The Idle Org money crush to buy extravagant and unnecessary buildings in deserted areas of cities around the world has been the subject of much comment and speculation. But here are some facts and figures -- not for the faint of heart. But it does prove the economic wisdom of Miscavige's plan. Wisdom is used advisedly of course. If your PURPOSE is to accumulate MEST it is a fabulous plan. Though if your purpose is to help people, it is an unmitigated disaster. First of all, what does it take to get one of these fancy Scientology Idle Org Donation statuses? This list, presented on the New … [Read more...]
Church of Scientology — Wack Jobs?
Just a bit of lighthearted amusement among the real news being generated by Corporate Scientology, but it illustrates an important point about the state of Scientology. This email is being sent out by Boston Org with no message, just the subject heading "Freedom Alliance Mystery Magnet." What are they thinking? Not much apparently. Not even a Paypal button like Austin to give them $25,000? But then again, I guess it makes about as much sense as the other garbage that is sent out to convince local org public to give money to other orgs for their "Ideal Buildings" when their own org do … [Read more...]
"Czech Scientologists Getting Madrid Done" Great News???
This is bizarre on so many levels... For anyone who doesnt know, Madrid is like Buffalo. One of the very first "Ideal Orgs" (and a very high priority for Miscavige at the time as Tom Cruise was dating Penelope Cruz and her family were being coaxed into the church -- Penelope's sister is a very well known TV presenter in Spain), they have had a second "Grand Opening" and now they doing their "Non E Campaign" (10 years later). And apparently the "hey-you" isnt just across the US for Portland, Europe was in on it too because they say "after having finished the funding for Portland" we are now … [Read more...]
Corporate Scientology Taking the World by Storm
Just a bit of light heartedness in preparation for the possible sighting of Heber as Miscavige's dancing bear tomorrow in Portland. If Heber does appear, he will not be talking to anyone unaccompanied and he owes a lot of people on the internet a thankyou for being allowed out of the Hole for a couple of days and getting a soda on the plane. Check out the SPECIAL INVITATION below. All you lucky Austinites can now pay $25,000 via Paypal to the Austin Ideal Org as part of celebrating taking Portland and the World by storm! And best news of all, there is even an LRH quote to support it : … [Read more...]
CO WISE Fundraising for "Ideal Orgs"
A report just in from Tampa. Quentin Strub, CO WISE EUS, flew into town to deliver a "KSW Seminar." Here is the invitation to this spectacular, must-attend event sent out by Kent Oliver the Director of Public Booksales Tampa Day (fast becoming the poster child for hey-you "org boarding"): Date: Tue, 7 May 2013 09:52:08 -0700From: [email protected]: ThisWednesdayTo: Hi,This is a very important seminar every person should attend. And it's at our Org, Tampa Org.Mr. Quentin Strub, CO WISE East US, from the Freewinds will be giving it. This usually cost $600, but for this one … [Read more...]
Ideal Org Gone Wild: "Packed" Dianetics Seminar!!!! Kiddie Promo. 2 for 1 Leatherbounds.
Here is a new newsletter from the latest Ideal Org promoting their success with a "packed out" Dianetics Seminar... And here is page two of the newsletter showing the details (I omitted the other stuff in between the headline and the evidence which was two success stories). You can see from the 2 photos that the "packed" Dianetics Seminar in an IDEAL ORG had EIGHT attendees. Now this is almost certainly more than they have ever had at a Dianetics seminar which is good for them. But the millions spent on an Ideal Org isnt proving to be very cost effective when they promote loudly that … [Read more...]
An Ideal Florida! Hand Over Your Starbucks
This is a bit old, but one of our Special Correspondents came across it recently. It follows the Captain Harvey the Clown posting perfectly, illustrating how far the Command Intention Vulture Culture has trickled down. This guy is theoretically the Dir of PUBLIC BOOKSALES of Tampa Day Ideal/St Hill Size super org. And here he is begging for donations to create OTHER "Ideal Orgs" for an "Ideal Florida" Not even "donations" for books. And they are doing it because they "are part of Flags total amount, but we get credit for the raising of what we bring in." What sort of Admin Scale are these p … [Read more...]
The Captain FSO Explains His Priorities
Here is a new email laying out the priorities for the Flag OT Committee as directed by the clown in charge of the FSO. A couple of comments: The FIRST priority for the FSO is "Ideal Orgs"? Bizarre. More evidence that "Command Intention" (ie Miscavige orders) has taken the place of all other policy/programs/orders in the RCS. Believe me, this ONE thing alone would be enough for Miscavige to be declared by LRH. There are enough old timers around who can recall the wrath that rained down on anyone who cut across the FSO's main line business... The SECOND priority is the IAS. And the same old lies … [Read more...]
Corporate Scientology Has No Shame — It Is Heber
Well, I had to apologize on my post earlier when it turned out it was not Heber on the poster promoting the opening of Corporate Scientology's latest Ideal Org in the "first Scientology City." I just had the wrong poster. A kind reader, trying to repair my tarnished reputation, sent me this one. And there is no doubt THIS IS HEBER. I do remember Heber. Very well. And nobody should tarnish his memory by celebrating the opening of another squirrel center. And just by the by -- this "start of our winning tradition" and all the other bloviating about Portland omits the facts with a glossed over PR … [Read more...]
IAS Applied Scholastics Programs — Fact Check
This is the first in a series of postings, fact checking claims made by Corporate Scientology. There will be more. The Original "Fact Checker" (see Freedom Magazine 2009) Mike Rinder The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Part One - Salvaging Education by Natasha Boris The International Association of Scientologists makes several claims on its website. This series is about investigating the truth behind those statements. First, it should be noted that there is very little reference to L. Ron Hubbard on the homepage. There are … [Read more...]