I came across this the other day. It is relevant to nothing current, it just encapsulated so much of Hubbard's approach. His overriding concern with "bad publicity.” His remedy was not auditing -- which he claimed was the only cure to "aberration" and bad behavior -- but to "beat their teeth in personally." I assume this piece is from an OOD's item on the Apollo, he was a little more careful in his broad public statements. Though "I would have taken such a screwball out of the running so fast he would have thought he had been hit by a Mack truck, and I don't mean thought-wise" in o … [Read more...]
Pain, Sex and Psychiatry
Towards the end of his days, Hubbard became more and more obsessed with psychiatry. And more and more unhinged in his writing. Some of his last official "technical writings" railed against psychiatry. His unpublished writings are even more bizarre -- the infamous rant about "Farsec" which was the planet where psychs originated and from where all the evil in the universe derives. Let's take a look at some of the very last things he wrote. Note there are now a lot of bulletins that have been issued with dates later than these, but almost all of those are either old things that someone … [Read more...]
Tampa “Ideal” Org and Ron’s Fiction
These are the last two Tampa "ideal" "St Hill Size" "newsletters" that are sorely lacking in news. You can compare this one immediately below to the previous one that follows. They’ve only got some extension course "successes" to report, but they're promoting a different video about how viruses spread... It's pretty harmless, giving rudimentary information about bacteria and viruses, though it's oddly "scientologese" with constant reference to "the body.” What it doesn't do is explain what scientologist actually believe about illness -- that it all comes from connection to Suppressive Per … [Read more...]
L. Ron Hubbard on Christianity
Had I been thinking straight, I would have posted this yesterday on Easter Sunday. As is often the case, I am a day late and a dollar short. Though I can try to salvage some face by noting Easter Monday is a major holiday in Australia and a lot of other countries... I have done a few earlier posts about Hubbard's view of Christianity, most notably Can Scientologists be Christians or Jews Too? But while looking for some other materials I came across some interesting things I had not seen before. In 1954, looking to increase the revenues of scientology (it is a long sordid tale of … [Read more...]
PTS to the Corona Virus
Our old friend Terra Cognita weighs in on the pandemic... I couldn’t help wondering about what Scientologists must be thinking about the Corona Virus. L. Ron Hubbard wrote that the only reason a person gets sick is due his or her connection to an SP—a suppressive person. In laymen’s terms, SPs make up about two and half percent of the population and are the real baddies of the world. They’re masters at disguise (unless, of course, you’re a Scientologist and have the tech to identify them) and account for most of the misery on planet Earth. LRH said that people connected to SPs were PTS—Poten … [Read more...]
It’s “Damagingly Commercial” – LRH (and some hair-raising Fair Game docs) first published May 16, 2014
See my announcement on Friday -- I am revisiting earlier posts during my vacation. Each day there will be a different one. A Special Correspondent sent this to me and it is an interesting study for a couple of reasons. First -- you can see the contempt LRH had for The Auditor being "damagingly commercial" and "putting emphasis on speed through courses." How do you think he would view the current scene in scientology? The statements made in this Auditor are positively pathetic compared to what is said today about the "speed up the Bridge" and with GAT II ESPECIALLY focused on the " … [Read more...]
Spiritualist Movements
This is a rather lengthy dissertation by long term commenter George M. White, who was one of the first OT VIII completions (that is him above on the Freewinds at graduation). I am publishing it as he sent it to me. He mentioned this when I saw him at a party recently and I offered to put it on the blog. It makes reference to a document called "Student Briefing" and I have included that for your reference at the end of his piece. Spiritualist Movements, Hypnotism, and the Natural Science Model used in the development of Scientology ©by George M. White, 2020 George M. … [Read more...]
More Scientology Speak
This was a comment on the recent post that I felt deserved more attention. It comes from long-time commenter Mockingbird's blog Mockingbird's Nest and was originally published in December 2015. Many of the quotes here are very important. I include the whole post unedited. Not every statement within it is the way I would have phrased it, but nevertheless, overall I find this to be an important addition to the discussion about scientology and how it controls people's thinking/minds. Mockingbird says: I’m not making any claims about being smarter than anybody here, but I … [Read more...]
LRH Master Photographer
This is a follow up to an earlier post entitled LRH, his Photographs and the IRS where Hubbard had talked about "photo stories" and how he was occupied with these. I showed one example of a photograph in that post and a reader sent in some more. Scientology loves to promote Hubbard as a "Master Photographer" and devotes pages of their hagiographic website to his brilliance with the camera, darkroom, lighting and every other aspect of the craft. They even have one of their "Ron Series" books devoted entirely to this subject. It's an interesting microcosm on the subject of … [Read more...]
The Middle Class Threatens Scientology
Here is some more wisdom from "Ron". He wrote a whole treatise about being "PTS to the Middle Class". These "middle-class values" are "MEST oriented" and cause people to NOT want to give money to scientology but rather to buy a house or a car or go to college. These are not worthwhile pursuits of course because they detract from one's dedication to scientology. That middle class is defined by him in draconian terms: they love a "cop America" and to "keep the down-and-outer out and down." They are all around evil (though scientology relies on them in large part for its … [Read more...]