The people desperately in need of following this advice are scientologists themselves. The lack of kindness demonstrated by scientology in destroying families and relationships is known by the world. It goes on every day. Their approach to anyone that does not agree with them and speaks their mind is equally renowned: Destroy them utterly. Cost them their jobs. Find what they are seeking to protect and threaten it in order to silence them. Kindness? Hardly. When you "discuss the precepts" perhaps you could also discuss how you plan to implement them in your own group. … [Read more...]
What Happened to the Way to Happiness?
Before the "Colombian Miracle" where, according to scientology, distribution of The Way to Happiness reduced crime in Colombia by 90%, there was the Venezuelan Phenomenon -- the Way to Happiness literally "saved the nation." Two of the earliest IAS Freedom Medal winners were awarded their bauble for getting the WTH used by Government agencies that "saved the nation" blah blah. Then Ruddy Rodriguez and others followed, each having accomplished incredible feats of distributing TWTH to even more miraculous results. I would bet there have been more IAS medal winners from Venezuela than any other … [Read more...]
The Safest City
This is more of the scientology bubble crazy on display. They have been convinced that handing out copies of the Way to Happiness "reduces crime" and "brings calm" to neighborhoods. Why do they believe this? First is because L. Ron Hubbard proclaimed this to be the case. He determined that problems in society all stemmed from the lack of a moral code, and that by distributing HIS it spread calm and peace and bring about miraculous changes. And of course, if L. Ron Hubbard says not enough smoking is the true cause of cancer, that LSD is stored in the fatty tissues of the body or that … [Read more...]
The crazy disaster capitalism in the scientology world is a constant presence that never seems to take a break. As long as there are natural or man-made disasters in the world there is an opportunity for scientology to make some money. As I have pointed out many times before, they are not asking for money to send these out at COST, they are selling these with a large profit margin built into the price. And as I have also commented on: why isn't the IAS springing the $50,000 it would COST to do this mailing? They certainly have the money. Finally, how do they think this is going to … [Read more...]
Disaster Capitalism Revisited
It is as predictable as night following day. A disaster, man-made or natural, hits the media and scientology hits the "give us your money now" button. I have pointed it out many times in the past -- this is EXACTLY what the IAS says they use people's donations for. The IAS proudly proclaims it is they who see that Volunteer Ministers ("the largest private relief force on earth") are on the scene "of every major disaster no matter where it occurs on earth" to bring the help that ONLY scientologists can (as Tom Cruise famously said -- ONLY a scientologist can help people injured in a car … [Read more...]
The Real Way To Happiness
My good friend Ray Jeffrey sent this to me, explaining that on his his daily walk with his dogs he listens to podcasts by Dennis Prager, author of a book entitled “Happiness Is A Serious Problem.” Ray synthesized the thoughts about happiness into a 13 point summary. I have not listened to Prager's podcast or read the book. And this is not a commentary on Dennis Prager's political views. But I do wish to share Ray's compilation as this really speaks a lot of truth to me. 1. Believe me -- you want to be happy in your life. 2. Only you control whether or not you are happy – not your fa … [Read more...]