Chicago is on the runway for a Miscavige Ribbon Yanking ceremony. Woohoo….
But of course, before then they have to get their mountains of backlogged filing in order.
They’ve got something I have never heard of before. Pallets of “Deceased PC Folder switch out” to do? 2 pallets worth? That seems like a lot. Guess the aging population of scientologists in Chicago are shuffling off their mortal coils with some regularity. But what is a “switch out” in this context? I have no idea? Are they making new folders for the dead people? Why?
Once again, this highlights the unworkability of the “admin tech” — there is not a scientology organization on earth that has EVER managed to keep their filing current. It is always the third biggest task in making an “ideal” org after raising the money and getting some staff to roam the empty halls of the new building. The amount of bureaucracy and wasted effort in a scientology organization makes the most inept government agency look like a well-oiled machine. The Hubbard system is not merely archaic, it would make Rube Goldberg proud. But scientologists tout this as the ONLY “workably management technology on earth” and swear it will make ANY organization succeed. Except their own. Can you imagine how big Amazon would be if they had Hubbard’s tech? It’s amazing they have expanded at all when they don’t have “the tech.” Apple and Microsoft are also operating in the Stone Age according to Hubbard-think.
I wonder if these people realize their self-incriminating “promotional” pieces are constantly leaked? They probably cannot comprehend that anyone thinks this exposes their incompetence.
The world inside the scientology bubble is very strange and very delusory.
There’s that word again. “Need”. That evaluative, covertly manipulative usage of the word, “need”.
“All Chicago Scientologist need to be here.”
I’m telling you, after nearly a decade out – even after all these years – my stomach STILL clenched when I read that!
Someone declaring emphatically that I NEED something…or that I need to do something…that I don’t want and/or need to do at all…grrrrrr. NOT good.
You see, if they were HONEST – which they’re not – they’re evasive and manipulative – but if they were honest they’d say, “WE really need all Scientologists to be here!” You see, its THEIR need that they always project onto others. WE do not “need”. THEY need.
And if they would only admit it; if they would only freaking SAY so, i.e, admit they THEY are the ones who “need” – I’m guessing this honest appeal would resonate a lot more with people who in turn WOULD be there because the appeal would at least be honest and direct and not this IRRITATING attempt to gaslight people by with a blatantly wrong evaluation of what THEY need.
Ok end of rant 🙂
Thank God I’m out.
Hubturd’s admin “tek” mirrors his auditing “tek”. During my time on staff I never worked an exec that wasn’t ABSOLUTELY BURIED IN PROBLEMS. YET, all that I worked with were at least Clear if not on a higher Oat Tea level. ALL had done Grade i yet were ALL unable to demonstrate that they obtained the stated benefit of that low auditing level.
Scientology will always be stuck in the past because Scientologists MUST follow Hubbard’s decrees without question. Whether it’s mountains of papers and manilla folders that could easily be digitized, sales policies that are hilariously dated, or even Hubbard’s ridiculous policy on washing windows with newspapers.
Do none of them ever start to realize that no one is reincarnating like they’re supposed to? That involves a fundamental, failing, tenet of scientology: ‘coming back in better shape’ and similar things that we actually see members referring to if not even basing life decisions on (and one of the regards in which I think Scientology is the closest thing that exists to brainwashing, getting people to act on a falsely constructed life narrative).
On a related note, in other situations where they’ve provided more details, the typical org’s central files seem to need 7,000 to 10,000 hours worth of work – the equivalent of one person working full time for 3 to 5 years (showing how far behind the files are by normal work standards), or around what it would take 4 dozen people (which seems to be about the active membership of these orgs) working full time a month to do. The flyer doesn’t make it clear just how far along they are or aren’t – perhaps intentionally hiding the daunting reality – but I’m guessing it’s somewhere around halfway.
Good for Chicago, although I’m on record guessing that we’re not going to see defendant David “he is NOT insane!” Miscavige at an opening, maybe they will dig their way out from under the mountain of files.
In Europe, of course, this is so much worse for the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology. They are required to have a procedure in place for secure deletion of files. Including paper files.
