If they consider THIS to be the Golden Age of Narconon, it pretty much tells you everything you need to know about the "Golden Age" moniker... Never in its history has Narconon been confronted with so many lawsuits resulting from deaths and abuses at its facilities. At no time has there been the volume of negative media coverage Narconon boasts today. The reputation of Narconon is at its lowest ever ebb -- so much so that Miscavige has attempted to revive it by opening "model" "celebrity" Narconons that have flashed into the pan and then gone black as fast as their ribbons have been … [Read more...]
Narconon = Scientology
This is an interesting piece from the Auditor magazine, the official chronicle of all things scientology: "if it isn't in the Auditor, it didn't happen" is the their motto. This is from back in the day before there was a conscious effort to distance Narconon from Scientology. Today, Narconon claims it is NOT Scientology. Scientology likewise claims all they do is "support" Narconon. This Auditor magazine story reflects the true nature of the relationship. They are not just in the same family, they are siblings. Maybe identical twins. Click on the image to enlarge: … [Read more...]
Narconon and Google Trends
Why Bother really got the ball rolling... Here is some further evidence of the complete fail of scientology's programs. Though there has been a decline in interest in "Drug Rehabilitation" and "Drug abuse", the in interest in Narconon is virtually non-existent. There were a couple of hiccups back in 2005 and 2007, but otherwise it looks like a snake on the freeway. Even the negative publicity brought about by the lawsuits against Narconon has had no effect. You could substitute Narconon for "parrot" in the famous Monty Python dead parrot sketch and be entirely accurate. Once again, … [Read more...]
Narconon — It’s “ALL New”
Seriously? They are going to hold a "Ribbon cutting ceremony" for the "new program introduction." I wonder what the "new program" could be? It's one of three things: The new program is off Source as the existing one is "in tech" The new program is on Source and the existing program is "out tech." It's no different -- after all, it's just the Purif, TR's and Objectives and some Life Improvement courses. How do you "revise" these things that are "totally on Source" as was announced earlier? My bet is on number 3. Or perhaps option 4 -- who cares because it doesn't really … [Read more...]
Narconon – Introducing Them To “Our Tech”
The big push is on -- open the unwanted Narconon "celebrity/VIP" centers across the world so Miscavige has something to talk about at the IAS Event. This is the latest. Narconon Ojai... It's been a long time coming, but the heat is on now, because it's just a month til the IAS event. Tony Ortega first reported on it way back in April 2014 (where I predicted it would be a Celeb/VIP Narconon)... And while Narconon, ABLE and the church scream like stuck pigs when the plaintiffs in the numerous lawsuits filed over abuses in Narconon claim they are part of "scientology" and are controlled by the … [Read more...]
We ARE Responsible For Narconon Activities
This is not going to please Dear Leader. He is desperately trying to escape from HIS announcements that the church IS responsible for all sectors (yes, that INCLUDES NARCONON). Ruh roh. Someone needs to get fitted for a black boiler suit. BTW, love the "across it is entire geographic..." … [Read more...]
Recruiting For The Empty Ideal NN UK
A plea for recruits for Narconon. And every position on the org board is vacant it seems.... This UK Narconon Model Center is becoming very reminiscent of the UK ideal orgs. Empty rooms. Straight up and vertical, massive international expansion seems to have slipped by the UK too. Date: Thu, 01 May 2014 From: ABLE UK <[email protected]>Subject: Narconon is RecruitingNarcononNARCONON EFFECTIVE DRUG PREVENTION AND REHABILITATION - RESTORING LIVESThe new UK Narconon Model Centre is now recruiting people so that they can be trained by the time this centre opens. It is due to open in … [Read more...]
NN UK Plans To Establish PR Area Control By Taking Your Money
Really? Is there NOTHING that any fundamentalist scientologist does these days that doesn't require someone "donating"? And at full price for overstocked books they cannot unload any other way. Why on earth would they be trying to "establish PR area control" by collecting donations for books to give out? The books are certainly NOT going to handle the REAL concerns that people have about Narconon (or in fact ANY drug rehab center opening in their neighborhood, traditionally about as popular with the locals as opening an oil waste treatment facility or perhaps a nuclear reactor). This must … [Read more...]
Important Dox — Read Tony Ortega's Blog Today
Tony Ortega is on fire. He has posted 5 stories in one day. Three of which contain significant legal documents. 1&2. Laura Dieckman's response to the Church's petition to the California Supreme Court seeking to prevent her from accessing her pc folders and an EEOC lawsuit filed against a Miami chiro for forcing employees to undergo Scientology courses 3. The search warrant revealing the extent of the insurance fraud alleged against Narconon Georgia. If you have not read these, check them out. You may not always agree with Tony's perspective, but it is irrelevant when he is posting … [Read more...]
Narconon — Miscavige's Worst Nightmare Coming True
See Tony Ortega's breaking story on the raid on Narconon Atlanta. This is Miscavige's worst nightmare. Mary Rieser and anyone else at Narconon Atlanta will likely be thrown under the bus if ONLY because Miscavige figures they are so tainted that ANYTHING done to try to help defend them will blow back on the church and him because this whole Narconocalypse is being watched SO closely by the media. I suspect his biggest concern right now is that this is a breach in the wall that has held back law enforcement/govt agencies from conducting … [Read more...]