This was sent to me by long term contributor Clearly Not Clear, with an introduction. I don’t think anything further need be said…
Do you think the NAACP is aware that the church’s CCHR outreach of conspiracy, is claiming a relationship with them?
I wonder how long it took some flunky to comb the human rights websites, to come up with the statistics that they came up with, to populate this transparently topical plea for bucks.
Or did they make some of this up for sensationalism? The psych part especially.
Whether the stats are false or true, I find their grouping of all the stats about black lives, so they can money-grub, disgusting.
If someone were just skimming this promo piece, I wonder if they think it’s written with their “partner organization” the NAACP?
Further if they thought that this was CCHR and the NAACP together asking for funds, could people who actually hit the donate button, think their money would go at least halfsies with the NAACP?
Nope, that would never happen.
Granted, it’s a poorly written, stuffed compendium of yak, and stats, whose bottom line is, hit the donate button here. But I’m bothered that supporters of the NAACP may be deluded into giving generously.
Anybody who gives CCHR money is giving money to a racist organization.
They want money to put out a, Know your Rights pamphlet. (This summation provided to save you from barfing in your mouth having to wade through its turgid prose).
Would anybody like to bet me money that it’s not stuffed with numbers to call that lead them to Scientology?
Would anyone further like to bet that it’s not full of the kinds of incendiary statistics that CCHR loves to spread to any organization not careful enough to vet the veracity of their wild claims?
Giving money to an organization like CCHR, which is Scientology through and through, is insanity. Giving money to CCHR, thinking it’s going to help Black Lives Matter, matter more, is sadly misinformed.
It would be like Smithfield Foods, a famous slaughterhouse, teaming up on a promo piece with the Humane Society. Talking about how kind to animals they are.
Seeing what L. Ron Hubbard has said about black people, (see Mike’s illuminating blog) seeing how racist the church is, and seeing their bizarre relationship with the Nation of Islam, while still being racist, is the kind of insanity that has to be seen to be believed.
This particular promo piece is a Guinness World Book of Records example of irony. It’s like saying, they’re raising money to stop rape, while lobbying for rapist’s rights.
What’s really happening, is all feeder organizations created by the church, are toeing the bottom line, of helping Captain Dave, in his quest to dodge subpoenas and stay in power. For the greater glory of protecting their ill gotten gains, and their tax dodging, religious status, status quo.
Clearly Not Clear
I am wondering if the C of S got word that Trump was going to investigate removing their tax exempt status at some point, so that could explain the shift away from him.
He was never going to do that. They would have changed course 3 years ago is that was true. This is simply expedient for the PR of the DC National Office. Not a shift in political leanning.
My complaint often is that advocates of Liberty are often left on The Right side of the political line.
If they really gave a fuck about human rights, they would give all Sea Org members a copy of the government Human Trafficing Hotline so they could report any instances of Human Trafficing.
(should they happen to see any.) And should they not see any, they must be blind and need glasses.
I thought that the cult was considered a tax exempt organization by the IRS. So how can they legally spent their tax exempt stolen dollars on a political matter? I am not either agreeing nor disagreeing with their position on the matter; simply the legality of their doing so.
The same way PP spends on political matters. Both are acting illegally but if one is charged both will be. Thus, neither are. Welcome to politics USA style.
Laws are for those who are not wealthy. Thus the word privileged. Its root meaning private law (for the upper classes).
Quite right on all.
Interesting as re the root meaning of “priviliged”.
I’m an etymology freak 🙂
Yes Aqua. Fascinating and gives one pause when viewing history
the gangs use of the NAACP goes back into the 90’s Fred Shaw Prez ,Alfrauddie Johnson VP and Hanan Islam Tresurer and created a Compton Branch of the NAACP. they Ran it out of the World Literacy Crusade.. .. they used it to cry racism when Alfreddie was removed from office during his recall in Lynwood CA… they also weasled an award for Hell Ron,Heber Jentzsch and Isaac Hayes.. at some point the ruse got shut down. Fred moved to the Inglewood NAACP.. Scientology still milked it for publicity
Mike, since many outsiders and news outlets read your blog besides just us fans, you might want to correct the misspelling of the word subpoena. Not being critical. Just helping.
