We have seen in the Thursday Funnies a lot of mentions of Chicago’s “Don’t Miss” event on 11 February.
Someone just sent me this video, obviously produced by SuMP.
Methinks this is an awful lot of effort for a “local” event.
Add to that the fact that they are not announcing WHERE this event is going to be held… “Venue TBD”
These things would indicate Mr. Mickiewicz is planning on yanking his ribbon in Chicago on Feb 11.
They are promoting it like crazy, but cannot say it is “the Grand Opening” because he doesn’t want the outside world to know. Like the New Year’s Event at Flag which was all hush-hush “come and dance on New Year’s Eve” and it was planned for the COB to do the event all along.
If I was a gambling man, I would bet Feb 11 is going to be the ribbon yanking but Miscavige is worried about process servers being present, so nobody is allowed to say it out loud.
Will be interesting to see what sort of activity there is in the building at 642 S. Clark St in the days leading up to Feb 11.
If it is NOT the ribbon yanking, these people are really off their rockers — ordering everyone to attend the most important event ever, but they haven’t got a venue for it?
Does anyone know what didn’t happen after people saved the date? Did a group of superpowwered cultists Save February 11th so that we were able to watch the commercial in the 12th?
1. The fact they didn’t buy a building on Hubbard street, a major street in Chicago, is such a missed opportunity.
2. Maybe this isn’t an opening, maybe Lafayette is back.
3. I bet permits are pretty hard, maybe impossible, to get to shut Clark (a major street) down for a cult event. I checked out the street closure permits – and nothing for the next 30 days on Clark. The sidewalk is pretty shallow and I believe any loitering from a major group would be broken up as a safety concern seeing that they are neighbors to a college.
4. It is a lovely building. I guess if scientology is going to steal tax payer money, I appreciate them renovating and preserving our buildings, even if they stand empty. In 100 years, that building will still be there even if Scientology wont.
5. This weekend will be “warm” mid 40s and sunny – this is a cool area, I am going to hang out and look for miss cabbages.
who set the standards for “ideal orgs” the uncle dave?
Time to get the process servers on the train.
Too damn cold to have an opening.
I think at this event they are going to present the newly minted exec crew trained at Flap.
Will be a staff recruitment event. Woo hoo!
If I were those process servers, I’d get to Chicago *today* and start scoping the place out. Given how DM is such a control freak, he’s probably there now, overseeing the planning and making them drill his appearance and escape.
Look for the child-sized person with a fake mustache who smokes a lot and who everyone seems to be afraid of.
I mean, there’s literally a red ribbon that looks like it’s fluttering down behind the org symbol in the top promo piece. I think you’re right Mike.
Be There. But there is no There there. Okay, I’ll be there or There. I’m confused.
I’m about 5 hours from Chicago and it’s been -0 with awful windchill. What a fun time to throw a party.
I went to the Portland “Ideal Org” event a few years ago and took my camera with a long lens. I had OSA following me the whole time and had a good time disappearing suddenly to F*** with the OSA guy. I took photos of the event from the 4th floor of a nearby parking garage. They claimed that “3500” people had attended, but I was able to actually count the attendance from my photos. It was about 350. Keeping ‘em honest!
Can you be “There?” Wish you could. Would be an interesting count several years of dwindling numbers later.
At least this video is more integrated.
I’m not certain, but I think I may wind up double posting the following. If I have can you delete this one please.
All Scientologists to attend!
Does that include all the millions and millions and millions…of $cusememymindismissingologists currently between reincarnations?
So….. the location is TBD…… where is that? timbukdoo?
Every Scientologist must be there? Does that include Shelly?
I hope someone has directed the attention of certain people seeking David to …Clark Street around Feb 11th. His ego wouldn’t allow him to stay away and if he did, he would admit defeat and look weak. Allowing these “ SP”authorities to get in his way of what is likely the next failed org. How long does anyone give the Chicago location? Will it became a shell just like so many others? How long before David runs away to another country, where he seems to have been funneling people’s money for years? He’s going to run eventually and never come back. Taking peoples hopes, dreams and what would have been their life savings with him.
Unless they airlift him in, he will have to enter the place from the street. I am pushing 70 with a walker and would love to slip under their radar for this cause. We don’t appreciate traffickers in my town.
Anne we would love a report from you!!! Can you take pics?
A great thing to do would be to locate him at the event and then have him shadowed, but “noisily”. On foot, in cars, in airplaines, just keep on his tail. You know, a la OSA’s own “noisy investigations”. Once on his tail, never let him out of sight! Oh, joy!
You never know they might have an invisible and radar proof Wonder Woman style DC8 space plane with vtol capability and added titanium barrels of whisky on board just for the continually marinated Dwunken Miniman.
I’m so glad to no longer be in scientology: watching that video is almost painful. Why does Scientology Media Productions feel the need to cram so much into one tiny video? It is almost dizzying to watch.
