The tidal waves are coming. It's GARGANTUAN. And what is IT? A million file folders for the newest newly renewed ASHO and AOLA. Is this the third or fourth time for the "new" ASHO and AO? And they have been "Ideal Org/SH Size Orgs" for as long as those concepts have been floating around the bubble. So how come their files are in disarray AGAIN? But in all our excitement about the files, let's not forget to get yourself confirmed for the events. We have NO IDEA when they will be, but make sure you sign up now, before Thursday at 2, to confirm your attendance for a date sometime in the future … [Read more...]
Scientology Contraction
Thank you all for your reports from around the world. These reports provide a snapshot of the Church of Scientology in its current state. This is only a sampling, and I hope that others will continue to send in reports from their areas so this can be added to with more detailed information and it can become a useful source of true information for Scientologists and the media. One of the reasons for doing this is that every time Pinocchio Pouw "speaks", or a church lawyer stands up in court, their Miscavige penned statements drone on about the fabulous international expansion of Scientology … [Read more...]
REAL Expansion STATS
One of our Special Correspondents sent in this very well constructed chart. In keeping with recent posts, it highlights once again, USING THE CHURCH'S OWN BOOKS AND WEBSITE, how there is NO EXPANSION anywhere other that supposed Missions in Asia and Russia and former Soviet satellites. There is no real expansion since the mid 90's. Funny, the granting of tax exemption to the churches at the end of 1993 was supposed to have marked the beginning of the golden age of Scientology. At least that is what Miscavige said. He announced that because HE had personally brought the IRS to its … [Read more...]
It’s Straight Up And Vertical!
A denizen of the fringes of the internet (not sure if he or she is unemployed to boot), sent me an email that got me thinking. The message was quite simple: I've been an avid reader of your blog for a long time, and before that your posts on Marty Rathbun's blog. I'd like to let you know about corporate Scientology's straight up and vertical expansion in Houston, a city of over four million people. While Dallas has an Idle Morgue, opened by COB himself, Houston has only a dingy, run down mission, barely visible from the street. The fastest growing religion on Earth has a presence in … [Read more...]
Scientology’s Norwegian Shrinkage
This article was sent in by Anette Iren Johansen, who is taking time out from her own blog to act as Norwegian Special Correspondent for Something Can Be Done About It. Thanks Anette! Where is the massive worldwide unprecedented straight up vertical expansion of Scientology? Apparently it has not yet reached Norway. No expansion in the richest country of the world? I'm not sure whether the Vikings are cult proof or if this is just the worst example of Scientology's failed Ideal Org strategy. There is only one Church of Scientology in Norway. It goes by the name Oslo Org. In 2004 the church m … [Read more...]
Vulture Culture Speaks For Itself
If you ever wanted a visual encapsulation of the Vulture Culture, this "Ideal Org" promotion says it all. There is no pretense here. "Get Prosperous" = "Bridge Ascent." The "old" line in Scientology used to be "Get Trained" and now it's "Get Prosperous" and we are going to teach you how to do that by "Upping Your Ask" to increase your "Closing Skills".... This is Sciendollargy in full living color. What is most curious to me is whether anyone would be masochistic enough to show up to an event with a Freewinds Reg who promotes himself as the master of "closing" and getting more … [Read more...]
Prices Are Going Up While We Are Going Down!
The Smiths are at it again -- throwing out more confusion and hidden data to try to drum up some business. Not only is Miscavige planning the super extravaganzapalooza of amazingness to blow the minds of the sheeple with Super Power, Cause Resurgence, GAG II, the meter, dictionary and a whole new building in a circus tent with fireworks, dancing elephants and clowns, he also plans to make a shitload more money with price "changes" (increases) as it just wouldn't be fair to let people "rocket up the Bridge faster than ever, ever, ever" without making them pay more for the privilege of getting … [Read more...]
Food For Thought
This was sent to me for publication by a personal friend. I have not published anything quite like this on my blog before -- it is a declaration by someone who doesn't give his name (though anyone who knows him knows who he is and a lot of others will be able to figure it out). I think it is good food for thought. And I especially like his views of what a real friend is. I too know Dave and Sindy Fagen. Dave's write up of his story is probably the calmest, most intelligent and devastating indictment of the current state of the "church of scientology" that has yet been published. Read it … [Read more...]
A Special Correspondent Report from The Bay Area
Dear Mike, I wanted to give you an update on the Bay Area Scientology scene. As you know there are San Fransisco, Stevens Creek, Los Gatos and Mountain View orgs in this fifty mile area. Recently included to the grouping of the Bay Area orgs is Sacramento -- about one hundred miles from most of the Bay Area. All Bay Area orgs sit empty. Just to be clear, there are probably half a dozen veteran public that appear for course once a week to keep their PR in. It's a sad state of affairs that while each org sits empty of public, some of the most well-intended (and misguided) staff you ever care … [Read more...]
The New GAE — Golden Age of Execs
A report from one of our European Special Correspondents: Have you heard about dm´s new squirrel quickie "Exec" training (“Golden Age of Management and Exec Training”). 3 months in Idle LA Org, and you are “Golden Age of Management Exec". Take a look at this email from ED DK Day (After many years as a Senior C/S he is now "converted" t to ED): From: [email protected]: Mikkel Jorck, ED Denmark Day, message to ScandinaviaDate: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 Dear Friends,I am right now at the end of some very fantastic training – “Golden Age of Management and Exec Training” here in Los An … [Read more...]