter for August. To all intents and purposes it looks like they’re sliding into total oblivion. First pic shows something that happened in July - and at Joburg Org. 6 people – 2 of whom are Sea Org (on the left – they’re a married couple posted at Durban Org). The two chaps kneeling I THINK might also be staff. The other two are Nick & Marina Howarth – pretty … [Read more...]
Ireland — Seriously?
For the latest proof that the "ideal org" strategy has NOTHING to do with "clearing the planet" but is simply a real estate, money making scheme and PR campaign for internal scientologists, look no further than the "ideal org" of Ireland. Here is a new pitch they sent out which I have highlighted to note some significant points. First thing to note: this "org" is being sponsored by the IAS -- they must need to invest in some more real estate to satisfy IRS requirements. But that "sponsorship" is ONLY to buy the building and renovate it. NOT to "set up" the "ideal org" because this … [Read more...]
It’s Scary Out There
Here is a new pitch from one of the next "ideal orgs." Learn how to recover people. It's a scary prospect.... I can guarantee there are more EX public in this org than there are current public. And that goes for EVERY scientology org on earth except perhaps Taiwan. I wonder if the training includes watching Going Clear and Aftermath? How the hell would you "recover" someone and think they have not seen these things? And if the "recoverers" don't know anything about the shows, how are they going to "handle them"? But then if the "recoverers" watch those shows they might need to be … [Read more...]
Ideal Org Follies
OK, here is the question that this poster poses: If the ideal org is SO important, why are two FORMER Executive Directors NOT ON STAFF? Why are they FORMER at all? It was NOT in fact the most rewarding job in the entire universe (according to the recruitment promo they routinely send out). What's the message here? Hand over a few thousand and it gives you a free pass on the ideal org front? And meanwhile, who can forget the stories of the OT VIIIs being strong-armed into "leading their ideal orgs?" … [Read more...]
Valley OTC Minutes (Seconds?)
MINUTES VALLEY ORG OT COMMITTEE MEETING July 11, 2017 Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason. ATTENDEES: Kathy Welch, Diane Temps, Jennifer Jacobson, Karen Brown, Mark Anderson, Vered Ziv, Dali Bahat, Bob Welch, Heelah Cohen, George Goodrich, Lynda Hubbard, Mary Lee Krackow, Patty Riemer, Lisa Benest, Lisa London, Lilach Yaary, Nola Aronson, Colleen Bigler, Rochelle Goodrich, Maryann O’Donnell Kathy Welch – opened the meeting and reviewed last week stats. A … [Read more...]
Valley OTC Minutes
Some recent notes from the Valley Ideal Org OT Committee. A few things of note (and there is a lot more to be gleaned from these notes): They have stopped including stats They have the same old same old people attending their meetings it would appear the opening of the new "ideal org" changed nothing. They are back to working on "CF" and collecting money for other ideal orgs The stats at the bottom of this posting show that for AN ENTIRE YEAR Valley org had 6 new public start on service and $208,000 in VSD (less than one intensive of auditing a week) - for this they invested … [Read more...]
Austin Org
One of our regular readers stopped by the Austin Org yesterday, since he was town for the day. Here is his report: There was an unstaffed table out front under their awning (their façade is back a few feet from the street), with some free movie tickets, free personality tickets, and brochures sitting under rocks so they wouldn’t blow away. They looked like they had been there awhile, a bit wrinkled. There were a couple of older posters in the windows, one for OCA. I spoke with Barbara McFadyen who has been in for decades. She is apparently an OT VIII who appears to … [Read more...]
Ideal Org News
Remember all the promotion that "Tampa is going double St Hill size"? They pushed this heavily for a LONG time. Well, apparently they are going backwards -- they are not even SINGLE St Hill size... Still need 38 more staff. This is one of the very first ideal orgs. They have a staff composed mostly of Flag public family members. A lot of the public they service are the rejects that Flag will not allow in their buildings and the children of Flag public. Q: If Tampa Org cannot make it to St Hill size after 12+ years, in a massive building in the ONLY area of Tampa that has … [Read more...]