The level of hypocrisy on display in scientology — in this case, CCHR — is astonishing.
They grab onto “group insanities” and toss off a few examples, starting with “refusal to employ someone or allow them to belong” — in the face of scientology’s disconnection policy? Even beyond refusal to allow someone to belong, it takes it the next step and enforces that those who DO belong are not allowed to even speak with the person who is not allowed to belong.
Then “failure to use people” — check out the slave-labor busy work Sea Org members are engaged in. Or even Class V staff. Writing endless letters. Filing pieces of paper. Making phone calls to “confirm event attendees.” On and on and on.
Substitution of violence for reason. COB are they calling you out?
And after listing these things, they proclaim “there is one group dedicated to suppressing these things.”
Guess who?
Psychiatry of course.
With absolutely no foundation, they simply declare this to be a fact.
They go on to say that psychiatry doesn’t cure anyone and return them to society as a “well-adjusted, functioning contributor.” That’s easy to say — remember, neither CCHR nor scientology is willing to help or treat anyone with serious mental problems. They are deemed “illegal pc’s.” They are forbidden to participate in scientology because they “cause too much trouble.”
Scientology sits on the sidelines shouting that psychiatry isn’t curing anyone. But they refuse to even TRY.
Hypocrisy: the hallmark of scientology.
If in that CCHR document the words “psychiatry” and “psychiatrist” were replaced with “scientology” and “scientologist,” it would be a more accurate portrayal of what’s really going on.
We live in world where every news get scrutinized, specially regards to health sector.
Psychiatry is science, there is cause of and effect relationship proved through empirical evidence.
If some one dispute it, then make public its data of alternative means.
Let the Unversity scholars, religous scholar , Judges and journalists see the claim made by Cults.
All the main stream religion ( Judaism, Christianity, Islam , Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism) strongly supports Mental health and Mental health practitioners: Psychiatrist and psychologist.
And further along in the weirdness and hypocrisy: Yes, I do agree that healthy, honest and appropriate self-promotion is perfectly possible (to be sure, psychological experts would agree).
But how is elron an appropriate patron saint for honest self-promotion? And what about all these fringe dwellers and bottom feeders that the cult tries to present as being top of their fields?
In the 1970’s I was unaware of any acronym “noble causes” being promoted by Hubbard/Scn but I suppose there might have been some. There seems to have been quite a proliferation of them after Hubbard died. Whether any of them are money makers I don’t know.
Here is something I posted on another website. It’s a metaphorical conversation between me and Nachman Helbrans, the notorious leader of a Jewish cult called Lev Tahor:
” No, you wrong about Lev Tahor! Lev Tahor all good!”
“What? Now just a minute, you Jewish David Miscavige! If you think that…………..
“Vot? Vot? You just call me David Miscavige?”
“You saying that Lev Tahor is like Scientology?”
“Yes, I am!”
“This vhere you wrong! Lev Tahor is nothing like Scientology! You know vot Ve call Scientology? Kabbalah fur goyim! Ve Jewish! Scientology is goyim!”
“But it’s still the same! You hold people against their will! You inflict beatings on people! You extort money out of people and then use it to enrich yourself! How is that not like Scientology?”
“Becuzz Ve are Jews! I told you, Scientology is fur goyim! You vant kabbalah? You go do Scientology!”
“So you’re really not abusing people?”
“That is correct!”
“I think that Mendy Levy would disagree.”
“Mendy Levy is no Jewish anymore! Ve expel him from compound! He doing goyim things!”
“Now wait a minute! Mendy escaped from your hellhole! You didn’t kick him out!”
“You wrong! So wrong! Mendy Levy go goyim! Start eating shrimp and lobster! So goyim!”
“So you’re telling me that you keep non kosher food in this compound?”
“I…….vell……I not going to talk to you anymore!”
“Just as I thought. Lev Tahor. The Jewish version of Scientology.”
Hubbard wrote “THE CRIMINAL ACCUSES OTHERS OF THINGS WHICH HE HIMSELF IS DOING” (caps in original), and that appears to have been the playbook he handed down to his followers and PR operatives.
He seems to have engaged in various patterns of psychological projection like that as he struggled in denial of his own need for professional psychiatric treatment.
It’s “impostOr syndrome” CCHR, and the description of it sounds an awful lot like Scientology.
It doesn’t matter if Shelly Miscavige still believes. Punishing someone for doing their job is simply wrong.
Amen to that!
I like reading stories of ex SO members who went to a psychiatrist and got therapy. When they asked the psychiatrist if they were going to prescribe medication the psychiatrist would tell them that it wasn’t necessary in their case.
So much for ‘psychs want to drug everyone’ that CCHR spouts all the time!
Thank God! There would be graveyards of more victims if scientology tried to help those suffering from mental illnesses.
Scientology does enough damage on “the able.” Assuming I am an example of “the able,” some of its counseling techniques are nothing short of mental torture. The Ethics formulas are such a mind -uck of control techniques that I still find myself unraveling from that. Let’s not even get into the PTS/SP “tech.”
It’ll be great when Scientology decides to not even try to help “the able.”
scientology has been disabling the Able since Book one.
Brought to you by Scientology. Making sane people insane since 1950.
“We are totally sure that you can promote yourself effectively without bragging or being obnoxious.”
Correct me if I am wrong but doesn’t scientology do just that? Promote themselves by bragging and being obnoxious?
Seems to me that is exactly what they do.
It’s just what the fat guy ordered. It didn’t work then, it doesn’t work now.