“Guess the aging population of scientologists in Chicago are shuffling off their mortal coils” – IT IS CALLED REINCARNATION GROW UP! 🙂
In 1988 on the Freewinds, Dave, you refused to listen to my background in computers. Dave, if we had become buddies in 1988, I could have solved your entire data base issue. You would have today a modern system. But you needed to keep your useless filing It is a perfect example of Hubbard’s outdated mind. I checked history. PDF pictures started in 1991. You could have computerized the files as early as 1973. We had free data base software very early on. I hate to tell you this Dave but I have now an extensive, very modern, very easy to use unix computer system that I uses for business. Every time I pull up a valuable output report from billions of records, I think about you, Dave.
George. If in 20 or 30 years there were still some organized subform of scn they would certainly still use a telex machine to send communications and directions.
Nowadays I think they are the only ones still using it. Hubbard wrote it, so it’s forever. Standard admin!
The Church of Stupidity was forced off of telexes when that type of communication was discontinued in 2008 by AT&T. I think they upgraded to a tin can and string communications system after that.
Thanks Real. True. I took a look at it. They must have switched to something similar in some way since they must be able to use the term telex in their paper moving business. Since hubbard said telex and not email or anything. Telegrams can also be used or in the eventuality revert to the good old telegraph system. Back to Morse.
I wonder what they’re doing with the PC and Ethics folders of the declared SPs. Aren’t they as good as dead to them? They have permission to burn mine. I would like them to do so.
Just as the Freewinds basically told my wife to send my body into the ovens; they should send my PC folders into the ovens.
How very church-like of them. :eyeroll:
Sending you an e-mail regarding Chicago.
I remember some FSMs (field staff member) who used to go around the orgs and contact the relatives of those who had just died so as to have a written okay to turn what was left in their accounts into GBS (books and materials) and take the commissions.
We called it doing “vulturology”. Gross but true.
AOLA didn’t bother with a written auto, infact there were many many accounts that were debited without even speaking to the account holder even when they were still alive.
There were/are many scientologists who worship money, whowouldathought 😊
Cece. True. I didn’t mention the live ones which is another big chunk of facts to tell.
And these FSMs were also splintered by Pubs orgs.
Then one day the thing went into a bad short circuit: since GBS is taken off the top of Gross income in the end several orgs had nothing left to spend on themselves. It was all eaten up by these transfers on materials and commissions.
It is not true that Scn has no gods to turn to, there are two and they are prayed every day: money and stats
What a mess. Of course it is even worse at the Int Base.
Not only do they have masses of decaying old folders for people like me who are never going to use them, they can’t just ship them out when someone does actually want them. They have writeups that mention Dave Miscavige by name, or L Ron Hubbard. Makes them “confidential” because nobody is supposed to know that Hubbard was ever there.
Lots of other information in there could be intensely embarrassing to Scientology if it ever got out.
Like “OVERT: complained to xxxxx about having to shovel dried sewage for four days straight….” (Real example). I don’t think Dave wants anyone to know that people were assigned to cleaning out the evaporation pond by manual labor. As a punishment. Without adequate personal protective equipment. When Mike mentions “shoveling s*** at the Int Base” he is not speaking rhetorically.
But they can’t just throw all of those folders in the shredder. Not that the shredder couldn’t handle it, the industrial strength shredder they use could deal with a shipping container full of folders in a few days.
No, they need all that blackmail material. And they blithely think that some of these escapees may someday return.
We used to have “vetting parties” when someone got sent to the RPF in LA for example. Get the whole Int RPF in a room and pull out all the folders for the guy. You just take a razor blade and cut out any reference to Hubbard or the location of the Int Base or anything you think might be embarrassing to Dave etc. Other churches vet records for accuracy and integrity, we vetted to cut out the incriminating bits.
Besides all that, there is a written and tape-recorded record of everything Dave ever ordered, stacked up in the archives rooms in Building 50. Probably many of these records would be intensely interesting to the FBI if they were ever persuaded actually look into the criminal activities of the Church.
As you punch through the vehicle gate on the North side, next to the Ship, power on up to the road to Building 50 and immediately go around to the back. Inside, near the northeast corner on the first floor you will find a very robust vault door that can easily be blown with a little C4 before security arrives on their cheesy motorbikes. Inside are the keys to the kingdom in excruciating detail.
