This was the commentary that accompanied this piece from CCHR (Citizen’s Commision on Human Rights) that had been sent to one of our faithful readers.
Unfortunately, the bad news is, that unpaid and underpaid CCHR workers are tirelessly bombarding legitimate news, newsletter, and aggregating websites, and pseudo-news outlets, with their ‘facts’ which they don’t fact check, at all. These overworked and understaffed decision-makers are just looking for interesting topics to publish in these COVID-19 times. CCHR’s massive spewing out of their bullshit articles are clearly hitting some lazy PR drone or unprepared intern, who takes these free offerings. Not knowing that under that pretty green fan of sticky leaves is a rattlesnake, sinking its teeth into more and more organizations.
At CCHR’s next bloated event, (to extract money to do more of the same) they will list these organizations, news outlets, or professional persons, as supporters of the controversy and conspiracy theories they are gleefully spreading.
They will further assert that that organization or professional person is banging their drum.
Is it a huge win for Scientology?
No, because it’s a front group, so taking the win is idiotic.
No, because anyone who actually agrees with their spewage, is certainly not someone you’d want in your church.
No, it’s not a huge win for anyone, unless, bot-level drivel published, is the stat of the day.
While on the subject of CCHR, here is some more drivel.
Talk about hypocrisy: “there is so much negativity and hysteria in the media”… CCHR are the absolute KINGS of negative hysteria. Read ANYTHING they publish and it is readily apparent.
And as for the mind blowing “stats and strides” it apparently doesn’t take much to blow the mind of whoever wrote this.
And finally — some patented CCHR hysteria.
Everything is a psych plan to drug and suppress the population….
The only thing Scientology CLEARS is people’s bank accounts.
Laughing as they do it!
“CCHR hysteria”
Isn’t that title a study in redundancy? Is CCHR about anything but hysterical appeals to emotion using outdated information, facts created out of whole cloth, and the frantic denial of reality? All with nothing better being offered. Oh yeah, there’s tubby’s tired old techniques that the clams can pretend they’re “clearing” the way for, but any who actually LOOK will see that scn’s NOT going to deliver on any of its promises.
‘Course, they’re trained quite carefully to ignore any glimpse of reality they might *almost* see.
Didn’t one of the biggest contributors to CoS invent Depakote a psychoactive drug used by psychiatrists to treat such mental disorders as bipolar. If so how does the church reconcile this with it’s violent hatred of the profession. He gave several 10s of $millions so that’s OK then! I guess. If they had a shred of integrity they would have rejected him and his millions. This just proves how much hypocrisy exists in that feted pool.
“Not knowing that under those sticky green leaves is a rattlesnake, sinking its teeth into more and more organizations.”
You have a gift, Mike Rinder. What a book you could write. I get it, though, as regards getting it published.
Thanks for another article that’s both factually informative and highly readable.
Mike you have half a dozen books waiting to burst forth, hope you can start cranking them out and hope the first is called LRH & Me.
I’m curious.
Mike has shared that it is the publishing of the book and not the writing of it that would be the issue at present – not so easy to get a book published nowadays. But I’m keeping my hope alive for that to be resolved, because, man oh man, what a blockbuster Rinder could write!
Yo COB Captain Dave Miscavige Sir!
Is the possibility of a book authored by Mike Rinder an impediment to your need for 10 hours of restful sleep as well as the proper digestion of all of your extremely expensive, wholly organic meals?
Hmmm, we thought so!
Well, Ok, then; why not try salting each of the major and minor publishing houses with your cult spies so that if/when a Rinder book gets submitted you’ll know beforehand and can go into heavy Dead Agent Mode so that no publishing house of merit will publish it?
Oh, you’ve thought of that, already?
Well, of course, you have. What was I thinking? Silly, stupid, overt-ridden Suppressive Me on the Fringes of the Internet daring to presume to offer advice to Big Being Super- Social Personality You!
My apologies, Sir!
Much love,
The vaccine against destructive virus and against destructive cults is own thinking. To be closer than the secured distans making people in are out. What psychs do to people is nothing compared with what psychopaths and virus do to them.
I could not help but check the webpage and I was flabbergasted. They take wins that have nothing to do with them. There are no “success” letter by anyone they “saved” from psychiatry. nor any quote from anyone supporting them. They allegedly won “numerous” awards – no evidence of it. Like you pointed out, it’s all about a front to gather money, going straight up to the management and DM.
