This has become the new norm in scientology.
Spend tens of millions of dollars to buy and renovate a building in a city with few scientologists.
The inability to find staff to man the organization results in Sea Org members being sent to do so (Sea Org members can be ordered around to go wherever, much as they would like to be able to do so, they cannot order people to join staff).
Dave Parker was the ED of Chicago org for many years. He started the org. Today he is not on staff. If it is SO important and the greatest thing ever, why not?
Sadly, Sea Org members sent to these outer orgs have a rough time. They have NO support systems, unlike most who manage to survive on staff pay — they have a spouse or partner who supports them, nor can they live with their parents. Sea Org members cannot be married to NSO. Unless by happenstance, their family is not in the vicinity. There is no “Sea Org berthing” in Chicago. No galley to even prepare rice and beans. Sending SO members to non-Sea Org outposts is a terrible solution — but apparently the only one they can come up with.
It’s quite incredible that Miscavige has managed to convince the scientology world that his “ideal org” strategy is a good one. It is 100% in contradiction to Hubbard policy, let alone fundamental principles of exchange and “having to have before you can do.” It is 100% proven failure. There is not a single “ideal org” that is doing better today than it was BEFORE it was “ideal.”
But now the insanity is celebrated. Even by old dogs like Dave Parker, who certainly knows better.
The blind are leading the blind and they line up to do the like clubbed seal applause like the brainwashed fools they are.
I am just curious as to how you know that there have ever been
homophobic or anti-Semetic or racist statements posted here that Mike then had to censor.
Pritzer needs good PR right now and do does the Mayor of Chicago. Instead of doing the poor SO. Lets contact the leaders in Chicago and make them aware of the suffering of these people and push for this org to be closed unless they can properly care if their members.
This was the saddest part, and the scariest. If you are as old as me… “get yourself in the best condition possible before checking out and coming back.” Work yourself to the bone for no pay until you die?
My boyfriend is a former C-Note, one of the toughest gangs in Chicaho
You look out for your own — what’s the problem here? In one of the toughest cities in America you can’t look out for your own?
Shame on you.
If Ideal Orgs caused booms, Management would be constantly making videos then blasted at every event, showing the overflowing course rooms, the new missions and groups being formed, and active FSMs, large raw public events etc etc. All the promises of ACTUAL expansion.
there are orgs yet to be Ideal in fairly close proximity to other Orgs long Ideal. (Vancouver-Seattle, New York-Long Island) You’d think there would be new public being driven to these nearby orgs.
and any long time staff member of all the various Rah Rah campaigns must think of that sometimes.
” It is 100% in contradiction to Hubbard policy”
I don’t understand why you seem to refer to things like “Hubbard policy” frequently. You use other terms that seem to keep his memory alive or seem to acknowledge that he was something more than a filthy con man son of a bitch criminal cocksucker who deserved to spend most of his life in a penitentiary cell.
It seems to me that a small part of your being still honors this criminal. I just don’t get that.
Don’t you see that by keeping his memory alive – as if he was something more than a criminal who did little more than tremendous harm during his life and enabled tremendous harm done after his life, you are bestowing something on this creep that he does not deserve?
I would encourage you to stop referring to the criminal in terms other than a criminal bastard.
Hey, Ran
Please show a little respect for Mike who provides this forum for you and does not censor you or anyone else.
And news-flash: If no one had ever found ANY value in ANYthing Hubbard ever taught or said, there NEVER would have been ANY scientologists and therefore no EX Scientologists either…unless you believe that everyone who has ever been involved with the COS has a low IQ.
And by the way, your choice of language reminds me of David Miscavige after he has downed a couple of bottles of his favorite imported scotch wiskey.
Hey Karl
Mike never censors anyone?
That is completely ridiculous.
How would you possibly know when posts are censored?
Posts that spout homophobic or anti-Semetic or racist statements are obviously censored. You never see them. So it is ridiculous for you to say no posts are ever censored.
Ran how many of your homophobic or anti-Semitic or racist statements has Mike censored?
Mike refers to Hubbard policy because these are the rules on which a Scientology organization is supposed to run. L. Ron Hubbard wrote numerous ‘policy letters’ that dictated how things were to be done in Scientology and he insisted that they be obeyed to the letter. Some were workable and some weren’t. Scientology flourished when these PLs were adhered to. Mike’s main complaint is that Scientology is failing because the current head of the church, David Miscavige, is ignoring these PLs and making up his own rules.
* All staff will eventually be allowed to go to Flag
Eventually can be a very very long time. And, really, ALLOWED to?
