A Special Correspondent sent this to me and it is an interesting study for a couple of reasons. First -- you can see the contempt LRH had for The Auditor being "damagingly commercial" and "putting emphasis on speed through courses." How do you think he would view the current scene in scientology? The statements made in this Auditor are positively pathetic compared to what is said today about the "speed up the Bridge" and with GAT II ESPECIALLY focused on the "speed of training." But even worse, commercialism pervades EVERYTHING in scientology these days -- it is ALL about the m … [Read more...]
The SO #1 Line
This silly promo piece touches on a subject that is sensitive to many scientologists. The SO #1 line and the illusion that was created for decades that "Ron" was in fact communicating with people from all over the world. It was a great public relations move to have people believe they were communicating with "Source", but it was a lie. It was also the source of valuable for information (intelligence). I assure you that though this letter is signed "Ron" and is on his letterhead, it was absolutely NOT seen, written, signed or anything else'd by him. In 1980 he was in seclusion out of … [Read more...]
Scientology — The Art of Cognitive Dissonance
Somewhat random thoughts after returning from an out-of-town trip. Cognitive dissonance has reached an art form within the walls of the RCS bubble. Cognitive dissonance is described this way: Mental conflict that occurs when beliefs or assumptions are contradicted by new information. The concept was introduced by the psychologist Leon Festinger (1919–89) in the late 1950s. He and later researchers showed that, when confronted with challenging new information, most people seek to preserve their current understanding of the world by rejecting, explaining away, or avoiding the new information … [Read more...]
Miscavige, the Latam Strategy and Opinion Leaders
SadStateofAffairs made a comment about the Jobur Jackboots that was a blast from the past when he mentioned the "Latam Strategy." The comment was right on. The Jobur Command Team is exactly following the Latam Strategy. For most of you, this is meaningless, so I will provide a little background that is necessarily abbreviated. The topic is instructive to the current scene. In the early 80's there was considerable concern by LRH (who was in seclusion) that he and management had lost control of Scientology. There is a LOT of LRH traffic about the "Mission Holder Mutiny" and the Guardian's … [Read more...]
Superpower — The Facts
A write up by Dan Koon about Super Power has just appeared on Operation Clambake (see here). Because I have had so much to say about the subject of its "imminent" release, I am republishing Dan's write up here in full (though if you want the attachments referenced, go to Clambake, I have not attached them or linked to them here). If there is one person who knows the story of Super Power -- what it contains and what it is supposed to accomplish -- it is Dan Koon. His recollections may help distinguish the hype from reality and help make clear just what a boondoggle the entire Super Power … [Read more...]
Lana Mitchell — "I did not lose my eternity, I FOUND it."
Next in the series "Life is Good" from another who experienced the horrors of working directly for Miscavige, eventually escaped and is now a recognized leader in a totally new profession and has also moved up the bridge.... Mike Rinder By Lana Mitchell There are many things that cause a person to think twice when having doubts about departing the Church. The most obvious one is the idea that by doing so, you “forfeit your eternity”. By leaving the church you will no longer have access to the OT levels – or to standard tech – so you are damned to continue a homo sapien existence here on … [Read more...]