The only thing I see all over the place, well marked in red is the DONATE button…
It should not, but so annoying!
Princess, NOTHING about scientology or its front groups has ANY positive evidence. There is only evidence of the destruction it wreaks when given the slightest chance.
Human rights?
Why they don’t survey what happens in their own house?
Starting from the top and down in the SO.
Does Disconnection policy have nothing to do with human rights?
It does! Just the threat of it is a violation.
Recently I got back in touch with many ex SO most have still family member in an all trying to keep a low profile. All of them see the cult as a scam and have their reasons.
Bu what now is happening among us is also very interesting. Mike will email you separately about.
Disconnection is a violation of basic human right and a continued threat.
LmR, scientology specifically prohibits anyone or anything from taking a close, honest look into anything even slightly related to scn and its members actions, particularly those giving orders.
Jere. Thank you. I know it very well the fascist regime in there. I was been sarcastic for this reason. Human rights?
What really piss me off is this crap on disconnection.
A threat to keep controlling people even if they have left and don’t want to have anything to do with it anymore.
Every time I see something from CCHR it makes me totally outraged. Upon returning from Vietnam with a blown out knee from a bullet, I was in a very dark place. Slept with a knife under my pillow and awoke many times thinking I was back in country. Only by finding the right phycologist and getting the right medication and treatment can I say that I have lived a meaningful productive life. I doubt I would have made it without that help. There’s are bad doctors the same as bad people in all professions. But to lump them all together is completely wrong. I will always be in debt to the one’s that brought me back to reality after things I saw that I can never speak of.
David. Yes you are speaking actual truth. CCHR is not a real whistle blower group. Yes, they expose some psych and pharma crimes and they also propagate general lies and propaganda. They are a front group for the IAS to get more donations. And they give no workable solutions to help those with mental health needs.
BKmole, you have the truth of it it’s all about money, MORE MONEY, etc.
If anything in the scam worked as advertized, they’d be busting the seams of those magnificent mausoleums to the Kid’s™ megalomania
Objectivism Versus Scientology:
In Objectivism an axiom is a statement that defines the base of knowledge and is a self evident truth. The three axioms of Objectivism are that Existence Exists, that Existence is Identity, and that Consciousness is Identification. The axioms of Objectivism flatly contradict Scientology in holding that the Universe existed prior to the evolution of consciousness. That things are what they are regardless of what one chooses to believe. And that to be conscious is to see things are they truly are without regard to the claims by an self-proclaimed authority figure. An Objectivist would clearly see that L. Ron Hubbard was putting out complete nonsense and therefore would be classed as a Suppressive Person in the doctrine of Scientology. Because it is a deliberate body of falsehoods created by a con artist Scientology must hold that the act of identification–which is to see things as they truly are–as something that must be forbidden and punished. And in a world ruled by Scientologists the truly conscious must be be put down with lethal effect.
Are you citing Ayn Rand’s Objectivism or something else?
Ayn Rand, of course.
Yes otherles Ayn Rand. Real physical things exist even if you are not there to perceive them. The opposite of that is what Hubtard spouted.
“The Federal government has allocated $425 million for mental health services and an additional $1.32 billion for community mental health centers.”
And since they recognized El Are Aitch as a fraud a long time ago, they won’t give a dime to us. “Boo hoo” weeps the clam.
To quote a line from their ridiculous whatever-the-Hell-this-is, “There is so much negativity and hysteria in the media”.
As if the sad state of this world is the fault of the media? As if it is the fault of the Drug industry? As if it is the fault of Psychiatry or the Medical profession?
Something about all of this reminds me of the following old sayings:
“More X in my little finger than there is in their entire body.”
“Pot calling the kettle black.”
“Everything you say bounces off of me and sticks on you.”
These people not only have the mentality of small children. But they also behave like nasty little … ack …!
The current miserable state of this world is due more to filthy criminals like this scam than it is to all the big world industries all put together. To be more specific, I believe the fault is due more to a small percentage of the population that would destroy the whole world just to be able to gain a tiny advantage for themselves.
I sure do wish I could remember the exact quote or where it came from. I seem to remember a very well-known quotation that came from some movie or from the bible that talked about a small segment of the world’s population that would destroy everything just so they could gain a very small thing.
