A study in twisted logic. All of Europe's businesses are dependent upon the creation of an "Ideal Org" in Denmark. With that sort of genius (clearly a master of the Data Series) in play -- the US should be BOOMING by now, so too South Africa and Australia and Italy and Spain and Denmark and Russia and Sweden and England and Germany.... My God, there should be a planetary economic upsurge the likes of which have never been seen before emanating from the "Ideal Orgs"! So, give us your money! NOW! It's urgent. And if it causes you pain, well, that's just how we roll. Von: WISE E … [Read more...]
The World Famous Finance Seminar…. Truth In Advertising Check
Flag, AOLA and Pasadena present? Huh? Pasadena makes sense as that is where the seminar is. Matt Feshbach is Flag public, but that's still strange. AOLA is left field.... No longer any mention of Matt being the first public "Super Power Completion"? A seminar that includes a Life Improvement Course? Some stat manipulation happening here.... But the whopper in the middle of the room is this. "Learn from a master. Find out how Matt applied LRH Finance Tech to his own life..." Read the excerpt below from the declaration filed by Matt Feshbach in the United States Bankruptcy Court on 12/11/11 … [Read more...]
Get Your Obsolete EMeter Now — Only $3500
Calling all suckers. Give us $3500 now for a Mark VII that will be obsolete within weeks. We know that, and we are not telling you. The Orgs know it so we cannot sell them this deadstock. Thus we have got to try to unload these useless items to you at a small discount (don't worry, there is still plenty of profit in a $3500 meter). What a joke -- selling them at "staff" rate. Like there are any staff that can afford a $3500 meter. "Staff rate" should be "cost" and that would be 1/10th of this. This is the best indicator that the big sales item for "GAT II" is going to be the "Mark … [Read more...]
The Sad State of Scientology in South Africa
How many people should two "St Hill" size Ideal Orgs (Jbg D & F), plus another Ideal Org (Pretoria) plus another org on the "launching pad" to become the "next" Ideal Org be able to round up to watch the One Time Only showing of the greatest speech since the Gettysburg address? A few thousand for sure... Right? After all, due to their massive expansion, these guys have their own "Advanced Org" already purchased and CGI'd for the world to see! It must be rocking and rolling in Joburg in this period of the greatest expansion in history. The floorboards must be caving in... Well, if they P … [Read more...]
Scientology Vulture Culture: Wall To Wall Regges
This email was just sent out broadly. Apparently there is a new type of Reg now being installed in orgs. "Planetary Dissem" regges have been at Flag for years, the infamous Dick Story sort of created this niche for rip-offs, getting people to donate for distribution of WTH (paying exorbitant prices) or selling special limited edition leatherbound books that theoretically financed "broad dissemination campaigns" (but never did). Now, in another classic "propaganda by redefinition of words" routine, "planetary dissemination" includes FURNITURE for "Ideal Orgs", UNIFORMS for staff, FART TV … [Read more...]
The Incredible, Amazing Portland Video. Oscar? Emmy? Nobel Peace Prize? Gettysburg II?
The Portland Wagon Train keeps on rolling. Here is the latest "WISE International" (Event Call In Unit IC), hype about the absolute VITAL importance of seeing this video of a speech given a month ago -- complete with ridiculous, fawning over the magnificence of "COB." Obviously none of these people know the REAL story of Portland, just the Miscavige whitewashed version, and of course they forget the Crusade moved from Portland to Los Angeles and lost another massive case that WAS eventually paid to Wollersheim. If you want to know the real story of Portland, read Marty Rathbun's book M … [Read more...]
3 Cassettes — Yes, Cassettes — For Only 42 Dollars!
Just a bit of silly entertainment before addressing a serious subject in my next posting. Order now and they will be delivered by horse and buggy... This illustrates how absurd Pubs Orgs pricing policies are. Anyone in their right mind would not even TRY to sell these, but if they did they would be 10 CENTS. Like the rest of the vulture culture their motto is "Money for nothing." From: Kolja Hinrichsen - NEW ERA Publications <[email protected]>Date: Wed, May 29, 2013 at 4:16 AMSubject: Ron's JournalsTo: Hi , Thanks to my friend KK (who wrote me an email about it) … [Read more...]
The Asking Seminar
Here is something new, though NOT improved. An "ASKING" seminar to help you with asking for those LARGE, MEANINGFUL donations to get your fundraising done faster They just get more and more brazen, and apparently totally unconcerned about their image or the fact that they have become known for their money motivation. Someone coined the term "Sciendollary" the other day. It is sadly apt. A VERY SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT ULTIMATE IDEAL ORG ALLIANCE AT FLAG 7-9 JUN 2013 The Eastern United States (EUS) is ramping up to complete all EUS … [Read more...]
The International Association of Scams
Here is some update information about the activities of the International Association of Scams. Now you too can get one of those neato IAS jackets, portfolios or messenger bags to make your outfit complete. Note the "quote" that is used here without attribution: "The single most dauntless, defiant and resolute group this world has ever seen". Dear Leader is going to be raising hell about that... It is interesting that orgs now have "targets" for the IAS and "targets" for "Ideal Org fundraising" -- I wonder if they have any targets for auditors made or releases? Probably the only "tar … [Read more...]
The Scientology Push
This came in as a comment on the last post by one of our Special Correspondents. I felt it deserved more attention than that and so am putting it up as its own post. Enjoy. Mike Rinder In Scientology management there is an old saying "You get what you push". This is meant as a cautionary reminder that if you start pushing hard for things that are not the main line of making auditors and clears, then you do indeed end up with what you push- and not the auditors and clears that in the long haul make Scientology worth something. For many years now David Miscavige has pushed money. And that is … [Read more...]