Mike only wrote the introductory paragraph. The part you refer to was written by Clearly not Clear.
“CCHR can access over 50 years of research that documents the horrible betrayal of African American and other groups by a eugenics-based, racist psychiatric-psychological model” – it would be more but Hubbard died.
Jan Eastgate was charged with covering up sexual abuse in 2011.
However later the charges were later “dismissed”
Scientology money goes a long way.
Mike she was from your neck of the woods wasn’t she?
Just some more false advertising by the Clampire. And using the name of someone who covered up child sex abuse in Australia is really over the top. The top of what you ask? The top of the pile of bullshit that spews out of CCHR mouths every day.
Tom Szasz was a crank and was successfully sued twice for his malpractice. And that was after being told by the New York State authorities to never practice psychiatry again.
To blame racism on psychology/psychiatry is so ridiculous! Especially in light of LRH’s view on colored people…
Besides the stats being non-contextual and thus useless, Hubtard didn’t care one bit about blacks and said out how inferior they were to whites.
O/T. I believe that the following is an important story. My ESMB Redux and Twitter links are set forth below.
The Church of Scientology opposes President Trump om the issue of police reform.
This is an important story. Thanks ISNOINews.
I’ll say. That this amoral cult is siding so suddenly and strenuously against Trump is…interesting. I wonder why? Getting in good with the NOI? And/or hedging their bets and setting themselves up to be all over a possible President Biden like white on rice if you’ll pardon the pun. All over him and and what will very likely be an African American female VP if he’s elected. I mean, we KNOW the cult doesn’t give a tinker’s damn about black people dying in this country, or struggling, or doing anything for that matter. Hmmm… although now with Covid and the economy in trouble the cult might believe that African Americans are their best shot – possibly their only shot – at some new public – at having ANY public…interesting…
They obviously told people in the LA area to vote for Trump; the area around PAC Base was practically the only area in the LA area to vote for Trump. Now they are against Trump. When the Freewinds was purchased in 1986 there were little Gold plaques with names on them on the doors of the cabins with names of the people to had contributed greatly to the purchase of the ship. These people had actually bought these cabins. A few years later all of the plaques were removed; So many of the people had been declared it was too much trouble to just change the ones that were declared so they removed them all.
With respect, I think it is incorrect to conclude that the Church of Scientology or Scientologists are now “against Trump.” I am UTR, know a lot of Scientologists, and the vast majority are pro-Trump. I think what happened is the following.
For quite some time, the Church of Scientology National Affairs Office has been establishing its bona fides and forming alliances with religious and civil rights organizations by joining in pro-civil rights letters. This was another such letter. I suspect the COSNAO could not refuse to join this letter without blowing its credibility with such organizations; it was too late for the COSNAO to become all “law and order.” The COSNAO also thought that no-one was paying attention or would notice that they were opposing President Trump on this issue. In other words, they thought they would get away with it at no cost. They were wrong. I was and am paying attention.
Thanks for these facts.
Given your comment and Mike’s comment above it is now understandable to me why CO$ has taken this seemingly anti-Trump stance.
They haven’t turned tail on him, its only an expediency because their hand was forced on this single issue.
And they thought no one would notice.
But YOU did and hats off to you for that!
And, yes, lets DEFINITELY ensure that Trump ABSOLUTELY knows that the Church of Scientology vociferously opposes him on this issue!
He really needs to know how STRONGLY Scientology is against this EO of his and in detail how UTTERLY wrong-headed and uninformed he is on this issue.!
Who knows? It might even earn the cult a tweet or two!
With insulting nickname, maybe, for millions of his Twitter followers to read!
Let’s help him out with those!
“Church of Lyintology”…”Cult of Greed”…”Scamology”.
But we don’t have to worry about that point. He’ll come up with a good one that will stick.
And speaking of sticking, if it for whatever reason the cult’s opposition really sticks in the Presidential Craw, we can rest assured that he’ll NEVER let it go! He’ll always remember, and resent it! And he will “hit back” and he’ hit back “10 x worse than he was hit”…that’s just DJT policy!
As regards our favorite cult, this is EXCELLENT policy.
Who would’ve thought?
Go Donald!
We have all arrived to the world through a mother a father made it into and we are all the owner of a planet together to do the best of in our common interest.