Here we go again, more ridiculous hype. Opening their abandoned castle as an "AO" is going to solve crime, drugs, poverty, education, disease and political dishonesty... By getting a handful of people to "blow off" their BT's and Clusters? And I do mean a handful. This is not the JOB of an Advanced Org -- that is the job of Missions and Class 5 orgs to reach into society and change conditions. But these are obviously the "buttons" in South Africa, so they pitch people with "we will solve these things with an AO" and assume the sheeple will not stop to think "Why would an AO make any … [Read more...]
More Ideal Org Absurdity
Here is more insanity from the poor sheeple that are still struggling to keep the dream alive. Which is ALL they have. Remember, this was one of the hugely hyped "ideal org buildings" -- a derelict old building that was part of the Kellogg empire. It was purchased MORE THAN 15 YEARS AGO. And now they have "new and exciting news"? (A clue -- that new and exciting news is that you need to hand over more money, a LOT more money.... that is not really "new" and not really "exciting"). The real story of the "massive international expansion" is that it does not exist. Anywhere. Hello … [Read more...]
Ideal Org Steaming Expansion Lies
They are still sending this steaming pile out to the sheeple. This is a bald-faced lie. Atlanta didn't even win the Birthday Game this year... But scientology loves to keep telling lies like this because of what it does for all the other failing orgs: they are led to believe they are the ONLY ONES failing. Everyone else is expanding like crazy, it's just their sad little org that is out of step. Meanwhile, NOT A SINGLE org has reached "St Hill Size"? So, either they started out LESS than 1/10th the size of old St Hill when they were declared "ideal" (meaning they only had 20 … [Read more...]
NY Ideal Org
It is always interesting to see the publicly available information from some of these orgs -- standing in stark contrast to the PR lies that are spouted at the "international events." The New York Ideal Org has a Facebook page where they keep track of each Clear they make. As you can see, one of their staff members attested to Clear a couple of weeks ago. It's the latest entry on their FB page. But they are very diligent about announcing their clears -- apart from a few random posts about CCHR or the Birthday Event, it is pretty much all that appears on this FB page (which by the way, … [Read more...]
The Sad Tale of Santa Barbara Org
Oh dear, the spin doctors have spun themselves into a complete dizzy mess. Remember when the big pitch was that Valley Org was the last, missing link to clearing all of SoCal? Well, before the ribbon was even yanked, there is now something else that is needed. MORE MONEY for the "last" (and "new"?) ideal org -- the most northern southern California org. What a surprise. Clearing is going to have to wait a little longer. But if you think about this for a second, what they are really pitching here is the Great News that Santa Barbara will no longer have any org at all. But V … [Read more...]
Embarrassed Much?
AS IT APPEARS SCIENTOLOGY DID NOT PUT UP THIS POSTER -- BUT IT IS BEING TROLLED BY IT (AS WAS I) I AM REPLACING THIS POST. BUT IT WAS FUN WHILE IT LASTED.... This has to be one of the more remarkable things in the history of scientology "dissemination" efforts. And there have been plenty of really bizarre episodes. New York "ideal" org is trying to attract people to "The COS" (they do NOT use the word scientology) with Hamilton tickets for $20. Like anyone who is not on staff in scientology would ever know what "The COS" is... Scientology claims to have the answers to all of … [Read more...]
Miscavige Broken Promises
The string of promises concerning "planetary clearing" and ideal orgs is a long one. But perhaps nowhere illustrates the miserable failure of this "planet clearing strategy" than South Africa. The "Kyalami Castle" referred to above is the empty building that was purchased in 2008 to be the home of the "new AO Africa." (Similar buildings were purchased in Canada and Mexico to "open" AO Canada and AO Mexico - they too remain abandoned shells). Eight years later, this building remains unused. Except to hold pep rallies (read fundraisers) every now and then. That this particular empty … [Read more...]
Seattle Ideal Org Open 12 Hours A Week
Things are progressing pretty slowly on "the wholesale Clearing of our area" when they are only working at it 12 hours a week. As with many other "ideal" orgs -- they have been moved away from the city center. They are not the worst, they are in the fairly near suburbs. Some have ended up in industrial parks and alongside freeways where there is no body traffic. The volume of people walking past orgs has traditionally been a measure of their likelihood of success. "Body routing" line has always been one of the few methods of attracting new people into scientology. You see the staff from … [Read more...]
Where is Scientology Sacramento?
This is something one of our readers sent in last week that highlights another facet of the fraud of scientology. You may have heard of the recent situation with the Oroville dam in Northern California and people being evacuated. This story in the LA Times tells of the Sikh temples in Sacramento that opened their doors to displaced persons. There was also a link to other shelters and churches who had taken in refugees. NOT included on the list was the "ideal" Church of Scientology of Sacramento. Here is an excerpt from the story: As tens of thousands fled low-lying regions on the … [Read more...]
More Jobur Ideal Org News
This is the latest "org mag" from the "Ideal" org in Jobur (the sign above and the invitation below explain the reference to Jobur -- we had some fun with this a few years ago when the storm troopers arrived in South Africa and declared the most prominent scientologists - of course things just rocketed following that stroke of genius). Don't forget, this is one of the ORIGINAL "ideal orgs" - now in operation for 12+ years. Miscavige made grand pronouncements about the future of the continent of Africa based on the brilliance of his ideal org strategy. And Jobur would lead … [Read more...]