I seem to remember it was said by a very elderly woman. But I could easily be mistaken. In any case, it seemed like a perfect expression to describe this scam or all phony criminal scams.
Does anyone remember where that came from or to what I’m referring? I am so sorry to be so vague.
Skyler, I clicked around and didn’t find anything that I thought really fit, but I did find a great quote from Maya Angelou – “Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option.”
In this case, of course, substitute someTHING for someONE.
Thanks Briget. Very nice quote. Maya Angelou has always been a great source of wisdom.
Ack! I was just about to close this post when I remembered the quote. It was from a 1941 movie titled, “The Little Foxes”. It is a great movie starring Bette Davis and Herbert Marshall and it still holds up to this day. It is rated 8.0 on IMDB which is equivalent to The Shawshank Redemption. Just in case anyone has some spare time and is looking for a superb movie.
It’s based on a 1939 novel by Lillian Hellman about a Southern family trying to financially rape black people after the civil war. I was correct in that the quote was spoken by an elderly black lady in the movie. It went like this:
“Well, there are people who eat the earth and eat all the people on it. . . . Then there are people who stand around and watch them eat it. . . . Sometimes I think it ain’t right to stand and watch them do it.”
If anyone watches that film and likes it, there is also another film, “Another Part of the Forest (1948)”, that is a prequel to that movie.
I also just discovered a very good new site that I previously did not know. Here is a link to that site that describes the film and the novel.
Lillian Hellman! “Pentimento” is one of my favorite reads!
Skyler wrote:
“To be more specific, I believe the fault is due more to a small percentage of the population that would destroy the whole world just to be able to gain a tiny advantage for themselves.”
I don’t know where that came from but do believe it, sadly, is true. Proof that history repeats itself. Fortunately those with that intention didn’t succeed, but there were a lot of innocent people who paid a high price for it.
“These people not only have the mentality of small children. But they also behave like nasty little … ack …!”
Heh. Heh. I’m afraid that I was just at a loss for words when I tried to find an appropriate name to call them. Perhaps I should have just omitted that entire sentence.
Skyler, may I just say:
Having sustained yourself no personal injury from the cult, that you care as you do, is wonderful.
The same applies to Balletlady.
Thanks to both of you 🙂
Once again, it sounds as if they are confessing their own crimes – trying to exploit a crisis, promoting treatments that are fraudulent and ineffective, making baseless claims that untested or failed old techniques are somehow the answer to almost any new ill, and out only for money, using sensationalist propaganda techniques as a tool.
Unfortunately, like most of what Scientology does, it’s an internal “win” if it keeps the clubbed seals in line and ready to be skinned of cash, assets, and even whatever they can put themselves on the hook to borrow.
But if CCHR, founded over half a century ago, were actually making any “strides” and able to be effective with the money given it, there shouldn’t even be a supposed “Brave New World” of psychiatry emerging – weren’t they supposed to have vanquished it within about the first 5 years? More ongoing fail, as they’re left in the dust of history….
p.s. I think they’re also jealous that the mental health helping professions have founds ways to work effectively online – while they’re doctrinally stuck having to get people physically “into the chair” to have a shot at them, and thus left crippled and impotent during a time of actual crisis and need.
Definitely jealous of the money on offer. Who wouldn’t want a slice of the $1.7b pie.
Meanwhile in the freezone remote emeters are used over the Internet
The CCHR material you have printed are full of lies and mis-statements and false equivalencies. So of course Jan Eastgate ( nearly convicted of covering up child sex abuse in Australia) is flogging the money drum. In reality, virtually no psychiatric practitioners have heard of the CCHR. More people live in fear of the Spanish Inquisition than have fear of the CCHR.
Mmmmm… Jan Eastgate, President CCHR Int.
Where have I heard that name before..?
Oh, right. Jan ‘allegedly’ coached a 11 year old to lie about the sexual abuse from her step-dad down in South Wales, Australia. Never went to trial.
Do these people not know about DM’s bank account? That he could invest billions to try to accomplish what they are begging others to donate to? That on it’s own should have them scratching their heads wondering why the keep digging the hole they live in.
Hi lives an opulent lifestyle which Has to be, Has to be! apparent to them while they scratch out a living such as it is.
I recall one of Mike’s recent blogs in which two dingbats used some social media to say something about how, “an urgent call went out for food needed by the wonderful people who donated their time to board-up a building and some wonderful people came by and dropped of some meals to feed them.”
