One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back. Carl Sagan This seems to be an appropriate quote to sum up the state of these "OT Ambassadors." While many OT Committees now send out their "minutes" hard copy to try and avoid them falling into the hands of the sm … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Tony Ortega has Sunday Funnies. Today, I have Thursday Funnies. Some Special Correspondents sent these in and I could not withhold them from bringing a smile to the faces of readers of this blog (especially as the posting coming up tomorrow is one of the least funny things ever to appear on this blog). This first is one of the funniest (saddest?) things I have seen in a very long time. Apparently someone created a pack to overcome objections people have to joining the Sea Org. Obviously potential recruits have heard about the food. Or maybe they have seen it. So, in typical … [Read more...]
The Bubble Is Still Leaking
These are all sent by hushmail, I promise. The first one, from Flag, contains this classic quote: This is still "LRH Birthday Week" through Thursday March 20, so we are still raising funds for the IAS and for Ideal Orgs. Of course, the thing to celebrate LRH's birthday is to give money for the IAS and Ideal Orgs, neither of which LRH ever heard of or contemplated or wrote about anywhere (of course there IS a policy about Ideal Orgs that we have seen plenty of times and the name has been stolen from it, not the concept). Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2014From: Flag OT Committee &l … [Read more...]
PC Folders Are Confidential
The church lawyers who stand on their hind legs in court and proclaim the absolute sanctity of pc folders should get a load of this. The lies the church tells the public, media and courts about how NOBODY can access pc folders except the auditor and C/S are exposed by the "CF I/C OTC DK Org" (I guess the OTC is now a "shadow org" with duplicate posts to the org itself). The fact that a public person is recruiting other random public to "go through pc folders" and "pull out data" is one of the more remarkable FB posts I have come across. So typical of the RCS. Virtually everything they say in … [Read more...]
The OTC Reports — Things Are Looking Grim
I recently published the Quarterly report for the EUS OT Committees and the stats for the WUS OT Committees. Here are the quarterly reports from the other Conts. I cannot be bothered to read them, but specific areas may be of interest to some. I am publishing them all here so there is a public record as they are enlightening as to the state of the orgs. You will note as with the other areas that there is more reporting on the NON Scientology activities (WISE, WTH, Narconon etc) than on getting people into orgs. Where there are any specifics given on people moving on the bridge they are … [Read more...]
Disastrous EUS OT Committee Report
The recent information from WUS resulted in one of our Special Correspondents forwarding this report about the EUS OT Committees to me. It doesn't have stat grids, but what is lacks in numbers it more than makes up for with hype. Some poor soul compiled this information to forward to "Int Management" (there is no such thing -- there is no WDC. No Exec Strata. No ED Int. No Snr C/S Int. Warren MsShane testified recently that Heber is "President CSI though he is "semi-retired"). Trying to make themselves look as good as humanly possible, this report in a combination of inflated or made up bs … [Read more...]
Current List of OT Ambassadors and OT VIII’s in WUS
As a follow up to the OT Ambassador stats of yesterday, here is the current (as of 23 January 2014) list all OT Ambassadors and OT VIIIs in WUS. The percentage next to the name is the percentage of weeks since "Maiden Voyage" 2013 (the one that was canceled) that each of these people have been "active". And apparently if someone has been "active" one week in the previous year they are "counted" as "Active OT Ambassadors/OT Committee members." I am sure there will be a lot of readers who know far more details about their own areas than I do. I only noted a few oddities just from glancing at … [Read more...]
Scientology OT Committees- Some Statistics
The OT Committee of a Scientology Church represents the most active and committed of the local Scientologists. Until they have completed OT VIII, they are easy to pressure and control because they have to pass detailed "OT Eligibility" Checks and they get grilled as to their contributions to their local Church. If they fail the check, they can't move on. To see the statistics of an OT Committee is thus a somewhat rare and very revealing glimpse behind the curtain. Scientology church staffers go to extreme lengths to hide the actual statistics of their organizations. This is because these … [Read more...]
“Interesting” Times
Haven't had a chance to post this til now. It's not especially important and is a bit of a throw away on a day when I don't have time to put anything else together. But it's another little piece in the puzzle, building the REAL picture of what is happening in the world of Scientology, as opposed to the propaganda they spew forth.... It seems all is not well inside the bubble. The wonders of Ideal Orgs and straight up and vertical and the Golden Age of Knowledge/OT/Tech has not really been all its cracked up to be... "Making it go right" to "persist" through these "interesting times" doesn't … [Read more...]
How Many Scientologists?
This was sent in some time ago by a Special Correspondent, but there have been so many other things going on that I have not been able to get around to posting it. I think it is a good topic for discussion and this is a thoughtful and insightful writeup from someone who has considerable experience from which to base their estimates. Though there is no figure placed on the number of Scientologists, my estimate is 25,000-30,000 worldwide. These are people who may still do an extension course to maintain appearances, buy a book when it is released or attend an event -- though not necessarily go … [Read more...]