This is the sort of thing that is announced with enormous fanfare by the IAS with “this is what your donations buy”.
When something like this is found, CCHR jumps on it and claims it as a “psych prosecution” and not only that, it is “President of the Alaska Psychiatric Association.” It will be added to other incidents they can scrounge up from anywhere they can find them and become part of a typical announcement in the category of “CCHR Wins” — “this year more psychs were prosecuted than ever, a total of 1,047, thanks to the leadership of CCHR” and then at the end “You contributions to the IAS make these wins possible.”
In fact, CCHR did nothing. They just scanned the media for any mention of psychiatry.
Not only that, Mr. Sonkiss is not being prosecuted for any misdeed as part of his profession. His arrest has nothing to do with protecting the public from the abuses of psychiatry, the fact he is a psychiatrist is incidental to anything. He has not even been convicted and there may be much more to this story, as is alluded to by his defense attorney.
But you can be sure — this will not deter CCHR from using this in their “stats” and hyping it as a “major victory.”
The fact that scientology has been touting the magnificent accomplishments of CCHR in “obliterating/annihilating/decimating” psychiatry for decades, yet it continues to grow and these claimed accomplishments have had no impact on them whatsoever, should be a clue that these “victories”are nothing but hype.
This is a microcosm of exactly how they lie.
From: [email protected]
Date: June 20, 2020
Subject: So… a psychiatrist walks in a grocery store
Psychiatrist Joshua Sonkiss is past president of the Alaska Psychiatric Association.
Anchorage Daily News
Alaska psychiatrist is accused of punching a man because he wasn’t
wearing a mask in a Juneau grocery store
By Michelle Theriault
June 18, 2020
A prominent Alaska psychiatrist faces a criminal charge for allegedly punching a man in the face for not wearing a face mask in a Juneau Fred Meyer earlier this month.
Joshua Sonkiss, 49, was charged with a single count of misdemeanor assault for the incident. He appeared in court Wednesday.
The 53-year-old victim, Bowen Dallmann, told police Sonkiss “punched him in the face” for “not wearing a mask” at the Juneau grocery store on June 1, according to a citation filed by Juneau municipal prosecutors.
The document notes a witness backed up Dallmann’s account.
“Dallmann wanted to pursue assault charges,” the citation says.
Sonkiss told police he “felt threatened by Dallmann,” according to the citation.
Dallmann could not be reached Thursday.
What exactly led to the confrontation over mask wearing in a busy Juneau store isn’t clear in the one-page citation. Neither Juneau police nor the municipal prosecutor’s office responded to requests for additional information about what happened. Face coverings have become a sometimes fraught issue as people return to businesses during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
Public health officials recommend wearing masks in public when social distancing can’t be followed, but many stores do not require face masks. Fred Meyer “encourages” customers to wear masks.
Sonkiss specializes in forensic psychology and chemical dependency and is a past president of the Alaska Psychiatric Association. He has held a variety of high-level positions around the state, including the director of the behavioral health unit at Fairbanks Memorial Hospital.
Bartlett Regional Hospital in Juneau said Sonkiss is a contractor there, but not an employee.
Sonkiss declined to comment Thursday, directing inquiries to his attorney, William Satterberg of Fairbanks.
Satterberg said he couldn’t say much about the pending criminal case, or what exactly led to the confrontation between the two men.
“There’s certainly two very definite sides to the story,” he said.
+++ aka, a research division of DataSearch, Inc.
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Scientology and LRH taught me that psychs are the sole reason for the horrible condition of the universe. I believed that only a little bit, and shelved it in my head for my later realization that it was indeed true, which never came. I heard people say that was true, especially at IAS money raising events. I have been out now for about three years and I am still undoing the con job and mind phuck of scamatology.
Trappers in Alaska catching clams in their traps let them go because they aren’t grizzlies.
CCHR does not get one dime of operating money from the IAS. No money for travel, no money to pay staff, utility’s, paper clips etc. CCHR occasionally gets money(donations) for pamphlets and booklets. IAS regs lie that this is what their donations pay for. It’s a pure and simple a ploy to scare scientologists into donating to stop the big bad psych boogymen. When I found this out I was pissed.
So… a psychiatrist walks in a grocery store and buys some bread and milk then leaves. VM’s rush into the shop to console the tomatoes and give them touch assists to relieve their stress.
“We got there just in time,” said one of the masked and hazmat suited VM’s. “Because tomatoes are sacred to LRH and he would have been distressed and unable to continue his work among the stars at the thought of the psych threatening them just by being in the store.”
