Watch Catherine Bell interview
This is the party line fed to celebrities (and anyone else) to use as a cop out when asked about scientology. “It’s misunderstood, there’s so much false information out there. Read a book and then make a decision for yourself.” It’s a pretty effective deflection and tends to end any inquiries — the vast majority of people who interview celebs are not investigative reporters, they have a 2 line briefing sheet that is handed to them before they “interview” the six or eight celebs who are gathered for a press junket to promote their latest film/tv show or project.
It’s a pity. The journalists who have actually asked tough questions, Bryan Seymour and some others in Australia, John Sweeney in the UK, and Tony Ortega have quickly been blacklisted from interviewing ANY scientologist celebrities.
One follow up question would have Catherine Bell squirming: “Where is Shelly?” Or perhaps even more on point for her: “Doesn’t L. Ron Hubbard say homosexuality is 1.1 on the Tone Scale and such people should be disposed of quietly and without sorrow.”
Let’s not forget that Catherine Bell has been laying low for many years. She was in a well known relationship with Brooke Daniells, daughter of loudmouth Flag FSM and super MAGA-lady Penny Atwell-Jones.
No reporter that I have seen has touched upon the subject of Catherine being gay and a scientologist. It’s no secret, it’s right in her Wikipedia entry
In this case the mainstream media are the real villains, for playing along with these slick manipulations. Can’t blame the cult for taking advantage of cynical celebrity worship to sell advertisements.
I am pretty sure scineology was trying to recruit me around the year 2000. They were using gay people to do it. They never had the balls to actually come out and ask me tho. (Probably that’s why miscavige still hates me hahaha.)
How i got on their radar i still do not know, especially way before more people knew me.
FTR, later, scientology infiltrated my life via a lover. There are no gays in scientology? LMFAO.
Reality is always there. Hubbard denied Reality. There’s ALWAYS a price for denying Reality. Hubbard died in hiding. We the living are now paying the price for Hubbard’s denial of Reality.
I was just wondering the other day if she is still in after coming out as gay a number of years ago. I have my answer. I haven’t spoken to her for a long time. Not since Tommy was dragging her around D.C.
So sad she’s still in the trap. But, it is lack of IQ at this point.
Has she read Science of Survival I wonder? (And then made her decision..)
She’s a pretty lady and a good actor (as is Michael Pena) but that doesn’t make her a good person. She very, very, “ethical” (Scientology definition).
Never ask a scientologist about scientology. They aren’t allowed to know the truth, and the truth is kept from them. They only know the answers they are told, and what to say to Critics. Catherine Bell doesnt know shit. She has been deceived and doesn’t even know it.
She made an appearance on the Howard Stern radio show many years ago. He asked some questions about scientology that were slightly antagonistic but hardly out of line and she got completely flustered. Even as a listener I was embarrassed. She came off as a total airhead.
Homosexuals should be per LRH disposed of quietly and without sorrow, but wait, Catherine Bell is a celebrity, so she can be gay and live together with another gay female Scientologist.
Tom Cruise had his teenaged niece punished for kissing a boy but he could live with Katie Holmes, get her pregnant and wait until their baby girl’s first birthday before getting married.
Back in the day when I was in, a friend of mine was receiving auditing at her full expense. Her auditor was a wonderful woman and an excellent auditor;. Everything was progressing nicely until all of a sudden, a celebrity – a major celebrity out in CA at CC Int needed an auditor right away and demanded my friend’s auditor ONLY. NO ONE ELSE would do, apparently.
Never mind that there was very strict Hubbard policy about interrupting auditing that’s going well (not to mention fully paid for with a whole Grades Package up to Clear) Never mind that this was a blatantly off policy order on the part of CC Int for demanding it and for my little org for following it. Never mind that everyone with the exception of my friend knew that dropping her abruptly mid cycle was totally wrong and harmfull. Never mind that my friend was shocked and upset from getting dropped like that with no warning and not even a goodbye from her auditor – she was just put on a plane with no personal explanation from her to her PC No, never mind. A major celebrity’s needs and wants took precedence. In fairness to this auditor I’m sure she felt very badly about dropping her Preclear like that. She was a very kind and gentle person and had been an auditor forever. She knew policy. But still…there was that order…she had to go. That celebrity at CC Int had to be accommodated.
Thank you for reading this rant.
Its all so very unfair; so egregiously unfair.
Two days ago I finished reading Leah Remini’s book. The chapter about Cruise’s wedding appalled me. The hero worship of celebs in Scn is deplorable but totally unsurprising.
And what’s even worse is Co$ having crucifixes on top of their buildings. How totally cynical and hypocritical that is!
I am not a Christian (or a Jew orMuslim, n or am I affiliated with any religious organization for that matter) but I was born a Christian and I’ve read the New Testament wherein I found nothing to indicate that Jesus Christ believed that famous rich people were greater beings than the rank and file of common humanity.
In fact, Jesus Christ preached that greater wisdom and understanding of man’s spiritual nature entitled them only to SERVE the masses who needed enlightenment. To SERVE people, not to be cosseted and admired and revered by them. In the New Testament, Jesus washes peoples’ feet – his Disciples’ feet, I think.
The Roman Catholic Saints were ALL plain common men and women who SERVED, who gave of themselves with total unselfishness, etc., including their own lives. The RC Saints did not achieve their sainthood by being wealthy parishioners who donated huge sums of money and land to the Church of Rome! (Although there were plenty of those – point being, the RC’s didn’t make SAINTS out of them)
To illustrate this point of superior men and women who unselfishly and bravely stuck to their Christlike principles and SERVED their fellow man, Pope Francis has washed people’s feet, as did, Jesus Christ.
How much more humility can a person show t than by washing peoples’ dirty, dusty, sandal clad feet?
But Co$ – no. They revere those who give them big money. Its so wrong. And by the way I like money as much as anyone else, but this is just wrong.
I’m embarrassed and ashamed I was ever member of their organization.
Rant over. I seem to have an awful lot of them these day.