More scientology sickness hiding in plain sight. This is one of Hubbard's most important edicts on dealing with the media. It lays out scientology's policy on how to "control the press." It is the first policy in the "hat pack" of every scientology PR person. This is not "historical" or "we cancelled that" (like they claim about the Fair Game policy). They proudly stand behind this and even more proudly follow exactly what it says in their day to day actions. If you want to read the whole thing, you can do so here: Scientology Five Press Policies I … [Read more...]
US Department of Justice Scathing Takedown of Scientology
This is one of the most damning documents in the history of scientology. It summarizes the incriminating files seized in the FBI raid conducted in 1977. The raids in Washington DC and Los Angeles garnered thousands of documents which were combed through by DOJ lawyers as part of the prosecution of Mary Sue Hubbard and her top deputies in the Guardian's Office. Ultimately they pled guilty in October 1979 -- Mary Sue received a 5 year prison sentence and a $10,000 fine. L. Ron Hubbard was an unindicted co-conspirator -- he had kept his name off GO documents, and those charged fell on their … [Read more...]
L. Ron Hubbard on Medicine, Doctors and Cures
L. Ron Hubbard had a very jaundiced view of the medical profession and healing of disease and illness. He announced to the world that he had discovered the real causes and cures for virtually everything with Dianetics and proceeded to expand on his assertions from there all the way through the years in scientology and ultimately with the "New Era Dianetics for OT's." Never one to understate his accomplishments, Hubbard made numerous false claims about his "research" and "discoveries" which still form the "technology" of scientology used today. He proclaimed himself to have … [Read more...]
The Incredible Shrinking World of Scientology
Quite a number of people have asked me in recent interviews whether scientology is growing. Of course, it is not. Information is deadly poison to cults and in this age of the internet, scientology is doomed. But, scientology puts out an endless stream of propaganda to make it seem like they are expanding. They claim "massive growth" and "unprecedented demand" and various other catchphrases, statements unsupported by specifics or statistics. Naturally, scientology doesn't want to make information available that would disprove their claims of constant and … [Read more...]
“What Did You Do To Pull It In?”
In the face of the Danny Masterson trial, I have spent quite a bit of time recently explaining this Hubbard concept and how it relates to treating victims in scientology. Every scientologist knows and uses this phrase, "What did you do to pull it in?" as a pat response to those on the receiving end of something harmful or upsetting to them. It is the go-to answer for a broad spectrum of things: from being criticized unfairly by your boss, to being run over by a car or mugged on the street. The basic concept is that you are "at cause" and create everything in your life. In … [Read more...]
Reality Check: Scientologists and Law Enforcement
With the ongoing rape trial of Danny Masterson, a lot of people are curious about scientology's position with respect to reporting crimes to law enforcement. Scientology responded to reports they forbid this in typical fashion -- quoting the LA Times: The Church of Scientology declined to comment on the pending criminal matter, but said the religion has no policy against reporting crimes committed by Scientologists to law enforcement. “Church policy explicitly demands Scientologists abide by all laws of the land,” spokeswoman Karin Pouw said. Though most people reject scientology's den … [Read more...]
The 2009/2010 FBI Scientology Investigation: New Details
More documents from the 2010 FBI investigation have become available through an FOIA request made many years ago. While there is a great deal of redacted information and many documents withheld in their entirety, there is a lot of information contained in this disclosure that I had not been previously aware of. The full documents can be found here. There were a lot of documents released by the FBI back in 2017 which Tony O covered on his blog. Those docs (many of them witness interviews) are included in this new release -- though the redactions are very different. This is common with … [Read more...]
L. Ron Hubbard on Psychiatry, Pain and Sex
This is an expansion of an earlier post I did on this subject. Hubbard always had a lot to say about psychiatry being the root of all evil in this universe, but towards the end of his days, he became increasingly obsessed with the topic. Just as he was trying to get rid of those pesky BT's and clusters, so too he was trying to explain to the world the scourge of psychiatry. Read his fiction from the time -- Battlefield Earth and even more so, Mission Earth, and his fixation on psychiatry is remarkable. They are the source of all suppression of mankind. His unpublished writings are even … [Read more...]
Scientology Hypocrisy: Slave Labor and Human Trafficking
Hypocrisy in scientology runs very deep. It is almost axiomatic that if scientology claims something virtuous about itself, the opposite is true. They are masters at the art of pointing the finger at others to avert scrutiny of themselves. Just a short list: They proclaim they are champions of free speech, while seeking by any means necessary to silence anyone who says things they don't like. They claim to be against hatred and bigotry while putting out a continuous stream of hate-filled utterances and offering a safe harbor and support for the likes of Tony … [Read more...]
The Big Lie: “They Incited Murder”
Yesterday, Tony Ortega reported the news out of Australia concerning the perpetrator of the tragic murder at the Advanced Organization in Sydney. Stefani Hutchinson weighed in with her always cogent and fact driven take on things like this, I recommend reading her blog on the subject. While there is much to be said about what happened, the tragic circumstances, the scientology refusal to acknowledge real mental illness and other things, there is a singular point I want to make. Scientology seized on this tragedy to make baseless and … [Read more...]