The G-men of old would be very pleased. No Scientology crimes are committed without a very robust paper trail. J. Edgar Hoover would be astonished. You just have to look!
You know. Bruce. you seem quite knowledgeable to me. Maybe because we battled over some of the same territory. For instance, I was the Mechanics Chief Freewinds in 2001; my last year in the SO when you apparantly came down to the E/R of the Freewinds to help debug the A/C which was clusterfucked down there only hours after the Captain Freewinds gave a long speech in the Starlight about the new “State of the Art” A/C system which had just been installed. I had personally installed the unit but the Starter Box had not yet arrived. Of course the A/C was totally fucked the next day because of the new system which was not finished yet.
I do not really blame my Captain, the only Right Arm Captain in the Sea Organization, who once screamed at me basically that even DM would never tell him what to do; for lying his ass off. After all, his job was to lie about it and my job was to get it to work, even if it had not yet arrived. I think that just about every Int Exec except COB himself was down in the Engine Room that day.
I would like to meet you some time; in this life or the next.
I have no animosity toward my Captain, the aforementioned John Michael Napier for commanding my last wife to “End Cycle” on me as ” I would be dead soon” and that No-one could help me”.
My last auditor on the ship Joan Heller, the OTVIII Review Auditor freaked out a few years after I left when she entered the elevator at AOLA and saw me in there.
As she had no doubt been informed that I had earlier been on my death-bed; she lost her TR-0 upon seeing a dead man in the elevator.
The Captain stated that my death was imminent over 19 YEARS ago.
Sounds like non-compliance to me.
He said basically that I would be dead in a few months (and he was right). He had sent me to a Chiro to be treated for full-blown AIDS.
This is in actuality almost as bad (though terrible PR for me to say so (but what would you expect from an SP) as diverting JFK’s limo to a donut shop on the way to Parkland Hospital. The ship commanded my then wife to put me in a hospice where, all drugged up I would have died quietly without Developed Traffic on their lines.
I still feel somewhat bad about the fact that I have made them look bad by remaining alive.
Bill, I remember that event very well. It was not long before the event week and Dave actually broke out into a sweat on the little stage in the Starlight cabaret! Can’t have that!
As I recall it all I did was point out that the delta-wye motor starter wasn’t cycling properly, and one of the ER snipes figured it out right away. An ice-cube relay I think.
At any rate the Deputy Captain gave me a Freewinds coffee mug as a reward and Dave’s makeup survived.
I always remember Deputy Captain Paul McElveen as CPO Paul McElveen because that is how I knew him in the Big Blue in the early 80s. He was always the one to have the full uniform and cap etc . It was not provided by the organization back then. Somehow he got in trouble at one point and was leaving the Sea Org. He set up a little card table right there on Berendo and sold his Sea Org uniform parts like a garage sale in the sun. Guess he got “recovered” to become crew on the Freewinds or something.
A lot of these guys were just big frogs because they were in such a little pond. Boy don’t they let you know how much bigger they are than you, but in the real world they wouldn’t be put in charge of a McDonalds. Let alone a cruise ship.
I just finished listening to your podcast with Taylor Holley on the bogus tax exempt status Scientology Fair Gamed itself into. So weird to think no one has ever brought the issues you make to task of how it could be possible for an IRS administrative action to overturn two Supreme Court rulings. Surely, there has to be some Congressman or Law firm in the US who would love to take Co$ on. I wonder if we could do a group funding to raise the money to hire someone to do this? Or perhaps there is a VIP SP Whale we could call on?
Either way, great podcast, it really helped me focus on the issues at hand.
We were part of an org opening within the last five years. All that was done there on deceased PC folders that they were marked “Deceased” and kept in one of the folder tanks.
Although I suppose an attempt to reg the bloke might be in order, you just never know!!
Thanks so much for adding to the knowledge here.
Glad you are free.
“Starring”, thanks for that org opening anecdote. It seems to me what we have precious few accounts from recent defectors, or UTRs with active knowledge of what’s going on inside the orgs, so it’s always much appreciate to get a bit of insight like that. I hope you’ll contribute further.
