Scientologists believe that anything written or spoken by L. Ron Hubbard is absolute truth. It requires no further inspection than the source of the words. This alone guarantees truth and accuracy. They also believe that repeating them will cause everyone who reads it to be inspired by the genius of the man and hand over money to gain access to more of his amazing truths. Or better yet, experience his promised states of spiritual godliness. Or even better, enable others to experience it by donating to an ideal org or the IAS. Without a second thought (?) scientologists spew “LRH quotes” as i … [Read more...]
Learn from the Master
You can pay money to hear from the guy who had 3 wives (though claimed he had no second wife), married while still married to another woman, beat his wife and disowned his own child and in the end abandoned them all. LRH is held out in scientology as the paragon of virtuous family man... The bubble=dwellers just accept this as "fact." In all things LRH was beyond reproach. So much so that his words on any subject are considered to be unalterable and life-saving truth. Even on subjects where he was clearly NOT a model for anyone to pattern their lives on. Forget Margaret (Polly) and … [Read more...]
Scientologists, Lies, and the ARC Triangle
Terra is with us once more... Scientologists, Lies, and the ARC Triangle A bedrock of L. Ron Hubbard philosophy is the ARC Triangle. “A” = Affinity. “R” = Reality. “C” = Communication. He wrote that together these three equal “U”, Understanding. Anything that effects one point of this triangle, effects the others. For instance, the more one communicates with a person or subject, the greater his Affinity, Reality, and Understanding with them. Raising one corner of the triangle to a higher state, raises the other two—and vice versa. That which lowers one corner of the triangle, lowers the other … [Read more...]
You Can Be Right about Being Wrong or, L. Ron Hubbard and Scales
Our old friend Terra has come up with another of his thought-provoking essays. You Can Be Right about Being Wrong or, L. Ron Hubbard and Scales L. Ron Hubbard was into scales. All types of scales. If a condition existed in life, the man scaled it. From the Emotional Tone Scale to the Know to Sex Scale, he created scales, graphs, and charts to measure the relative importance, rank, and position of everything. I prefer not using LRH’s own “technology” to describe what’s happening in Scientology today, but couldn’t help myself after reading one such scale from lecture 27 Aug 63, Rightness and W … [Read more...]
L. Ron Hubbard and Family
Terra Cognita has some new thoughts... L. Ron Hubbard and Family I came across this quote in a recent Scientology promo piece: "A family is simply a group for the purpose of sexual pleasure and the rearing of children and mutual economic advantages amongst ourselves. You know, it's a small group. Therefore, we have this actual group. The race wouldn't be anywhere without the family." — L. Ron Hubbard, Classic Lecture, On the Second Dynamic—Sex, Children & the Family (6 April 1955). Mind Stun It boggles my mind that LRH: One: Defined the family as “…simply a group for the purpose … [Read more...]
Terra Math, L. Ron Hubbard, and Wacky Cosmology
Terra joins us once again for some more thought provocation. Terra Math, L. Ron Hubbard, and Wacky Cosmology Definition of cosmology ( the branch of philosophy dealing with the origin and general structure of the universe, with its parts, elements, and laws, and especially with such of its characteristics as space, time, causality and freedom. Per L. Ron Hubbard’s cosmological view of the universe, we, as spiritual beings, have lived for quadrillions of years—which is a whole lot of years and a whole lot of zeros. A quadrillion years is a long time. A really, really long tim … [Read more...]
LRH Wisdom
I wonder if these people ever READ the quotes they put out. "...this need for status and self-esteem evaporates in the presence of real knowledge..." If someone can point to a group of individuals that is more obsessed with status (to bestow "self-esteem") than scientologists I would be very surprised. In scientology, status is everything. "OMG, he is an OT VIII" (bow down and kiss the ground he walks on), "she is a Class VIII auditor" (she knows the answers to handling EVERYTHING in life), "they are triple coated silver humanitarian maximillionasses" (the true big men on campus) … [Read more...]
More Reefer Madness
Following yesterday's post by Terra Cognita (Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard and Reefer Madness), I thought some words direct from the horse's mouth might be of interest. It was published in Dianetics The Modern Science of Mental Health in 1950 and remains the word of God (Hubbard) to this day. The chronic alcoholic is physically and mentally ill. Dianetics can clear him or even merely release him without too much trouble for alcohol is apparently not physiological in its addictive effect. With the whole range of chemistry to choose stimulants and depressants from, why the government chooses a … [Read more...]
Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard, and Reefer Madness
Our old friend Terra Cognita is back with some more thoughts... Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard, and Reefer Madness LRH was hung up on dope. If drugs weren’t the scourge of his universe they were certainly a bane of his existence. LRH convinced himself and his followers that drugs were invented by evil psychiatrists quadrillions of years ago in order to control and enslave people. According to him, we’ve been popping pills since the beginning of time, and drugs are a major cause for our dullness. Ironically, he was never able to treat his own dependency and died a lonely and addicted man … [Read more...]
More Words of Wisdom from Ron
Here is another astonishing statement from L. Ron. It's accepted as true by the bubble-dwellers, but in fact, it is evident that studying scientology in fact makes you dumber. The more you study, the less you believe you need to think for yourself and the more you are convinced that all you need do to have the answers to every question in life -- from why am I crazy to how do I wash windows properly -- is to "do what Ron says." That does NOT make a more intelligent person. You can bet there was no "actual testing" at all. But Ron said it, so it must be true. This is taken … [Read more...]