Here is something from the STAAD website decrying hypocrisy. It's almost like this was written for a TV satire -- The Office or Veep. The character who is a horrible racist files a complaint with HR over an alleged slight on him that he interprets as racially motivated because he has a complete misunderstanding of the term that is used. Scientologist Stacy Sass is complaining so bitterly of "hypocrisy" yet she is part of an organization that embodies the very definition she quotes: the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; … [Read more...]
The Aftermath Foundation
As scientology prepares to launch SuMP TV, we are launching something we believe will be far more beneficial and hopefully grow to have even greater impact. Scientology and the Aftermath has exposed many abuses commonplace in scientology. Harsh punishment, child and sexual abuse, enforced disconnection from family members and much more… Were it not for the fact that they are able to hide behind the cloak of First Amendment law, they would likely already have been dismantled. There is not a great deal the general public can do. I have often answered the question "how can we help" by telling p … [Read more...]
Mat Pesch Responds to Scientology’s Smears
Frankly, anyone who has watched Mat speak on The Aftermath has no doubt that he is a straight-shooter and an all-around stand up guy. Nobody believes the tripe scientology says about him, not even the people that wrote it. But they think they might be able to convince some of their KoolAid drinkers it's true, maybe. I feel Mat (and anyone else who has appeared on the show) should have a forum here to respond to scientology if they wish, though I am pretty sure it's not necessary. But on the other hand, sometimes it is cathartic to just get it out of your system, put it on paper, and have it … [Read more...]
Quailynn & Paul McDaniel — Check Mate
Check Mate Recovering from Scientology has been no easy task. However my husband and I did it, together. What broke me from the church initially was this: I was on the ship to do OTVIII, I had cleared every hurdle placed infront of me. As most of you know they are many and extremely difficult -- tailored to break you in every possible way. I was on the ship in Cartagena, Columbia. They had taken my passport and the staff had locked me in a room in a room for three days and had me read my husbands confidential confessionals detailing why he was a horrible human worthy of betrayal. This was an … [Read more...]
The Final Aftermath Smears?
With two specials in 3 days, scientology has been working overtime on concocting smears about the show contributors. Of course, they NEVER respond to anything the people say, never dispute the abuses or the lies exposed by any of the contributors or on the show in general. They just sling mud. They have nothing they CAN dispute, so their only avenue is to try to "discredit the source"... Let's take their smears in sequence. Tony Ortega Of course Tony has long been a target of the scientology smear brigade. But they have nothing new so they roll out their moldy old … [Read more...]
Getting People onto The Bridge Through Narconon
Tonight at 8pm there is a special episode of The Aftermath touching upon the subject of scientology's front groups. Of course, the most well-know of them is Narconon, which is why it was so ironic that I was sent this a couple of days ago. Scientology says the "social betterment" organizations are NOT recruitment arms for scientology. Look at the first paragraph of this letter. Bobby Wiggins seems to have retired from his Narconon job and now is making commissions from persuading people to give money to the IAS. The irony of this is when he WAS in Narconon he had to scrape and … [Read more...]
Scientology Smears Ramina – Yawn
True to form, scientology had their brilliant "response" to tonight's episode up before it aired. Snatching the "high ground" their big takedown of Ramina is "we threw her out in 2016" and she is a "Total Fraud" because she "manufactured an exit from the Church." Hahaha It is almost doing Ramina a disservice to even pretend she needs a defense -- it's as if I might be giving some credence to scientology's insane "response". Once again, clearly they had not watched the show, so they prove to the world they truly are intelligence challenged robots. There is not a single person anywhere … [Read more...]
More on The Aftermath and Scientology Smears
While we await the season finale episode tonight, which I hope you will find to be one of the best, I wanted to further address the smears leveled at Chantal and Sherry. (BTW there are 3 more specials coming too...) As has been my practice, I generally put some sort of response to the smears scientology publishes on the contributors to The Aftermath. Following last week's episode featuring Chantal Dodson and Sherry Ollins, I did just that, after scientology posted their bs before the episode even aired. I responded with the information I knew at the time (i.e. that everything scientology … [Read more...]
Scientology The Aftermath S2 E10: the Aftermath
True to form, BEFORE the show even aired, scientology had their smears up about Chantal Dodson and Sherry Ollins. These people literally have no shame. Nor sense. But they seem to have a limitless supply of bullshit. They begin with a clever Halloween theme: "Just in time for Halloween, Leah Remini and A&E continue their religious witch hunt." That is an award-winner. They opt for broad generalities, Chantal "ranks among the most ludicrous and transparently false yet. To say they never happened is a gross understatement. Chantal’s absurd claims fit the modus operandi for Rem … [Read more...]
Aftermath The Business of Religion Special: The Aftermath
Scientology's usual response to each episode of The Aftermath appeared on their hate site before the show had even finished airing. They focused their attention on Mat Pesch and Jeffrey Augustine. They KNOW they cannot make the same sort of insane rants about Luis Garcia or Ted Babbitt because they will present it before the Judge in their case. So, they stay mum and pretend they did not appear on the show. How embarrassing it would be to have a judge read their drivel. But Mat and Jeffrey of course got the full "scientology treatment." Mat of course is the "unvetted Mat … [Read more...]