Flag has a HUGE warehouse of PC folders. The warehouse has two floors, each about 20 feet high. The high strength shelving is packed floor to ceiling. The paper and the rubber bands (holding the folders together) rot and the whole thing starts spilling out. When I was there in 2005 there was a 25 man RPF team that had been working for over a year, doing nothing but replacing rotten folders and rubber bands. To make things more interesting, when OT levels folders spilled out all over the floor, only a OT could handle the spill due to the information about Lord Xenu and the dead thetans attached to everyone. Also, originally every letter of the alphabet was given expansion room on the shelving. Once that expansion space was gone there was another huge problem. How to move around hundreds of thousands of folders to create more expansion space within the system. It takes a HUGE back breaking effort. The problem continues to grow and grow and grow as ALL pc folders are kept forever (in case someone comes back after death for more auditing). Just one of MANY large problems within the administration of Scientology “organizations”.
And not to forget the so-called “book warehouse”, which housed the shipping unit of LRH materials. It also was used as depot for highly sensitive personnel ethics files and the original CF files from the “Flag Ship Apollo” stacked in cabinets – all of that dumped in one place, so you could not find anything. LRH Admin tech at its best!
Soon dozens of Chicagoan will be singing the ABC song while trying to sort files. And all of them will be looking for positive balances in the financial files.
I wonder if a family member died and their next of kin came to the org and said give me the money on account for my dead brother if they’d do it? Absolutely not on cash. And probably not on transferring the balance to the remaining relative’s account.
I remember on my own case I had beef debited for one or two intensives and only used part of an intensive and go the EP. Later the Flag HGC was regging me for money to start another auditing action. I said that I had money on account left over from that other cycle. I even got a written statement from the I/C saying how much hours on account I had left over and ready to be debited and used. Signed by the person in charge. Flag ignored all that and did some crazy convoluted way to tell me not only was there no money on account but that I actually used more and owed them money. They said they would be willing to overlook that i owed them money if I got cash to put on account right now. I knew at the time how criminal and untrue this was but I went along to get along. Oh and the exec who wrote a big note all over the inside of my folder that I had money left from that earlier intensive, he never called me back to straighten it out. Probably he was ordered not to call me back and was probably shipped to the RPF over this.
Cindy, left over hours (unused from an intensive) do not equal money on account. Sometimes the prorated unused hours can get put back on account. Other times the unused hours are wasted if like from a 5 hour CCRD and the PC finishes in just 3.
Thanks for the info, Cece. I wasn’t looking for money, but did expect that the unused hours, about 11 of them, could be used up with next auditng needed. It was not a CCRD. It should have been allowed to use my own hours. But no, they lied and made me come up with cash. They know who to put the squeeze on.
…and there’s stat push FESs to supply as well
Hours down? Go pull a few folders from the tanks, auditors get to stay up late finding unused hours close to intensive completion, bingo. FES under the guise of “recovering off lines PCs”
(Pd Comps, VSD, INT comps, WDAHs, lots of stats to mine)
They sell you auditing
To fix make believe things wrong with you
Charge you to discover their mistakes
Charge you again for the “Repair Program” to get you ‘moving again’
Rinse, repeat.
There used to be shared spouse accounts, and also deals made to transfer between scios.
(guy going into SO with $ on account often get steered through all kinds of funky transfers to get them money to pay debts on their projects prepare)
Good point, Rip. They’ll jump through hoops to get money distributed to pay off debts so the guy can join the SO at Flag, but if a public wants to use that money to get auditing wtih, all of a sudden they find out they can’t use it or you don’t really have that money on account and all sorts of ways to not let someone use money on account instead of making them put in fresh money.
In 1971, a project was started at SFO to straighten up CF.
It is now clear in the year 2021 that Scientology, with all the management/administrative “technology” they say they have, and with all the “recovered abilities” as beings that its parishioners allegedly have … that they cannot even get their filing done …
And they say they wanna run the planet to secure an unagonized future for every man, woman and child on Earth …
Ohhhhhhhh … kay ….