Good luck on the Grand Opening, Mr. Mickiewicz. May the process servers find you just as you are about to cut that ribbon. We want lots of pictures of that, too!
They need epilepsy warnings on that video nightmare. It’s as though they’re stuck in the early 2000s, with their video styling. Kinda the video design version of washing windows using newspaper or communicating via telex.
That’s a good one, Kimo.
The video looks like a child created it almost as an afterthought. It’s immature and rather unprofessional.
Epilepsy-inducing, indeed.
They’ve been busy in there! The building is actually 650 s clark. Over the last few years they’ve pulled a ton of city permits, new elevators,windows, security systems, wiring, facade work. This is the place because one of the permits is for a church of scientology sign. Email if you want the property pin # to see yourself.
Chicago is not Floriduh.
One viable tactic is to gather the faithful in a nearby venue.
Dave’s speech will be delivered there, covered by cameras. Another camera crew will be at the building to see the ribbon dropped when the order is given by ‘phone.
The video can all be edited together later.
If anyone tries to serve Dave at the org, he won’t be there, and nobody will know where the venue is until the last moment.
That will do.
Smart! So what you’re saying if I understand correctly is that the people who congregate at the actual Chicago Org location will not actually see Miscavige there in person, but instead they’ll watch a video of him, giving the speech at another location, and only a few will know that location – is that correct? And it will get pieced together to look like he’s actually there but he’s actually somewhere else, and (possibly) not even in Chicago at all!
Clever! Except for one thing; the ribbon doesn’t get dropped, it gets cut. So if Miscavige isn’t actually AT the Org, who cuts the ribbon? Or, does the ribbon get PRE-cut (by him and others) with that being part of the video?
Pretty much – except that the crowed might be ina different place, too.
Dave will give his incoherent speech, and enjoy his standing ovation in front of a crowd in another part of the City at a venue that can be secured. Only Scientologists will be let in.
This place will be revealed to the faithful at the last possible moment, and it will all be over in an hour of so.
At previous openings, the rope Dave pulls isn’t connected to anything. Someone else has the fraught task of releasing the ribbon when he does that, so the only difference this time will be that he’s further away.
I’ve watched two of these things, from the outside, one in the UK and one in the ROI. They are really photo/video shoots and don’t last long.
It can all be edited to give the impression he was there, but process servers won’t find him at the ideal Org.
We know where the ideal Org is. Why, then, announce the place that Scientologists have to go to for the ceremony at the last moment – unless it’s somewhere different?
I will swing by this week and hang out in the Dunkin donuts at street level. Ill stop in all the stores on the block and let them know a dangerous cult is moving in. And Ill leave foundation cards everywhere for the faithful who are finally losing faith!
Thank you
Miscavige doesn’t need a freaking ribbon to open a mOrg. All the doves in Chicago (actually 2 or 3 pigeons) will carry that ribbon up on their little beaks and sing ‘thank you for listening’ to the assembled crowd of 14 people.
Though it was a different time back in my day, this video contains the same sort of signature brand of BS PR that convinced me that my final exit was only a matter of time. It saddens me to think that the only dupes left in the COS lack the self respect to recognize that they’re being jerked off.
Oh, they know, Chris. They know. They just can’t confront it. Too overwhelming.
Mid-February in Chicago. Dave hates Scientologists.
They’ll just conjure up a venue.
The stage will probably be built with a secret floor hatch right over a man hole to Chicago’s massive sewer system. Like magic he will pop up to do his public yanking and then he will disappear into the hole and float down stream where his girl
friend/assistant will pick him up.
If I were rich, really rich, instead of just reading detective fiction I would amuse myself by hiring a band of dedicated, highly skilled and internet savvy detectives with a sophisticated transportation system at their disposal; armored cars, private jets, on the ground gumshoes, etc. to tail Miscavige everywhere, constantly. All legally. Round the clock surveillance. What a hoot that would be. First, they’d have to locate him, and they would. And then, once they located him, they would follow him, shadow him, gumshoe him, drive behind him, fly in their private jets after him in his private jets, just stay with him wherever he would be, for as long as he would be there; moving or stationary, never lose sight of him, ever, for the rest of his life. All in a completely legal way. If I were endlessly rich I would do this.
It seems every event in Scientology is “special” somehow, with at least some newly ginned up claim, bit of propaganda, or new motivational project to be announced to great fanfare. Though the added element of secrecy does seem like it could be something out of the ordinary; but then again maybe they just failed to plan ahead and line up a venue, or are waiting to see how many of their “field” still will show up for events before deciding whether to rent a nice venue or just use something cheap available to them (one major event years ago kicking off what was supposed to be the final campaign, was held at a member’s home and attached business facility).
It does seem likely this could be an opening, though they’re waiting until just the wrong time of year to yank a ribbon off a building if so – the forecast for next Saturday is for it not even to get above freezing. They may be holding their cards close to their chest and don’t even know for certain themselves; Orlando’s opening was postponed at the last minute because they couldn’t get their act together in time.