Donna Ferreira was formerly a Sea Org member at Golden Era production. She was in tape production as I recall, her husband, Marc ("Muff") was one of the original LRH AV technicians (his brother Craig was a guitarist in the Apollo Stars). It’s possible her husband is Craig, it’s one or the other for sure. Somehow she is still around. But what is interesting is that she has a number of her certificate: 3308 (I guess there is a chance it could be 8308, but for orders of magnitude purposes, the difference is insignificant). Super Power was released to the public in 2013 (they actually SOLD it … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Don't worry, you will... Many times Seriously? Next. Ideal Survivor -- where the last person to resist the regges wins. I bet this will be a lot of fun for the family. Get the kids up there pledging their piggy banks. How about an ideal uniform Or at least a clean one. The Chan Man is back Along with Raffy the Rascal. A pair of grifters of the first order. Yeah, scientology will do that to you... Delude you into thinking you have the solutions. Funny how nothing was actually resolved. Just that she thinks they're "not … [Read more...]
Super Power “Success”
This "success story" looks like it might have been written by Dan Sherman. 5 paragraphs of words that mean nothing with no conclusion. SUPER POWER COMPLETION OT VIII FREEDOM MEDAL WINNER California, USA T I M B O W L E S on the Confront and Cause RD of Super Power… At this instant, well over seven billion people are striving to survive on this small planet. At this very moment, newborns take their first breath over the span of Earth while elders sense their last upcoming. As I write, there are billions crying, laughing, prayi … [Read more...]
Buy Your Super Power NOW – in 1978
Here is a blast from the past. This appeared in The Auditor issue 155. Published in 1978. Sign up for your Super Power at ASHO! This is when L. Ron Hubbard announced that Super Power would be available at Saint Hills "within 6 weeks." Of course, Ron said it, so it must be true. And ASHO got the jump on making a few extra bucks and started selling it. Can you imagine if you paid ASHO in 1978 for Super Power and then had to wait for it to be delivered in 2013? If you were 40 when you paid for it, you more than likely died before it was delivered. This is typical of … [Read more...]
Super Hyper Power
These emails get stranger and stranger. Don't these people ever notice the contradictions in their statements? Call on me, so that I can help you convert that money into something really valuable and long-lasting... Well, if money is invaluable, then why is it that you are grubbing for it always? And why won't you accept anything OTHER than money before a service is delivered? But that isn't the real point. It is the "success story" that is included that is REALLY bizarre. Talk about unicorns and rainbows. “I had become almost instantly extremely sane and I dare s … [Read more...]
Super Power Pricing
Peter Bonyai sent me a copy of a Hungarian facebook posting that lists the prices the FSO is charging for Super Power. It is interesting to see how much they are gouging public for the privilege of receiving this rundown designed for staff. Here is a translation: 0. There is a 5000 USD base cost (officially, to cover the costs of the perception drills, which are not subtracted from the intensives). One also gets special clothing for this, which can be kept. Apparently, 50 Sea Org members are assigned to the delivery of these drills. 1. Medical clearance is needed … [Read more...]
Super Power Isn’t So Sooper
Wow, if this is all they have to show for 15+ years, hundreds of millions invested in this building, and virtually unparalleled hype, its pretty tragic. And what is so amazing to me is how they keep giving actual stats as if they are worth shouting about? 15 Super Power Completions in a week? At the ONLY place on earth that can deliver it? So EVERY scientologist on planet earth that wants the most hyped service ever MUST come to Flag? And they are completing 15 per week and there have now been over 800 completions since release?? Stop to catch your breath for a minute whoever is … [Read more...]
Super Power Marketing
Here is further proof, as if it were needed, that fundamentalist Scientology is 97.5% marketing hype and 2.5% product. Even when they are wanting money for an actual service (as opposed to buildings, IAS, library campaigns, "planetary dissemination", CCHR, ABLE etc etc etc) the lies and hype are simply out of this world. Barbara Dews is not writing this foolishness. This is the approved promotion for Super Power. The blind ARE still leading the blind. For those of you who may not be familiar with what Super Power actually contains, see the article by Dan Koon here. All the supporting … [Read more...]
Drew and Dede Johnston Sales Pitch
Once upon a time, Drew and Dede Johnston were respected Scientology field auditors. But they gave up that gig for the far more lucrative business of earning commissions from money squeezed out of their fellow kool aid drinkers. Of course, they are going to promote the astonishing wonders of Super Power, just like they promoted the wonders of Objectives and Purif and reading the Basics and the Purif or whatever the latest blanket "why" is. So, here they go, superlatives, generalities and exclamation points cocked and loaded, giving their newest reg pitches in the guise of "success … [Read more...]
“After GAG II” Supersedes “After Dianetics”
A Special Correspondent sent this in -- it was posted on the Razzline. It clearly is written by a Master Evaluator who thinks for himself and observes what is in front of him.... What a genius: I've read and heard comments and descriptions that many others have said about GAT II and the new Flag Building. Many superlatives have been used. Having attended the events at Flag, nothing I've read or heard is an exaggeration or overstatement. GAT II and the new Flag Building are simply spectacular!! Having been in Scientology for 45 years, I have a perspective that may see th … [Read more...]