The reason they keep the folders of dead pcs is so that when they have their next lifetime, they can walk into the org and say that they were so and so last lifetime and they have money on account and want to use it. Well has that ever happened? I know of pcs who claim to have been in Scn before, but have never heard of one remembering his name and coming in to demand his money left on account. Do any of you former C/Ses out there know of any? Sunny Perera and others? And being as money hungry as they are, I’m pretty sure the church would find a way not to let the returning pc use that money or those hours on account.
“I was X in my previous life.”
“Please wait.”
Six hours later.
“You owe us Y, plus accrued interest, dollars for two courses you signed up for before you dropped your body. Will you be paying by cash, cheque, credit card?”
What they should do is get one of the many free, open source, database programs and convert all those paper files to a digital form that’s easy to maintain and keep current. Except they can’t, because dead Ron didn’t include doing that in his “Admin Tech”.
Several years back a friend put the total of Hubbards records on one (ONE) thumb drive. The audio tapes and transcripts, books, bulletins, policy, other misc data; And the books and articles written by others. One frickin thumb drive!
While these dolts continue to push paper around.
First Order Evil Purpose
All 81,734 disaffected ex-dupes of the scam could each of us dummy up a bogus letter, with fake names and a local PD/FBI address’s, saying how interested we are since watching their riveting TV programing. Run a hundred copies varying the address and name. and waste some stamps sending them to orgs across the country.
WOW. They would start getting new pieces of paper, and start making department copies, and new folders for all categories, all to keep scientology working. Not much different from what they are already doing.
And COB would have stats rising and he would be happy. I know I know: They would be fake stats. But look, COB would be fake happy too.
I have a growing collection of BREs from their flood of mail. A couple hundred or more.. Waiting for a good cause……
When you think you’re the best, other people’s opinions are just ‘wrong.’ Other people’s proof is just wrong. And any accidental agreement you may have with their observations, is just you succumbing to black PR. Or being ‘reasonable.’
I find it so fascinating that when I was in, to be sympathetic was bad, to be reasonable, as in trying to reason through an opposing view was wrong, if it wasn’t LRH, but if I struggled to reach to reason out something that was LRH that was fine.
What prompted all this, was I really looked at that promo piece. It is a wretched graphic piece. It’s busy, it’s quite confusing, and as Mike pointed out it’s kind of ridiculous.
It’s just the kind of thing that would have given me some cognitive dissonance when I was in. And I would have spent the time necessary to justify in my mind why it was actually a good promo piece and that the goal was worthy in the effort to clear the planet.
So happy I’m out.
For any dead scilons who have family still in, the COS will know that they are dead, so clean up (in whatever way) of files for those can be done.
However, I think the COS does not have data about ex-members (including people having done only one or two courses) being dead when no one tells them the ex-member died. For those cases they will keep on sending their PR.
It’s the same for the Mormons from what I understand. They claim to have 16 million members, but the vast majority of those have faded and don’t care to resign. If LDS no longer can contact or find them, they keep them on the record until 110 (!) years after their birth day. Only then people are stricken from the records. Of course in reality a lot of those people have died years before.
So all this means the actual number of active LDS’ers is more like 4 to 5 million.
Recently I watched an interview by John Dehlin (Mormon stories podcast) with Mark Naugle, a lawyer (and ex-mormon) who runs a website (quitmormon dot com) where Mormons can resign. John asked Mark if he was planning on creating a similar service for JW and… Scientology. 🙂 (Imagine: quitscientology dot com! ) Sadly, it doesn’t look like that Naugle is going to provide such a service any time soon as it’s already hard enough to provide it for Mormons.
Would be another nightmare for David, and another reason to finally have the files of all orgs around the world in order and cleaned up. So… not gonna happen I guess. They just don’t have the manpower.
That would be FABULOUS!!!!!!!
Poor St Louis Morgue. No grand opening for them. St Louis is dwindling down the drain. 8 cars in the parking lot on Saturday.
Why? “Out ethics” is the reason St Louis Church of $cientology won’t be “Going Ideal” ever.
It is a fact that $cientology, INC. deceived the Scientology members in Missouri to donate allegedly up to $17 million dollars for renos that will never happen, according to various mole sources.