* to be hatted by Flag personnel for whatever post they’re holding
Since when did that require a trip to Flag? Staff status courses, staff hats, and even OEC Vol 0 and whichever is their division could all be done in the Academy of an Idle Morgue. But let’s be all excited that we can pretend ‘eventually’ they’ll have more staff so they can pull people off their posts (jobs) for months or years to be essentially retrained.
a trip to Flag (and the training to do) costs a lot of money. That achieves the Valuable Final Product in the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology: More income to the Co$ which ends up in off-shore accounts.
In my day on staff (40 years ago), Sea Org staff on garrison mission at a Class V were put onto a fixed salary paid out of the org Financial Planning. The amount provided was small, but allowed them to pay rent and buy food. It was subsistence level but they could get by.
Org staff usually had to moonlight (get a second non-Scientology job in the evenings or weekends.)
I have read accounts on this site how moonlighting is frowned upon.
When I was on staff, at least 90% of staff had to moonlight from the Executive Director on down and it is very difficult to look down on an activity that almost everyone has to do. Moonlighting was just an accepted fact. Actually, when I first joined staff, HCO worked with me on finding my first moonlight job, even to the point of giving me time off in order to look for one.
I too was on staff at a mission 40 years ago and virtually everyone was moonlighting to make ends meet. The only ones who weren’t were those who had a spouse/parter who supported them. This was the case even during the brief but somewhat prosperous Wimbush ‘de-dinging’ era where everyone was on the band wagon of ‘flowing power to power’. This was sort of a pyramid scheme, trickle down scam where lower level minions gave money to those senior to them with the hopes of reward or hopes someone lower on the food chain would give them money. Wild times for sure. Then the International Finance Police descended on the mission network and those remaining fools HAD to moonlight to survive and even that made just getting by a tenuous prospect for dedicated staff. Now with the IAS and Ideal Orgs to drain a cult member’s bank accounts it has only gotten worse. And that’s a good thing. Short live the cult, hip hip whore-ay!!!
It’s all appearance; smoke and mirrors to hide the cobwebs and decaying husks that litter every building.
Did he say “dinner will be served”?. I wish I was in Chicago because I would invite all the homeless people to attend the Scientology briefing that will have a FREE DINNER at the conclusion. Maybe Chicago Org will even figure out how to turn the heat on for the event. What a sad sack of nonsense.
Haven’t teams of Sea Org been sent out to help with “ideal” building openings as standard practice all along? So do we know for certain this isn’t just that, and more something like they tried previously in Columbus and Kansas City where they sent closer to a hundred SO to almost completely staff the org up to the size it’s supposed to at to be “ideal” when it opens?
And when they started Chicago, like many other orgs and missions it was located near university campuses, because that was their primary recruiting demographic back when they were really booming. Now they seem to just be serving old timers who joined back then, while they’re still alive – no mention of any sort of recruitment or “expansion”, or introductory services to bring new people in, that would actually justify “opening” 50,000 or more square feet of space when they may only have 50 or fewer people left to serve.
I had to laugh at “the purification of the tech where it wasn’t pure LRH before…” Ha! If it wasn’t pure LRH before it sure as hell isn’t now. Davey made sure to alter the tech all over the place. And then he spins it like he is the one making it “pure again.” And the idiots believe him because they never studied the tech for themselves. So how would they know if it as changed or not? Blind leading blind lemmings right over the cliff.
Well said, Cindy.
“Come into my parlor said the spider to the fly.” Once you set foot into the place the sucking sound begins. I have been “out” for 46-years but would never EVER step foot into any of the organizations for any reason. The best response to that letter is crickets…
… Or a more truthful letter from Dave Parker might read,
“Dear friend,
Well, we are FINALLY about to open. Please come in and help us with our stats by doing a service and donating money for nothing. We are a dying Organization. The Sea Org members and staff here are going to endure a lot of pain and suffering if you don’t come. We NEED you to comply. IN FACT, we also need you to bring your friends, neighbors and fellow employees. Maybe then we have a chance. Maybe then we can keep the lights on for more than a year.
But then again, maybe not. We’ll see. Don’t let all that money you donated for this, all those college educations you gave away, all those needed new cars or late mortgage payments be for nothing.
I’m begging you,
Perfect 🙂
Is there no end to the fraud?
No, there is never an end to the fraud. To do so would end the group calling itself scientology, and that would disrupt those at the top of the hierarchy, particularly the Dwarfenführer®.