I was recently reminded of this piece of Hubbard nuttiness. By the time the 80's rolled around, the new "tech" from Source became patently ridiculous. "Pain and Sex" and other strange rants would appear sporadically, the one here is one of the kookiest. Though of course the story of OT III is hard to top for wackiness, what with the "spaceships" that looked just like DC-8's, volcanos that didn't exist and thetans somehow "frozen" in glycol, at least there was a sort of running space opera theme and he still had enough sense to not make it public. This "OT Maxims" is pure rambling nonsense … [Read more...]
Hubbard on Doctors — Not a Fan
L. Ron Hubbard had a disdain for doctors. He believed the medical profession was in league with psychiatry and drug companies, and they feared dianetics and scientology because it would take away their income stream. If, as he claimed, the vast majority of illness and disability was psychosomatic, then the vast majority of doctors would not be needed. I have covered some of his crazier statements about what dianetics and NOTs can cure -- from eyesight to cancer and everything in between. But I have not previously covered his disdain for doctors as a profession. There are plenty of … [Read more...]
Personal Stories About Ron — Sort Of
This reminds me of when they put James Byrne out to pasture to tell "personal stories" about the Commodore. All a 50 year SO veteran is good for is an event in Melbourne org? This of course is not likely to generate much revenue, so it tells you how unimportant he is seen to be. If he is in Australia it should at least be being held at AOSHANZO where there are more whales (or at least the Australian version -- James Packer no longer in the mix so the average whale size went down by a factor of 43X...) If he has such good stuff, he should really be doing this at Flag where the real whales … [Read more...]
Hawking Hubbard’s Baby Formula
Typical scientology. There is a situation in the US with a shortage of infant formula. An opportunity to move in with some Hubbard "tech" -- the "barley formula." I hope nobody falls for this. Hubbard claims it is a formula used by the Romans 2200 years ago -- that "barley sustained the Roman legions" and that this concoction, featuring a liberal dose of Karo syrup (cornstarch syrup) and cow's milk is better than breast milk and commercial baby formula. Here is the page giving the ingredients and method of preparation from the Scientology Handbook. Like much of the … [Read more...]
Apartheid Alive and Well in Scientology?
I know I have commented on this before, but it never ceases to amaze me how the Advanced Org for the CONTINENT of Africa serves exclusively the tiny minority of the citizenry who are white. The photos of the graduates below are not cherry-picked. They are what is attached to the email of the "latest AOSH Africa completions." It is the same every time they send these out. Of course, dianetics and scientology from the outset have been white-centric (probably not a word, but it seems appropriate). Just look at the earliest photos of dianeticists and scientologists gathered anywhere and … [Read more...]
A Letter from “Ron”
Back in the days when Ron was still occupying his meat body, he encouraged people to write to him. He proclaimed many times -- "all mail addressed to me shall be received by me." This was what he called the "SO #1 Line." Here is just one example of him pitching this: Even as late as 1982, when he was in hiding, he was still pushing this, and making a point that some SP ("now blown") had implied he was not seeing the letters sent to him. "I almost wept." This is all bs. He never read or answered these letters. In fact, he said the REAL reason for the "SO #1" line is a … [Read more...]
L. Ron Hubbard Way: 25 Years Young
25 years already? It highlights just how long it has been since Ron causatively departed his body on 24 January 1986 to continue his "OT research" unencumbered by the MEST Universe. It's 36 YEARS ago now, 15 years overdue on his return to active duty in the Sea Org. I think the motto of the Sea Org at this point should be "We Never Come Back" as nobody, including the Commodore ever has. The other thing of note is that Miscavige has been running scientology for longer than Hubbard did -- even if you begin his tenure before scientology existed in May 1950 and … [Read more...]
Neil Sarfati Hits the Big Time
My old friend from the Apollo, Neil Sarfati alerted me yesterday that he had finally "made the big time." He didn't mean he had a new number one album of his sax playing, he was referring to becoming a target of the STAND League haters. It's familiar stuff from STAND buffoon Martin Landon. First, if you have not do so, you should listen to the interview Neil did with the BBC Outlook program. I link to it below. It is very even-handed, mild-mannered and rather gentle on L. Ron Hubbard and life in the Sea Org back in the days of the Apollo. But because Neil is a no longer a cult … [Read more...]
L. Ron Hubbard on God
There are often questions about scientology's belief in God. Do they believe or don't they? Scientology goes to some lengths to make it appear "of course we believe in God, it is the 8th Dynamic in scientology." But what that means is pretty vague. Here is what L. Ron Hubbard says about the 8th Dynamic: THE EIGHTH DYNAMIC -- is the urge toward existence as infinity. This is also identified as the Supreme Being. It is carefully observed here that the science of Scientology does not intrude into the dynamic of the Supreme Being. This is called the Eighth Dynamic because the symbol of … [Read more...]
Saving the World (Clearing the Planet)
Our old friend Brian Lambert is back with some more food for thought... I used to write more frequently for Mike. Those writings were me working out, in myself, the thoughts and doctrines I had accepted into my mind from L Ron Hubbard that were toxic to my mental, emotional and spiritual health. I’ve not written more recently because my previous writings have purged from my mind the subjects that I wrote about. The very idea of the existence of Scientology is gone from my mind 99.99%. No longer is Hubbard and his mad army of diminishing world savers occupying my mind. But this morning … [Read more...]