St Louis $cientologists sit upon this monstrous building at 2345 – 2351 Lafayette in the City of St Louis while members are still paying up to $60,000 a year for real estate taxes for an unused, vacant and dilapidated building that parishioners were told would be their Ideal Org. They were promised a grand opening and renos starting soon in 2010 when the Reverend Chad Lane told St Louis Post Dispatch they only needed a few hundred thousand dollars more.
Then the fund raising expert Reverend Chad Lane continued to manipulate and deceive the field for millions of dollars for years.
They never opened it.
All along the St Louis $cintologists have been paying real estate taxes for the fraudulent purchase since they purchased the building in 2007.
PLEASE – write to Missouri legislature and your own state legislature along with the IRS and let them know of this deceitful fraud.
Shouldn’t these fraudulent fundraisers be held accountable for lying to the members? They made commissions off of the fraud.
Make sure you write to IRS, President, Senators and Congressmen.
It’s time to shut $cientology, INC down and hold them accountable for the deceit, fraud and manipulation. Oh, don’t forget fair gaming the IRS to receive tax exempt status.
Thank you Mike and Leah. Your relentless hard work exposing fraudulent, criminal $cientology, INC brought us out of apathy to “DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT”.
Banky, thanks for the St Louis update. I haven’t driven by for about a month. It appears they only have a handfull of members. I wonder how much longer they can keep the doors open?
Gordon- they can keep the doors open a looooooong time when brainwashed staff members like the Reverend Chad Lane and a few other koolaid drinking cult members keep the smoke and mirrors & gas lighting working. $cientology is a movie set. It’s all a facade. It’s the Truman show. People get manipulated, deceived and sucked in and then thoroughly indoctrinated in the Hubbard hypnosis, mind control tricks, rhetorical writings intended to unduly influence do get trapped for eternity.
Those poor unfortunate souls. They have no clue.
I talked to a member in St Louis about their Ideal Org. He/she said after completing an OT Debug, the location on Lafayette was not ideal after all. Wooops. So the cult of $cientology keeps the $17 million? Please write to Congressman, Senators, Missouri Attorney General and the great President of the US. Don’t forget the IRS.
I drove by yesterday afternoon about 3:00 and their were 14 cars in the parking lot. The most I have seen in over a year.
Wow Gordon. Well there is your “straight up and vertical” expansion the cult Dictator, David Miscavige keeps promising to the slaves who don’t get paid while the cult rakes in millions.
It’s the WHY St Louis needed 50,000 sq ft plus of new Ideal space to Clear the Midwest of all Bank accounts. * Eyeroll*
Registrars and people like the Reverend Chad Lane apply religious tenets to their “church” members while bilking them for every dime they can get. This is part of their First Amendment “privilege.” So it can’t be fraud; the IRS said so; now judges are agreeing.
O/T. Scientology Patron Meritorious Joy Villa says the message from Uber “Your free ride to the vaccine is waiting” is “Blasphemy.”
Uber tweeted:
“Your free ride to the vaccine is waiting”
Villa quoted Uber’s tweet and replied:
Uber Newsroom — The Road to 70 Percent: Free Vaccination Rides Begin Today
US | May 24, 2021
The above is what Scientology Patron Meritorious Joy Villa calls “Blasphemy.”
Memorialized with screenshots on ESMBR at:
O/T. On 5/20/21, the Church of Scientology again replied to a question about sexual orientation as follows:
“Sexual orientation is not a criteria for membership in the Church. The first statement in the Creed of the Church of Scientology is that “All men of whatever race, color or creed were created with equal rights.””
The Church of Scientology’s reply is again non-sequitur and quite frankly makes no sense. What do race, color and creed have to do with sexual orientation?
The Creed of the Church of Scientology does NOT say that “All men of whatever race, color, creed or sexual orientation were created with equal rights.”
So why is the Church of Scientology talking about their Creed when they answer a question about sexual orientation?
Memorialized with screenshots on ESMBR and Instagram at:
According to the doctrine couldn’t these temporary deceased peeps return anytime in future so technically wouldn’t their pc folders need to be kept forever ?
All Chicago Scientologists need to be there? How many is that by their own estimation, 150,000? Must be a huge job!