To maintain the support of his followers, David Miscavige has to keep up the appearance that his brand of leadership is guiding the flock to the promised land – a Cleared Planet. If they thought he was failing, they would abandon him in a New York minute. It is a firm principle of the belief system of members of the church that they must operate on the "greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics" and the 3rd dynamic -- the church -- is believed to enhance ALL other dynamics. Thus if the church is achieving its objectives then it must be supported. A successful and prospering church t … [Read more...]
Scientology Gone Status Crazy
The Idle Org money crush to buy extravagant and unnecessary buildings in deserted areas of cities around the world has been the subject of much comment and speculation. But here are some facts and figures -- not for the faint of heart. But it does prove the economic wisdom of Miscavige's plan. Wisdom is used advisedly of course. If your PURPOSE is to accumulate MEST it is a fabulous plan. Though if your purpose is to help people, it is an unmitigated disaster. First of all, what does it take to get one of these fancy Scientology Idle Org Donation statuses? This list, presented on the New … [Read more...]
"Czech Scientologists Getting Madrid Done" Great News???
This is bizarre on so many levels... For anyone who doesnt know, Madrid is like Buffalo. One of the very first "Ideal Orgs" (and a very high priority for Miscavige at the time as Tom Cruise was dating Penelope Cruz and her family were being coaxed into the church -- Penelope's sister is a very well known TV presenter in Spain), they have had a second "Grand Opening" and now they doing their "Non E Campaign" (10 years later). And apparently the "hey-you" isnt just across the US for Portland, Europe was in on it too because they say "after having finished the funding for Portland" we are now … [Read more...]
Scientology Photoshops Audience for Miscavige Event
When you try to claim that a crowd of 400-500 is actually a crowd of 2,500, Photoshop is your best friend. The Radical Church of Scientology is no stranger to photoshopping audiences and their "man with no head" audience member went viral after the 1999 New Years Event. Scientology Audience Doctored. However with all the attention on the Portland ("Scientology City") opening and the months of pressure to have Scientologists from all over the world fly in to puff up the crowd at the event, apparently the disappointment of unused chairs and low attendance was too much. So when the o … [Read more...]
CO WISE Fundraising for "Ideal Orgs"
A report just in from Tampa. Quentin Strub, CO WISE EUS, flew into town to deliver a "KSW Seminar." Here is the invitation to this spectacular, must-attend event sent out by Kent Oliver the Director of Public Booksales Tampa Day (fast becoming the poster child for hey-you "org boarding"): Date: Tue, 7 May 2013 09:52:08 -0700From: [email protected]: ThisWednesdayTo: Hi,This is a very important seminar every person should attend. And it's at our Org, Tampa Org.Mr. Quentin Strub, CO WISE East US, from the Freewinds will be giving it. This usually cost $600, but for this one … [Read more...]
The Phoenix Org Is NOT Rising
This is a report of a very recent visit to Scientology Phoenix Org by someone I knew in the CMO and SO. Frankly, he gives them a lot more benefit of the doubt than I may have, but still, if this is an Ideal Org and this is how David Miscavige plans to “clear the planet” the proverbial snowball in hell is great odds by comparison. Mike Rinder Personally wanting to see what an ideal org looks like, I decided to visit Phoenix org. I haven’t been in an org since leaving the CMO and the SO in 1990, before the conception of the ideal org campaign. Back then, the push was St. Hill Size. Period. H … [Read more...]
We Put Up the Scaffolding — Now Give Money So We Can Start Renovations
Following is an exact quote from a new promotional email being circulated in Australia. "The Continental Commanding Officer briefed on where the Sydney Ideal Org is at on completion. And the latest news – the scaffolding has been erected on 201 Castlereagh Street!! We are all ready to go. Just need to very rapidly complete the funding so that we can actually start and be on target for renovation completion in December and Grand Opening in January." This just keeps getting more bizarre. Can you imagine that after 10 YEARS of fundraising for Sydney "Ideal Org" (which like Toronto is a building t … [Read more...]
Hannover Org — Not Too Inviting… and No Straight Up And Vertical In Sight
Here is a new report just received from someone who visited Hannover "org." Maybe the massive international expansion is also bypassing Hannover? The main question that springs to mind after reading this that I would love to ask David Miscavige -- "I know you haven't a clue about the Great Middle Path, but have you ever heard of gradients?" Something between an empty craphole like this and an empty palace like Berllin would probably work out better for everyone. I know you don't like suggestions from me Dave, but I offer one anyway. Mike Rinder Here is my … [Read more...]
A Long Term Class V Staff Perspective
This personal story from another of the growing list of Special Correspondents is so applicable to so many that I though it important to post it. It aligns with the recent post I did entitled Divide and Rule. Mike Rinder As an ex-Class V org staff member, here's something I've found interesting. Throughout my staff tenure of 12 1/2 years, I never visited any other Class V org than my own. Who could afford it? I was on staff. And never had time off anyway. The point is, the only idea I had of what it was like at other orgs is what I saw played at events. When you see … [Read more...]
David Miscavige-Divide and Rule
There is an old principle employed by Roman Emperors, “Divide and conquer/divide and rule.” This is an underlying theme of the reign of the Emperor of Scientology, David Miscavige. The basic idea is to keep various factions of your empire uninformed about the goings-on in other areas. Thus, no mass uprising can occur. You don’t want disaffection with the leadership to spread, if it arises anywhere, it must be stamped out immediately and at once and ensure no other area hears about it to plant seeds of discontent. George Orwell’s 1984 and the brilliant movie The Lives of Others detail methods … [Read more...]