David Miscavige, as we all know, is the lord, master and creator of the largest “religious” criminal organised con job the public has seen in modern times. He has used the United States Constitution to protect his criminal activities for decades and the Government is still afraid of his multimillion lawyer machine. If the Federal Government once took on the Mafia, why can’t they take on this little guy who is just laughing at them while he robs and abuses and destroys families and non complying citizens under the protection of Freedom of Religion?
Alex, you must not know much about scamology. L. Wrong Hubtard created it not Miss Cabbage.
This is a “master con” that only the Scientology “Master Race” will certainly fall for. David Miscavige has created a minute culture of lying and cheating designed to help the survival of an already dying cult. Only the few diehards and and the few remaining whales who are afraid of Miscavige’s Vengeful tactics will get their checks out and pay so they don’t get sent to Ethics or declared suppressive for being CI.
In the eyes of us ex’s, this is extremely pathetic. And it is sad to realise that there are people who are going to spend hard earned money to make sure they don’t lose their “eternity”.
Isn’t it a good thing that the “industrialist of death” turned out to be a mild-mannered intellectual who probably hit like a girl, aka gave a touch assist. Imagine a bruiser who’s a bouncer at a scientology “church” or works as muscle to facilitate a reg cycle having dealt the punch, aka “ecclesistical leader comm tech,” to put the other guy’s “ethics in!”
Then again, Masterson would have been even worse: He would have drugged the guy first and then really gone to town. And now they would have had to line up a bunch of scilons to attest to Masterson’s impeccable character as evidenced by the fact that he is an all paid-up, in good standing cultist; a minor celebrity, no less. (Please, send money immediately to support this effort as well).
In any event, it’s a good thing the CCHR is on the job (please send more money right now). As the article so clearly states, they deserve all credit because they… well, they …
Scientology’s exorcism OT levels 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 and the Xenu Wall of Fire/Fourth Dynamic Engram “body-thetans” earth dump story are the perfect response to CCHR stuff.
Tell them the Xenu story, and how the Xenu story relates to all the standard Hubbard exorcism done on OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, which is Scientology’s “better” solution than psychiatry.
I think the best way to counter Scientology’s/Hubbard’s ingrained hatred of psychiatry, is just always counter the anti-psychiatric blather from Scientology, with the news of Xenu’s earth dump of “body-thetans” and explain that Scientology does the secret OT levels 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 to supposedly fix Xenu’s “body-thetans” damage.
When Scientology deflects to attack psychiatry, just counter with the Xenu story, and Scientology’s massive amount of exorcism of Xenu’s earth dump of “body-thetans” which Scientologists believe are causing all of earth’s biggest troubles.
Most of the CCHR volunteers aren’t through all of the OT levels through 7, so telling them the Xenu story is great spoiler alert counter info to jolt their censored brains.
It’s good to publicly share the Xenu story and the “body-thetans” massive amount of exorcism Scientologists are required to do, as a counter info campaign when Scientology deflects into their anti psychiatry hatred stuff.
Back in the day, CCHR carried out real investigations into psychiatric abuses, occasionally with notable results.
These days when anyone mentions the Guardian’s office, it is usually accompanied by a comment such as “Oh, that’s the old name for OSA.”
Actually, the Guardian’s Office was much more than that. GO staff tended to look down on other members of staff with the languid disdain as a British colonial might have viewed the natives under his charge. The most important figure in Scientology after LRH and Mary Sue was Jane Kember (the Guardian WW) and after this were the Deputy Guardians, her deputies. Most Scientologists would have known their names. In the Sea Org, the most famous character was Captain Bill Robertson who was perhaps on the same rung of the ladder as the DGs. In other words, he GO had a lot more clout than the Sea Org.
The GO was also responsible for some terrible and disgraceful illegal acts such as Operation Freakout against Paulette Cooper. Nothing in this post is intended to condone or justify these harsh and criminal acts in any way.
CCHR existed back then and was run by the GO. It had built up a formidable group of allies in the fight against Psychiatric abuse (no doubt long departed.) This is one investigation that still stands out in my mind.
In the Chelmsford psychiatric hospital in Australia, one Dr Harry Bailey developed Deep Sleep treatment which consisted of keeping the patient in a drug-induced coma for up to 39 days with regular electro-shock treatments. Not surprisingly, many patients died or were permanently injured as a result.
CCHR exposed this and Dr Bailey, now facing professional disgrace and criminal charges, committed suicide. In his suicide note he wrote:
“Let it be known that the Scientologists and the forces of madness have won”
However, in this case the forces of madness were Dr Bailey himself together with his colleagues.
