Pictured above is a recent Scientology press release... Typical of scientology, they are trying to position themselves once again with the Red Cross, Salvation Army and FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency). This is a very important thing in the scientology world -- "gaining acceptance" and "creating allies" who legitimize the organization. They hope these people will throw them some bones and recognize them in some way which they will then use when their abuses are exposed. "Look at all our good works, we could not possibly be abusing people. See, we are … [Read more...]
Correct Estimation of Effort
This is one of the things scientology is absolutely insane about. They convince themselves they are "clearing the planet," "changing the civilization" and "salvaging earth" because they tell themselves it is so. Yet the truth is they have no measurable impact on anything except the lives of those they come in direct contact with. This "briefing" will of course be a complete joke. Their special message about "International Dissemination" is not going to be anything remotely close to covering what the "correct estimation of effort" is because that would be so unreal and uncomfortable that … [Read more...]
Cult Apologists Conference
The same, tired old band of cult apologist "academics" are holding their annual conference next week in Quebec, Canada. They are familiar names, led by Massimo Introvigne, one of the main beneficiaries of much scientology funding over the years. We did a Fair Game podcast about these cult apologists with Chris Shelton The reason for putting "academics" in quotation marks is that they do no real research or study. They accept information provided to them by scientology, reject anything that comes from "former" members (apostates) on the basis that one of the founding apologists, Bryan … [Read more...]
Scientologists Professing Their Love for Jesus
Kathie Lee Gifford has recently published a new book she is promoting. It contains a whole chapter that purports to address scientology's take on Jesus, as presented by David and Kelly Pomeranz and their son. You can see the whole chapter here: Pomeranz family interview in book The Jesus I Know Of course, the discussion is a total sham. Using the PR lines scientology always uses, as to tell the actual truth about Hubbard's teachings about Jesus would leave no doubt that there is absolutely nothing compatible between scientology and Christianity. This is an excerpt: Here is … [Read more...]
LAPD and Scientology. Again. “Safepointing” “PRO Area Control” and the “Special Zone Plan”
The LAPD has a long history of "partnering" with scientology. Remember the "kiosk" in the LAPD Hollywood Division promoting scientology front groups. And the glad-handing at Celebrity Center as LAPD accepted checks from scientology. It's a great insurance policy for scientology and has served them well over the years. Of course, a community event like this is not the same as appearing on stage at CC for a photo op or putting up a kiosk in the police station. But it is a step towards that. Who knows what Gil Cedillo or the Northeast Community Police Station even … [Read more...]
Scientology Safe Pointing in DC
Our friend ISNOINews provided another interesting article that I felt was more important than being left as a comment on a disrelated topic. This is a lengthy article by Alex Rubinstein on a recent event held in Washington DC that scientology participated in. Alex has some fairly extensive mentions of scientology in the article, which I have excerpted below. The entire article can be found at the link above. Using a friend’s company on my application and adopting a fake persona, I attended a three-day summit on religious freedom where leading figures … [Read more...]
Ryan Prescott’s Star Is Fading
Someone sent these FB posts from Ryan Prescott, along with some information about him that I was unaware of but explains a lot. Ryan is looking a little worse for wear... He's got a bit of the "I might be a serial killer" vibe to his video appearances these days. Apparently he is still shouting into empty rooms with his wild conspiracy theories... Wow, 2 libraries! I doubt "acquired" means "purchased." Donated more likely. Here is what I heard: Apparently Ryan was on staff at the Portland Org. But they let him go without a fight when his father moved back to … [Read more...]
John Oliver — Where’s Shelly?
John Oliver consistently focuses his unique brand of comedy/satire/social commentary on David Miscavige and scientology. Last week he threw another barb, which you can watch below at the 2 minute mark of his opening segment. All of last season he included "Where's Shelly" (in Spanish) in the opening montage of the show, and included numerous references to all things scientology. In season 5, he did a piece in his final episode that wrapped up his year long secret "advertising campaign" for scientology that he demanded they pay him $650,000... and then ultimately $700,000 … [Read more...]
Scientology.org Not To Be Trusted
Scientology has invested tens of millions of dollars in creating and promoting their website scientology.org. They have a huge volume of content there -- all their hype videos of org openings, VM activities, education efforts etc etc as well as links to every other scientology related website and anything else they can find. A huge amount of effort has been expended to make this a success in this online age. (Though you will note the "Scientology News" second item is the last ribbon yanking ceremony they held -- more than a year ago, there is a not a whole lot of "news"). They are failing … [Read more...]
“Big News” — Scientology-style
The latest big news from the rapidly expanding global force that is scientology. They found some people (2?) in Vienna who disinfected a local Hindu temple. This qualifies as "news" and is even worthy of press release from "Church of Scientology International." Truly an indicator of just how small and insignificant scientology has become. Though they claim "10 million" scientologists (sometimes more, though now often just "millions") there is absolutely nothing to substantiate anything close to this. Every census that is taken, the numbers are less than the people who … [Read more...]