I couldn’t help but wonder, “Where was the rat in all of this and where were his billions of dollars?” I got the feeling he would have some bullshit excuse in the form of a speech prepared to explain why it was justified policy to let these people starve to death before he would use one penny of his billions of dollars to feed them.
What an insane uspide-down organization. Better to let people starve to death before we spend even one penny of our vitally-needed billions of dollars to feed them.
In my opinion, criminals like these belong in prison forever!
I know Skyler, it just doesn’t make sense no matter which way they spin it. I agree that the perfect retirement home for DM would be a nice 6′ x 8′ cell, that is if he can get a single room, Maybe having to share would be even better. (I wonder if they have a lot of toilet paper or would he have to bargain for it) That, and knowing that all that money he used to control was going to be put under the control of the Feds.The auction of all his toys would be great too.
Hubtard repeatedly wrote to the Veterans Administration (VA) asking for an increase in his war disability payment but was denied.
In October 1947 after failing to make enough money to feed himself as a writer Hubtard wrote to request psychiatric treatment:
“After trying and failing for two years to regain my equilibrium in civil life, I am utterly unable to approach anything like my own competence. My last physician informed me that it might be very helpful if I were to be examined and perhaps treated psychiatrically or even by a psychoanalyst. Toward the end of my service I avoided out of pride any mental examinations, hoping that time would balance a mind which I had every reason to suppose was seriously affected. I cannot account for nor rise above long periods of moroseness and suicidal inclinations, and have newly come to realize that I must first triumph above this before I can hope to rehabilitate myself at all. … I cannot, myself, afford such treatment.
Would you please help me?”
After refusing free service Hubtard went on his lifetime psychotic attack on the mental health field.
N.B. Hubtard NEVER took part in combat during the war. The closest he got was having his small anti-sub chaser shell an unoccupied Mexican island south of California.
After reading some of his early writings, I understand why he made no money. They were horrendous. He attacked psychology and psychiatry only because the VA refused to give him an increased disability rating/money based on his alleged suicidal ideation and depression. Get over it, Scientology. Hubbard never actually was in combat. I STRONGLY suspect most of Scientology’s leadership needs mental health assistance.
Yes B. Either some assistance with mental health or assistance with deprogramming.
IMO, if these people are not mentally challenged, the only other explanation that I can see is they must be suffering from some kind of mind control – and there is only one kind of mind control at work in this scam. That is the kind that keeps repeating the following:
“Give us all your money!” “Give us all your money!” “Give us all your money!”
“Give us all your money!” “Give us all your money!” “Give us all your money!”
“Give us all your money!” “Give us all your money!” “Give us all your money!”
After just a few repetitions, most anyone would begin to become brainwashed.
B, your suspicion is most likely totally correct!
I am not surprised to see the plea for donations at the end of scientology missives…it’s all about the money – and something called ‘imagined cause’ which is like oxygen inside the bubble.
No understanding, no compassion for their public, many of whom have been left jobless, or, if not jobless, if within a short time they will be let go. No allowances for this granted by the cult! No let up! No indeed. Instead, they’re doubling down on the fundraising. Sigh. Well, if this doesn’t wake up and shake up the sheeple to the truth, I don’t think anything will. And, granted, I’ve just lumped them all together here in a generality and that’s wrong.
Because a portion of the UTRs have been UTR even before Covid. And then surely, surely, some of them will GO UTR during Covid simply as a survival measure.
And the rest, well – the rest, however large or in between their number – the rest will go on giving, bankrupting themselves for the cult, I suppose. I hope their numbers are few.
It would be really interesting to know the actual percentage of the “Still Ins” who, pre-Covid, have been UTR for some time now, the actual percentage of those who will TURN UTR BECAUSE of Covid, and those remaining, the Die-Hards, the ones who will go down with the ship.
I personally know 3 UTRs who have been UTR for several years now. They’re just playing along, pretending, for their own reasons.
But I do believe that a NEW category of UTR is being created; I’ll call them the Covid UTRs.
Its doubtful that we on the outside will soon know the actual percentages because UTRs don’t talk; they keep their heads down and pretend.
But I look at it this way: I personally know 3 of them. I doubt if I’m alone in knowing a few UTRs!
At least I hope I’m not.