Here is the Wikipedia article:
and here is another:
At the time I was proud to be a member of a group that took a predator like Bailey out of the game and thus preventing many unnecessary deaths and ruined lives.
These days under the direction of the Poison Dwarf, CCHR has become a joke and there is nothing left of this campaign except smoke-and-mirrors and fundraising.
They’re gloating over this? A misdemeanor charge that will probably cost the ‘psych’ maybe $500-$1000…if it doesn’t get thrown out for whatever reason. As Mike said, the charge has nothing to do with the man being a psychiatrist and if he were say a building Super or contractor it wouldn’t have even made the news but he’s the ex-head of the Alaska Psychiatric Association so it gets a mention. So what. According to CCHR 1047 ‘psychs’ have been prosecuted this year (all thanks to them…right…). I would love to see some documentation on that. Otherwise for all we know it’s just a made up number…not that Scientology would just make up stats.
So pathetic.
Probably the CCHR was not even aware of this guy before they had found it on the net and “sold” it as their own product without having done anything.
All solely to raise donations. Petty, lazy and stats pushers.
October and IAS event are approaching and DM must relaunch scn with big and delicious news. People want to delude themselves that they are one step away from having clarified the planet so as to become frantically excited to donate all their money to SCN and why not their mother too.
Meanwhile, the staff (especially in the SO) are made fun of and have to accept any crap from a management who does not consider them.
And he says to them “Save yourself guys but I don’t want problems, just solutions!”.
Just one word: shame.
“There’s certainly two very definite sides to the story,” he said.
Irrelevant to the psych-hating ideologues Hubbard’s scriptures consistently produce. Regurgitate cult boogeyman narrative, confirm preconditioned bias, repeat ad circle jerkum.
This isn’t about deconstructing psychiatry as a subject or exposing human rights abuses. This is a hatred of individuals. Considering psychiatrists are supposed to be “a special breed of being” this is arguably a form of racism. A cosmic jihad against Farsec immigrants. So it’s xenophobic as well.
Not something you’ll see decried by the Stand League any time soon.
Firstly, I don’t know who Juneau Fred Meyer is, but with a first name like that, I’d just go by J. Fred Meyer.
Anyway … I hope Dr. Sonkiss hires Alan Dershowitz to fight this bogus charge, maybe even take it all the way to the Supreme Court.
But … but … I thought the psychs were put out of business by those “busters” years ago …
Geez, these psychs are like cockroaches … You put them all out of business and they pop up again … Guess it’s time to make another big donation to CCHR … We can’t afford to keep having pain and sex all the time … Well, pain anyway …
OK, in case you did not mean that in a sarcastic way, you need to know something. Fred Meyer is a grocery store chain in the northwest part of the U.S. (apparently in Alaska, too). “Juneau Fred Meyer” means the Fred Meyer store in Juneau, Alaska. Just sayin’.
Miss Dutch, thank you for comm. Joe Couloumbe founded Trader Joe’s , but had the good sense to leave his last name off of his stores. Legend has it that there was a Jedidiah Safeway, but I tend to think that is an urban legend .
Anyway, the important thing is that we need to smash psychiatry again , and that means that we need to organize a boycott of Juneau Meyer’s stores nationwide for selling food to whole track evil doing psychs! Feeding the most evil creatures in the universe who want to enslave us does not do the rest of us in-good-standing folks any good as we try to salvage this sector of the universe. * oh, and remove Frasier reruns from the telly …
LOL, a scuffle between two men is ALL CCHR can scrape up. Well, according to Hubtard this isn’t even a matter for the “ethics officer”. Why make hay out of s/g Hubturd said is completely okay?
Mike, I think you are misinterpreting this email. CCHR is promoting this man because he is an exemplary example of one who practices COB Tech of beating people he does not like or who offend him,
Actions always have consequences.
Enough from Scientology! They are claiming that psych’s are wicked and evil. The Scientology cure is Zoroastrianism developed about 6,000 years ago. Here is a quotation from the sacred text of Zoroaster. I have inserted [ ] to illustrate connection to Scientology.
” Let the Demon-gods and Goddesses fly far away from hence [BT’s OT V-VII], and let the good Sraosha [thetan] make here his home! [And may the good Blessedness here likewise dwell], and may she here spread delight and peace within this house, Ahura’s,[Hubbard’s wannabe God] which is sanctified bringing righteousness (to all).
I have completed reading most of the old ADVANCE! magazines. They are full of lies, distortions, misinterpretations and falsehoods. How can Scientology be defended as a modern religion? It is impossible. Hubbard just distorted historical truth to present a personal philosophy.