Just when you thought it couldn't get cheesier. Give us $10,000 and we will give you a special pin to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the IAS event. Note, the event was held on 8 October, but the commemorative pin "expires" Thursday 15 August at 2pm! Gimmick much? With this pin, you are being "given the chance" to "be a part of this historic movement." A pin now makes you part of a historic movement? This event was a movement? Maybe they will mint a special "Civil Rights" pin so you can be part of that historic movement too? Oh, that's right, they already have "The Humanitarian" m … [Read more...]
Donate to the IAS for Sea Org Day. Huh????
The constant "give us your money" drumbeat is only growing louder. But it is becoming ever more brazen and the "reasons" are getting more and more absurd. This new email contains so many outpoints it is difficult to comprehend that anyone in their right mind would have sent it. But here it is: From: Ashley <[email protected]>Date: Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 4:05 AMSubject: 46 years ago on August 12thTo: [email protected] Dear Scientologist, 46 years ago on August 12th, LRH formed the Sea Organization. This year a large focus is on target attainment for the … [Read more...]
More Status. More BS. More Begging.
Well, they have come up with MORE statuses. Now you can be more than an: "OT" "OT AMBASSADOR" IAS PATRON PLATINUM MEA MAXIMA CULPA UNSTOPPABLE GLOBAL HUMANITARIAN PAR EXCELLENCE PSYCH BUSTER WITH KNOBS ON BLACK T SHIRT DUDE PRESERVATION OF THE TECH SUPERHERO LIBRARY CAMPAIGN SHRINK WRAPPED BUTT KISSER You can give us money to become a "TERRITORIAL DISSEMINATOR" and you are then allowed to be a Scientologist in your State or Territory. Line up for your CERTIFICATE NOW (just bring your checkbook AND credit cards, wallet and gold fillings).... … [Read more...]
Flag OTC Minutes — “News” From Inside The Bubble
Here is the latest self-hyping propaganda from the "OT Ambassadors" inside the bubble. It is the minutes from their last meeting. Mathilde, Public Sec FSO spoke about the importance of "getting ready." She said that she knows we've been hearing about it at graduations, but wanted us to realize just how close it is, announcing that the New Flag Building will be opened sometime in September, followed by the IAS Event here at Flag in October. She said that as soon as precise dates are known, she will let us know. Mathilde said that now is the time to get everyone on board here in Clear … [Read more...]
Oh, How The Mighty Have Fallen
The GI at Flag must suck. The pressure must really be cranked up at Flag for Sonya Jacques to be delivering $10/head "seminars" at the local Mission. Sonya used to routinely make more than $200Gs a week. There is no way she would spend 2 hours on Wednesday evening at Bellaire Mission if things were even close to normal. This is desperation.... From: belleair [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2013 10:32 AMTo: Subject: CW: How to Eliminate the Barriers to Prosperity Seminar! How to Eliminate the Barriers to Prosperity Seminar! Presented by The Mission of Be … [Read more...]
Desperation At Flag
A couple of desperate pleas indicate the Flag ship is taking on water despite the incredible (literally?) news being presented by Him at the Friday Nite Kumbaya Circle. Who ever heard of free food and babysitting being offered to try to entice people to come and see Him speak? Well, it is a rerun of a rerun of a rerun, BUT people should be falling all over themselves to attend, because it IS Him speaking.... Looks like things aren't shaping up too well if they are stooping to giveaways. I remember repeated requests for babysitting services to be provided for events and the public being told … [Read more...]
Define Your Life…
Give us enough money and we will label YOU a "Tone 40 Humanitarian".... And THIS will define your life. Who in God's name is writing this copy? … [Read more...]
Down The Rabbit Hole
This is a glimpse of the distorted, unreal world of illusion where nothing is normal that is the church of Scientology today. As the Mad Hatter has made clear, EVERY org has to have trainees through GAT II before it can be released (and that doesn't seem to be going too well as instead of a GAT II release event there is a special international showing of his 1993 self promotional video, see last post "Miscavige Waving Red Flag") And as he has also stated every Friday, ongoing right now, right here is the largest training program in the history of Scientology: GAT II. 800 trainees are n … [Read more...]
Some WISE PR Advice
Perhaps David Miscavige should listen to the advice his underlings are trying to sell. "If there are negative opinions, determine whether they are valid. "If they are valid, get working on correcting those problems. "Make sure your public knows that the problems are being or have been addressed." The arrogance of Miscavige and the church he has built in his image is such that he cannot admit to ANYTHING WRONG EVER. It is almost the hallmark of the Corporate Scientologist -- if anyone points out something wrong THEY are targeted. The mantras are many: "They have overts," "It's just natter," … [Read more...]
Truth In Advertising Update and Wedding News
One of our Special Correspondents sent in some additional information concerning Matt Feshbach's skill in applying financial policy to his life (see earlier post here). Gives a less than complimentary picture of his history. It is not that I have any personal vendetta about Matt Feshbach or anyone else. It's that he is still held up as a poster child of success, and it is a lie. Here is the update: - Matt closed down his Feshbach Brothers fund on the west coast years ago, having taken investors’ money. - Additionally, he started a company on investors’ money – called FatPipeU, a broad … [Read more...]