The "Cause Resurgence" Rundown is one of the greatest boondoggles scientology has ever foisted off as a "standard tech" "religious" service. The Running Program, as it was originally called, was used to punish crew at Golden Era who were, in the estimation of Miscavige, performing poorly. "Run around a pole until you get your shit together." The first person to do it was David Mayo, when he had been declared a terrible squirrel. Hubbard ordered him to run around a tree at Gold "until he wore a trench in the ground". He did so for weeks on end until he was physically spent. He escaped … [Read more...]
Episode 46: The Life and Lies of L. Ron Hubbard Part 1
Tonight we begin a new series of episodes we are calling "Deep Dives," where we take a detailed look at specific areas of scientology. It seemed only appropriate to begin with L. Ron Hubbard -- the "Source" of scientology and "Founder" from which everything flows. There is no way to cover his entire life in a single episode. Or even 5 episodes. We broke this into 2 parts, the first focused on his life and claims up to Dianetics. Even in two episodes we can only touch upon some of the highlights (lowlights?) as there is a great deal to know. If you have not already done so, I … [Read more...]
Hubbard’s Gauge of Scientology’s Success (Failure)
I came across this issue from 1982 the other day. It contains an interesting paragraph: All you have to do is look at where Scientology was in terms of numbers of orgs and missions even a few years back and where it is now to know. All you have to do is count the additional countries using it year by year. All you have to do is count the memberships of the Churches. And you know conclusively that while the enemy goes down, whatever the bombast, Scientology is going UP. "Ron" clearly offers 3 ways of measuring the success of scientology. The number of orgs and missions. The number of " … [Read more...]
The Great Wisdom of Ron
Every day, Tony Ortega has a piece of Hubbard wisdom from the same date in history. The one from May 28th struck me. “Now, you’re a registrar and somebody is coming in, or you’re signing up PCs. (All of you have to wear a registrar’s hat at one time or another.) And you’re trying to get somebody to get some auditing, you’re a registrar, see? And there you are one fine day with a yow-yow-yow and a scream-scream-scream standing in front of your face: Seventy-five hours of auditing have been delivered — he feels terrible! He says, ‘Oh, I could kill everybody in the place,’ and he ought to go out … [Read more...]
Hubbard Doing Hubbard
I happened to notice this statement from L. Ron Hubbard on Tony Ortega's blog (he includes a Hubbard quote each day that Hubbard made on that day of the year in his section "Source Code"). Source Code “We’ve had a little slowdown here recently on research the last six, seven days — I managed to get the show back on the road again — mostly due to the nonsense going on in Australia. The general situation with regard to that is they’re not in any danger or anything like that, they’re just being cross-advised and being generally upset. The government of Australia….Well, these little boys have an … [Read more...]
Looking for LRH Originals — Still
Surely they are joking... People often ask "what do Sea Org/staff members do all day?" Well, this. For years after Hubbard died -- nearly 40 years ago now -- Sea Org members were dispatched all over the world to find everything Hubbard had ever written or said. This was the primary function of Church of Spiritual Technology which was created to "preserve the legacy" of Hubbard's rambling for all eternity. And the first step was to ensure they had everything. This went on for many, many years. Now, 30 years later someone is trying again? Why? Maybe … [Read more...]
The “Glory” of Scientology’s Dead “Enemies”
A couple of days ago, Tony Ortega posted a lengthy "success story" from a woman who had recently completed "Super Power." Of course, it was over-the-top bizarre, but one paragraph stood out: While on the rundown two major SPs (2.5 percent) connected to my dynamics received their bitter end. One died in an unexpected way, and the other got put in a psychiatric hospital by his best friend. This filled me with the glory of justice. I doubt there is a more clear-cut example of the callous disregard for human life into which scientologists are inculcated than this. Many former scientologists, … [Read more...]
Close Down Scientology TV — L. Ron Hubbard Says So
This is an email sent around to scientologists recently by one of the bubble zealots. The words of LRH are sacred. I don’t think they even read them before they pass them on half the time. They know they will look smart and get agreement if they quote LRH. So they send out anything and everything. And include the exact source reference -- something from the 50's is valid today simply because it's "important data by LRH." Everything LRH ever said is "important data." Now, the truth of what he says about being bombarded by “heavy particles,” by even a cathode ray tube TV is debatable. I am … [Read more...]
The “History of Man”
“A History of Man” is one of the more bizarre scribblings of L. Ron Hubbard. This so-called "Antediluvian Technology" (antediluvian is defined as: of or belonging to the time before the biblical Flood, so not sure what this "technology" is supposed to be) is not considered "outdated research" or "theoretical. " It is part of what every scientologist must study to even be considered a real scientologist. I was reminded of this when I saw a recent post on Tony Ortega's blog that included this FB post: I made an earlier post about this book, focusing on the reference to the Pil … [Read more...]
You Were Clear Once
OK, so how does this work? You were Clear until the time you decided you should invent a reactive mind for yourself. Apparently something you created because you were bored? Then you forgot you created it. Trilli9ons of years later, L. Ron Hubbard "discovered" this and told everyone that addressing it (with an accompanying payment) with Dianetics would get rid of it. And that this would solve all your ills. And then after you paid for enough auditing to "go Clear" you would come to the realization that you were just "mocking it up" and that it was an illusion all along. So, if the object is … [Read more...]