The first org in the world is now "humanitarian". What an honor! Seems like the right amount of money can buy a status not only for anyONE but for anyTHING. I am not sure even the Popes of the Middle Ages sold indulgences to entire churches? And how appropriate it is to spread the largesse so well piloted for individuals to whole churches. No need to keep your ethics in/train/audit or DO any humanitarian work/good deeds -- just GIVE the appropriate bribe, payment, pay off er... donation and all will be taken care of. Then you can proudly … [Read more...]
Phil Colson Speaks
This is the first in a series of postings giving some insight into "Life Is Good After Corporate Scientology". In this case, it also acts as somewhat of a Declaration of Independence for Phil. He is well known in the Denver field as you will see from his write up. Future posts will provide updates on how life is going for some others who are well known to many as prominent former church members. It's part of the program to help those who are under the radar or in doubt to see that there is life, a happier and more fulfilling life, as a former SO member, staff member or reg bait. Mike Rinder My … [Read more...]
Clicking for Dollars — UK Leads the Way
If you thought you had seen the bottom of the RCS begging barrel, just keep checking here for updates. I cannot even comprehend what else they will come up with.... Like watching a train wreck, it is both horrifying and compelling. One of our Special correspondents in the UK sent in news of an innovation being pushed by Tony Hollom ("OT8") and the AOSHUK OT Committee. Here is what she sent us: Basically it is a scheme which donates a small amount to a charity of your choice when you shop online. I've included the original email and a few images … [Read more...]
The New Miscavige Birthday Game!
Remember when the LRH Birthday Game was about giving LRH the birthday gift he wanted? Org Expansion... Well, like a lot of other things in Miscavige Corporate Scientology, there's a new sheriff in town and the organization is being modeled in his image. Of course, there is no grand announcement that "the old birthday game is no more" it's more subtle. Like "Command Intention" morphed from "LRH intention" to "COB intention" and Miscavige gradually assumed the role of "finder of lost tech" to "refiner of tech" to … [Read more...]
Have They No Shame? Vultures Circling Boston
This needs no comment. Except -- Oh, how f***ing predictable. Way To Happiness Booklets? Come on... I think what these people really need is a set of the "LRH Encyclopediaa". Or the ACCs. Pleeeeeaaaassssseeeeee. Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 5:15 PM Subject: Way to Happiness for Boston Disaster Please see below from the PES Boston Org. The recent bombing during the Boston Marathon has left the city in a state of turbulence. To help with this, we are shipping over thousands of Way to Happiness booklets which … [Read more...]
An LRH Quote
This is a quote sent out from the church as part of one of their many fundraising pitches. Methinks they would do well to read it: "When things are not running right, when the public, unable to perceive why, drift down to an apathy below perception, when a culture, already misguided, drifts further and further toward ruin, the nation is fortunate indeed that it has men with the genius to recognize approaching doom and the courage to speak out. ... "If a system could hear, if there were somebody to talk to, if it cared, if the men in charge did not become so devoted to their own interests to … [Read more...]
The Ideal Org Trickle Down
Today in Radical Corporate Scientology, the modus operandi is "do what I do, not what I say (or what LRH says)". "Command Intention" trumps everything -- policy, tech, common sense and common decency. Which is why fundraising has become the primary activity in the Scientology world. Ideal Orgs. Super Power Building. IAS. Library Campaign. Planetary Dissemination. Psychbusting. The list goes on, in the face of specific and repeated policy forbidding it. As a result, now you see prominent "OT Committee" members following the "Ideal Org" pattern to raise funds for their local "community group." … [Read more...]
Birthday Game Smoke and Mirrors
[wpvideo LXvnm9Z0] By Mike Rinder This segment of the event is a study in the hardest outpoint to spot: Omitted Data. First omitted. Guillaume Lesevre used to be introduced as ED Int. Then it became “from International Management” after he had been removed from post. Now he is just “Mr. Guillaume Lesevre.” Miscavige only tolerates him being in the same event because he doesn’t want to stoop to handing out awards to Missions and orgs (he doesn’t mind doing it to the Platinum Gluteus Maximas who provide his vacation trip/party/meal/tailor/manicurist allowance). What’s it going to be next year? … [Read more...]
by Mike Rinder Here is the latest twist on sucking blood out of stones. Once you have turned over any available money and have borrowed to your credit card limit and taken out your second or third mortgage, cashed in your life insurance policy and sold your future rights to an inheritance, there is something more EVERYONE can give in order to raise their status. Here is the newest email from Orange County Pawn Shop Fundraisers: From: Orange County [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, January 17, 2011 10:36 PM To: [email protected] Subject: Would You Like To … [Read more...]