Unfortunately, this is an oft-heard phrase in the scientology bubble. "Ron says..." or "Do what Ron says". It does not matter if what "Ron says" is gibberish or pablum or ridiculous. The fact that HE said it makes it worth repeating and recognizing as an invaluable tool for life. The quote above is a classic example. It is pompous pontification offering no solution -- merely meanderings couched as if it is sage wisdom. They even include spelling mistakes. And they also what is today a very offensive term (but of course they cannot change it, because this is what Ron said). This simple … [Read more...]
Journey with Ron
This promotional item was distributed some time ago, I am just getting around to publishing it. Scientology continues to try to raise money for the "L. Ron Hubbard Hall" -- another white elephant that will eventually be paid for by "Sea Org Reserves" as a means of using excess accumulation of funds. But it will be milked for everything possible until then. It is interesting that scientology has continued to use the Ruth Eckerd Hall in Clearwater, a venue that seats 2300, for nearly 3 decades. No graduating to larger venues to handle the massive growth and increases in scientologists in … [Read more...]
A History of Man
In one of his more famous brags about his research and discoveries, L. Ron Hubbard wrote the following in the introduction to his bizarre 1951 book History of Man. This is a cold-blooded and factual account of your last sixty trillion years. The test of any knowledge is its usefulness. Does it make one happier or more able? By it and with it, can he better achieve his goals ? This is useful knowledge. With it the blind again see, the lame walk, the ill recover, the insane become sane and the sane become saner. By its use the thousand abilities Man has sought to recover become his once … [Read more...]
Dianetics Dissembling
This is promotion for the now completed Dianetics celebration. This used to be a big deal event in scientology. It is now a whimper that gets little attention because it interferes with Miscavige's annual scuba diving expedition on the Freewinds for "Maiden Voyage." Now, there are plenty of lies in this pitch -- one cannot attain Clear from reading Dianetics. In fact, over 60 years it has been proven the state of Clear as described in Dianetics is a pipe dream that even L. Ron Hubbard himself could not achieve. But nevertheless, they're still selling Dianetics hard as the solution … [Read more...]
Truth is stranger than fiction (though the Mission Earth series might disprove this old saw - it's hard to dream up weirder than that). I wonder if any of the WOTF contest winners understood that within a few weeks of being paraded on stage and handed a trophy and a check, their speeches would be being touted at the weekly "graduation" of scientology orgs? Like the people who are tricked into saying something positive about the "social betterment activities" and posing for pictures -- nobody warns them in advance that they will be being used to try to bestow legitimacy on scientology and … [Read more...]
Purification Rundown Debunked
My old friend Bruce Hines forwarded this recent National Geographic article (emphasis mine). It says in part: From infrared saunas to hot yoga, towel-soaking activities are being touted not only as relaxation tools, but also as ways to stay healthy by flushing out toxins. Too bad you can’t sweat away toxins any more than you can sweat actual bullets. Recently published calculations back up what scientists have been screaming into their pillows for years: Sweating out toxins is a myth. Humans sweat to cool ourselves, not to excrete waste products or clear toxic substances. That’s w … [Read more...]
Scientology Takes Over the World
Someone recently included some quotes from L. Ron Hubbard in a comment (I don't recall where exactly and sorry for not attributing) and it prompted some thoughts... Always a dangerous thing. And that was reinforced when I read the article on Tony Ortega's blog with new documents uncovered by Chris Owen disclosing that Mr. Hubbard, after failing to ingratiate himself with the apartheid governments of South Africa and Rhodesia, had sought to buy his way into Malawi by offering them hundreds of millions in today's dollars. (Interesting to note his liberal recounting of the "facts" about who he … [Read more...]
How To Handle Enemies L. Ron Hubbard Style
I came across one of L. Ron Hubbard’s gems again recently, and it’s worthy of noting newly. As you read this, remember, scientologists are not supposed to think about, interpret or alter the words of L. Ron Hubbard. They are to be read, understood and applied. There is a common refrain in scientology: "What do your materials state?" which is the response to any question or confusion about anything Hubbard said or spoke. (The even more common precursor is “What would LRH do?”) If you cannot repeat what the materials state verbatim (or close to it), you are required to find the word you did … [Read more...]
Where’s The Beef?
This post was prompted by some back and forth with one of our commenters. It got me thinking, and though I may not be the brightest bulb in the chandelier, sometimes I cast a bit of light onto the shadowy world of scientology. I recently posted about the ineffectiveness of the massive investment scientology made into TV advertising. It has resulted in no appreciable increase in interest, though it is somewhat debatable that this is what they even care about rather than providing the latest reason to collect money from their members to buy more ads. But that poses the question: what … [Read more...]
Scientology, Generalities, and Paranoia
Happily, it's SaTerraDay once again... Scientology, Generalities, and Paranoia In HCOPL, The Anti-Social Personality, The Anti-Scientologist, L. Ron Hubbard wrote that among his twelve attributes, the Anti-Social Personality “speaks only in very broad generalities. ‘They say...’ ‘Everybody thinks...’ ‘Everybody knows...’ and such expressions are in continual use, particularly when imparting rumor. When asked ‘Who is everybody...’ it normally turns out to be one source and from this source the Anti-Social Personality has manufactured what he or she pretends is the whole opinion of the whole so … [Read more...]